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The Local Evaluation: A Brief Overview Becca Sanders, M.S.W., Ph.D. Program Evaluator

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1 The Local Evaluation: A Brief Overview Becca Sanders, M.S.W., Ph.D. Program Evaluator

2 Training Objectives The Local Evaluation What is “it”? Why does “it” matter?

3 Local Evaluation Goals In a Nutshell: Help figure out if good “stuff” is happening in our System of Care. If not, why not? If not, what to do about it? Tis not a thing! There is no it! No such nutshell! Does not fit!

4 Local Evaluation Goals In an Expanded Nutshell: Is youth functioning increasing? Family, Community, School Are services? Timely, Effective, Helping the “right” folks Is system operating in accordance with a set of (SOC) principles? Coordinated Strength Based User Friendly Simplified Responsive Families as Equal Partners Cultural and Linguistic Competence Continuous Quality Improvement

5 Local Evaluation Efforts The Local Evaluation Drives a 3-Car Train: Train Car #1: The Local Data Reporting Car Train Car #2: The Local Data Collection/ Analysis Car Train Car #3: The Local Data Technical Assistance Car

6 Data Reporting: What does it look like now? Stakeholder identifies reporting content Evaluators run data/ develop a draft report Draft report goes out to 15+ stakeholders for review Evaluators receive feedback/ make suggested changes Data disseminated electronically 75+ stakeholders On a listserv Currently On Board: Monthly Reports Posted on the KWRAPS Evaluation Website Evaluator as Waitress: get the order right or we’ll send it back…

7 Data Reporting: What does it look like in the future? Data disseminated a number of different ways Use data to Modify/ Improve/ $Maintain$ System of Care: Quality Improvement to Achieve Better Outcomes DATA-BASED DIALOGUE More Catering More Requests for Data Different Reporting Formats Annual Report Individual Family Reports Clinical Reports Regular QI Process More Interpretation Identify Data Needs

8 Data Reporting Features Catered –Right off an open menu Stakeholder Driven –Topics generated in the field Accessible –Jargon free –Easy to interpret Relevant –To “the Big Picture” (sans nutshell) –To goals of the Local Evaluation In Accordance with System of Care Principles Open Door Policy

9 Local Data Collection/ Analysis What does it Look Like? Currently On Board: Positive Behavior and Literacy Support Child and Adolescent Functional Assessment Scale Bought the Ticket: Wraparound Integrity Tool Stigma Measures Still Planning the Trip: Youth and Family as Equal Partners Cultural and Linguistic Competence Assessment

10 Local Data Collection/ Analysis Features Locally Sourced –Part of local efforts; multi-system sourcing Locally Housed –Transient piles –Various networks –Various agencies –Not yet collected Data piece will live on after grant ends –Central role in creating culture of continuous quality improvement

11 Data-Related Technical Assistance Partners at Various Stages: (On Board, Bought the Ticket, Planning the Trip) 1) What data do we have? 2) How can evaluation help your efforts? –Reporting –Measurement 3) How to analyze/ interpret data?

12 Who Drives the Train? Why is it Important? The Evaluation Workgroup –Integrative Active Team subcommittee –Broad array of stakeholders (15+) –Meet quarterly –Largely electronic correspondence Describing Improving Sustaining

13 Ways to Get On Board Enhance the Data Dialogue Sign up for the listserv –Notification of monthly report posting on web Read Reports, Ask Questions Request a Topic/ Report Request a Presentation Request Technical Assistance Open Door Policy! I’ll come to you!

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