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Flood Map Modernization 1 1 MIP: SOMA. Flood Map Modernization 2 2 SOMA APPLICATION IN MIP MIP HOME PAGE.

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Presentation on theme: "Flood Map Modernization 1 1 MIP: SOMA. Flood Map Modernization 2 2 SOMA APPLICATION IN MIP MIP HOME PAGE."— Presentation transcript:

1 Flood Map Modernization 1 1 MIP: SOMA


3 Flood Map Modernization 3 3 SOMA APPLICATION IN MIP  Performed outside of the WF  3 places in workflow  Revised WF screens; partially deleted screens  Go to Workbench  Accessibile to all authenticated Study users  Currently defined only by Geography; may limit further, such as by role  Click “SOMA” tab

4 Flood Map Modernization 4 4 SOMA APPLICATION IN MIP  Enter the Study Case Number  For PSOMA:  Start after “Obligate Project Funds” has been completed  Complete by “Distribute Preliminary Products”  For SOMA:  Start after “Determine Community Meetings”  Complete by Distribute LFD letter”; there may be a change with this; change the Prepare LFD letter (remove “Final SOMA Complete” box)  Click “OK”

5 Flood Map Modernization 5 5 SOMA APPLICATION IN MIP  Select a community to view LOMCs  Should not use “Salt Lake County-wide”, not accurate information  LOMCs appear on both city and unicorportated areas if LOMC impacts both  Click “OK”

6 Flood Map Modernization 6 6 SOMA APPLICATION IN MIP  Main screen lists all LOMC for the selected community.  There are also a link to each of the following:  Preliminary SOMA  Final SOMA  Revalidation Letter  Community LOMC List

7 Flood Map Modernization 7 7 SOMA APPLICATION IN MIP  One option to search for LOMCs is by LOMC type and by selecting a specific LOMC type from the drop down list.  Pulls from Community LOMC list; repository for all LOMCs  Send MIPHelp ticket to request LOMCs to be put into the MIP  Looking for LOMAs and LOMRs

8 Flood Map Modernization 8 8 SOMA APPLICATION IN MIP  Search for all LOMCs located on a specific flooding source by entering the name of the flooding source.  Below list: In gray  Shows how many LOMCs have been updated  Fall off list once categorized

9 Flood Map Modernization 9 9 SOMA APPLICATION IN MIP  Search for all LOMCs located on a specific panel by entering the complete map panel number.  All 11 characters

10 Flood Map Modernization 10 SOMA APPLICATION IN MIP  Search for LOMCs for a determination type by selecting the type from the drop down menu.

11 Flood Map Modernization 11 SOMA APPLICATION IN MIP  Highlight a LOMC to begin updating the case.  Information/questions at the bottom show up

12 Flood Map Modernization 12 SOMA APPLICATION IN MIP  Indicate whether or not the case should be included on the SOMA by Selecting “Yes” or “No”.

13 Flood Map Modernization 13 SOMA APPLICATION IN MIP  Select the SOMA category from the dropdown list.

14 Flood Map Modernization 14 SOMA APPLICATION IN MIP  LOMCs that are large enough to map are generally incorporated and therefore placed in Category 1 on the SOMA.  When a LOMC is placed in Category 1:  Enter the New Map Panel(s)  Typed in not a drop- down  Select “No” for Revalidation Required  Add any necessary comments  Save record

15 Flood Map Modernization 15 SOMA APPLICATION IN MIP  Once a LOMC is reviewed and the record is saved a “C” will appear to the left of the case number. This indicates that the review is complete.  Can filter the “C”

16 Flood Map Modernization 16 SOMA APPLICATION IN MIP  LOMCs to be Revalidated should be placed in Category 2 on the SOMA  Enter the New Panel Number(s)  Select the New Zone from the drop down list  Add “Multi”  X (shaded/unshaded)?  Select “Yes” for Revalidation Required  Enter any necessary comments  Save the record

17 Flood Map Modernization 17 SOMA APPLICATION IN MIP  Select the New Zone from the drop down list.

18 Flood Map Modernization 18 SOMA APPLICATION IN MIP  LOMCs to be Superseded should be placed in Category 3 on the SOMA  Select the Reason to Supersede from the drop down list  Select the New Zone  Enter any necessary comments  Save the record

19 Flood Map Modernization 19 SOMA APPLICATION IN MIP  Select the Reason to Superseded from the dropdown list  From a previous database, may have additional reasons

20 Flood Map Modernization 20 SOMA APPLICATION IN MIP  LOMCs to be Reevaluated should be placed in Category 4  Enter the New Panel Number(s)  Select “No” for Revalidation Required  Enter any necessary comments  Save record

21 Flood Map Modernization 21 SOMA APPLICATION IN MIP  To view or print a Preliminary SOMA, Final SOMA, or Revalidation Letter go to your Workbench then select Reports and Form Letters.  Choose “Form Letters” from the Select Report Category drop down menu.

22 Flood Map Modernization 22 SOMA APPLICATION IN MIP To view or print a Preliminary SOMA go to Reports and From Letters  Select Report Category – Form Letters  Select Preliminary Summary of Map Actions (SOMA) from drop down menu

23 Flood Map Modernization 23 SOMA APPLICATION IN MIP  Enter the Project Number  Enter the Community ID number  Click “ Get Report”

24 Flood Map Modernization 24 SOMA APPLICATION IN MIP To view or print a Final SOMA go to Reports and From Letters  Select Report Category – Form Letters  Select Final Summary of Map Actions (SOMA) from drop down menu

25 Flood Map Modernization 25 SOMA APPLICATION IN MIP  Enter the Project Number  Enter the Community ID number  Click “ Get Report”

26 Flood Map Modernization 26 SOMA APPLICATION IN MIP To print a Revalidation Letter go to Reports and From Letters. SP9 had some minor changes to this letter  Select Report Category – Form Letters  Select Letter Revalidation from drop down menu

27 Flood Map Modernization 27 SOMA APPLICATION IN MIP  Enter the Project Number  Enter the Community ID number  Click “ Get Report”

28 Flood Map Modernization 28 Questions & Answers

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