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Science Reflection By Joshua Song. Cover Letter There are many things that I learned this year. Somethings that I learned is the 4 major spheres of earth.

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Presentation on theme: "Science Reflection By Joshua Song. Cover Letter There are many things that I learned this year. Somethings that I learned is the 4 major spheres of earth."— Presentation transcript:

1 Science Reflection By Joshua Song

2 Cover Letter There are many things that I learned this year. Somethings that I learned is the 4 major spheres of earth. Also learned how to draw a Bohr’s diagram with the protons and electrons, the last thing that I learned is how to make a graph on the Atlantic Ocean. My favorite part of science is the videos that we see in class like Science Friday because that is basically the fun fact of the week. My least favorite part of science is the worksheets that are given in class. Even though the worksheets require reading and a lot of work I still do it even if I hate it a lot.

3 Reflection #1 On a scale of 1-5 (5 being the best) rate yourself on your ability to complete all the assignments for class. Why? I give myself a 5 because my ability to complete assignments on time or before is agreeable because I turn in all assignments before or on time and never had late work.

4 Reflection #2 On a scale of 1-5 (5being the best) rate yourself on your class time effort and positive contributions to class discussions. Why? I give myself a 4 because I use most of my class time to work on assignments or projects, but sometimes I could get off task. I sometimes contribute to class discussions, so I need to contribute more on class discussions.

5 Reflection #3 On a scale of 1-5 (5being the best) rate yourself on your ability to work with others in class. Why? I give myself a 4 because when I chose someone to work with other than my friends, I can work really hard, but if I work with friends I sometimes tend to lose focus.

6 Reflection #4 On a scale of 1-5 (5 being the best) describe items you want to improve upon for the next quarter/year. Why? I give myself a 4 in turning projects or assignments in early because I try my best to turn them in early, but sometimes I don’t. If I turn every project early my time management would improve and also my grades would improve.

7 Reflection #5 On a scale of 1-5 (5 being the best) describe what when well in the school year. Why? I give myself a 5 on taking notes on videos because I’m a visual person so I like to see what I’m going to do and what I about to learn about.


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