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Astana 2009 Customs Control Committee Ministry of Finance Republic of Kazakhstan Integrated Border Management 1.

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1 Astana 2009 Customs Control Committee Ministry of Finance Republic of Kazakhstan Integrated Border Management 1

2 транспортный контроль Frontier control Transport control veterinary, phytosanitary control Sanitary- epidemiologic control Customs control Process of Border Controls Process of Border Controls Border Guard of KZ Committee of National Security KZ Ministry of transportKZ Ministry of AgricultureKZ Ministry of Health KZ Customs Control Committee 2

3 - doubling of certain operations by controlling authorities; - delays of cargo due to reiterated formal check of documents; - «vague» responsibility of the government authorities for the general situation at the border-crossing points; - lack of full-fledged online control and coordination by the central headquarters of controlling authorities Drawbacks of the Present Controls at the Border 3

4 -mplementation of the “Single Window” and “One- Stop” concepts; - implementation of the “Single Window” and “One- Stop” concepts; - reduction of control bodies at BCP to delegate powers to Customs. - reduction of control bodies at BCP to delegate powers to Customs. IBM Objectives 4

5 - amend the Kazakh legislation so that to authorise Customs with transport, veterinary-phytosanitary, sanitary-epidemiologic control functions at the automobile BCPs; - accommodate officers of ministries and agencies at the Center of Operative Management of the Customs Control Committee (COM CCC) to monitor cargo crossing the automobile BCPs along the perimeter of Kazakhstan. Measures for IBM Implementation 5

6 Territorial subdivisions of Ministry of Agriculture: veterinary-sanitary control, and control on plant quarantine (seconded to Customs) Customs: customs control; transport control (Ministry of Transport); sanitary- quarantine control (Ministry of Health) The Customs ensures coordination of activities related to movement of goods and vehicles across the customs border of Kazakhstan Controlling Functions at the Automobile BCPs 6

7 1)control the observance of the permit system requirements; 2) control the compliance of carriers with the luggage and passenger transportation regulations; 3) control the compliance of carriers with the rolling stock requirements; 4) control the passage of vehicles through the territory Kazakhstan, including compliance of domestic and foreign carriers with admissible weight and size parameters of vehicles; 5) control the compliance of the motor vehicle drivers with work-rest regime; 7 Functions to be Laid on Customs (1)

8 6) control the compliance of the installed fuel tank with manufacturer’s standards; 7) control the availability of licences for the regular international motorised passenger transportation; 8) register a temporary entry of the foreign motor vehicles and issue entry registration talons 8 Functions to be Laid on Customs (2)

9 1)control the availability of permits with regard to sanitary-epidemiologic welfare of population and food safety; 2) control the compliance of natural and legal entities with the KZ laws related to sanitary-epidemiologic welfare of population and food safety; 3) examine administrative cases in line with the legislative acts of Kazakhstan related to sanitary-epidemiologic control. 9 Functions to be Laid on Customs (3)

10 1 Use of COM CCC as a Single Remote Monitoring cEnter BCP Transport controlTraffic policeSanitary- epidemiologic control CCC COM Customs control KZ CCC KZ Ministry of transport KZ Ministry of internal affairs KZ Ministry of agriculture KZ Ministry of Health Remote control by the government authorities operators Veterinary control Phytosanitary control 10

11 - improvement of controls by government authorities; - improvement of controls by government authorities; - acceleration of customs procedures at border- crossing points; - effectivisation of control of movement of goods and vehicles - effectivisation of control of movement of goods and vehicles Steps Will Facilitate: 11

12 Advance information Registration of advance information Scanned documents Resolution on correctness of controls Process of passing controls at automobile BCP Process of passing controls at automobile BCP border crossing point Operators of concerned ministries and agencies trader Customs body of clearance COM CCC Territorial subdivisions of concerned ministries and agencies 12

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