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APEH: Review Quiz #3 Contestants do not forget to… –Always phrase your question in the form of an answer –Hands on your buzzers it is time to play.

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Presentation on theme: "APEH: Review Quiz #3 Contestants do not forget to… –Always phrase your question in the form of an answer –Hands on your buzzers it is time to play."— Presentation transcript:


2 APEH: Review Quiz #3

3 Contestants do not forget to… –Always phrase your question in the form of an answer –Hands on your buzzers it is time to play

4 $100 $300 $500 $200 $100 $500 $300 $500 $100 $500 $200 $400 $100 $400 $200 $500 $100 $400 $200 $300 $200 $400 Enlightenment Wars of the 19th Century EconomicsWorkers Famous Women Final Jeopardy

5 Usually hosted by aristocratic women, these gatherings often featured writers, playwrights, artists, scientists and political thinkers. Enlightenment $100

6 Enlightenment $200 In his book Leviathan, he argued that life for man was "solitary, nasty, brutish and short."

7 In this book Mary Wollstonecraft argued that women needed a primary education in order to participate in the political process. Enlightenment $300

8 This philosophical movement believed that God created the universe, but acted as an absentee landlord in its day- to-day maintenance. Enlightenment $400

9 This German philosopher wrote "Dare to Know!" Enlightenment $500

10 These wars ended with the decisive Battle of Waterloo (1815) and the exile of a celebrated Corsican general. Wars of the 19th Century $100

11 Wars of the 19th Century $200 He declared the birth of the German Empire after defeating France in 1871.

12 Wars of the 19th Century $300 One of the most notable figures from the Crimean War was this British field nurse.

13 Wars of the 19th Century $400 For helping Piedmont-Sardinia fight an 1859 war against Austria, France gained these territories.

14 Wars of the 19th Century $500 This 1899 colonial war featured Britain fighting Dutch Afrikaners in South Africa.

15 Economics $100 This economic system of early modern Europe sought a self-sufficient national economy.

16 Economics $200 This Scottish philosophe used the metaphor of the "invisible hand" to describe the natural law of economics.

17 Economics $300 The French socialist Louis Blanc was influential in establishing these during the Revolution of 1848.

18 Economics $400 It was the economic system used by fascist leaders Mussolini and Hitler.

19 Economics $500 This 20th century British economist called for deficit spending during times of economic hardship.

20 Workers $100 He ended his famous manifesto by calling for "Workers of the world, unite!"

21 Workers $200 This electrician was elected president of Poland in 1989.

22 Workers $300 In the years following the Napoleonic Wars, these British workers were known for smashing industrial machinery and farm equipment.

23 Workers $400 This British working class group of the 1830s and 1840s called for pay for members of Parliament and universal male suffrage.

24 Workers $500 The workers who seized control of Paris in 1871 were known by this name.

25 Famous Women $100 This French queen lost her head in the Reign of Terror.

26 Famous Women $200 She crushed Pugachev's Rebellion in Russia.

27 Famous Women $300 This woman of Florentine ancestry was behind the St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre.

28 Famous Women $400 This French scientist was influential in the discovery of radiation.

29 Famous Women $500 Along with Karl Liebknecht, this woman was a leader of the 1919 Spartacist Revolt in Germany.

30 Enlightenment $100 What were SALONS?

31 Enlightenment $200 Who was THOMAS HOBBES?

32 Enlightenment $300 What was VINDICATION OF THE RIGHTS OF WOMAN?

33 Enlightenment $400 What was DEISM?

34 Enlightenment $500 Who was IMMANUEL KANT?

35 Wars of the 19th Century $100 What were the NAPOLEONIC WARS?

36 Wars of the 19th Century $200 Who was OTTO VON BISMARCK?

37 Wars of the 19th Century $300 Who was FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE?

38 Wars of the 19th Century $400 What were NICE and SAVOY?

39 Wars of the 19th Century $500 What was the BOER WAR?

40 Economics $100 What was MERCANTALISM?

41 Economics $200 Who was ADAM SMITH?

42 Economics $300 What were NATIONAL WORKSHOPS?

43 Economics $400 What was CORPORATISM?

44 Economics $500 Who was JOHN MAYNARD KEYNES?

45 Workers $100 Who was KARL MARX?

46 Workers $200 Who was LECH WALESA?

47 Workers $300 Who were the LUDDITES?

48 Workers $400 Who were the CHARTISTS?

49 Workers $500 What were the COMMUNARDS?

50 Famous Women $100 Who was MARIE ANTOINETTE?

51 Famous Women $200 Who was CATHERINE THE GREAT?

52 Famous Women $300 Who was CATHERINE DE MEDICI.

53 Famous Women $400 Who was MARIE CURIE?

54 Famous Women $500 Who was ROSA LUXEMBURG?

55 Final Jeopardy Category is …... Art History Make your wagers please ….

56 FINAL The sculpture pictured here was the work of this Baroque artist. ANSWER

57 What is Who was Bernini.

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