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Team PEACE Peace Education Aimed at Children Everywhere Sophomore Gemstone Proposal Christopher ChewChristina Ferrari Patrick HughesElizabeth Jia Joshua.

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Presentation on theme: "Team PEACE Peace Education Aimed at Children Everywhere Sophomore Gemstone Proposal Christopher ChewChristina Ferrari Patrick HughesElizabeth Jia Joshua."— Presentation transcript:

1 Team PEACE Peace Education Aimed at Children Everywhere Sophomore Gemstone Proposal Christopher ChewChristina Ferrari Patrick HughesElizabeth Jia Joshua KahnAparna Kothary Lauranne LanzSean McGrew Rachel MillerHolly Schurter Jenna Spitale Mentor: Dr. Jing Lin

2 Slide: 2/10 Introduction Need for Study –Violence in Society Current Global Situation Children Exposed to Violence –Violence in Education Focus on Wars Textbook and Curriculum Bias Goals of Study –Create own Lesson Plans –Implement Program –Test impact on knowledge, attitudes, actions –A Springboard for the future

3 Slide: 3/10 Lit Review Defining Peace Education Theories of Peace Education Types of Peace Education Existing Peace Education Materials What does this mean for our team?

4 Slide: 4/10 Research Questions Overall question: –How will our peace studies lesson plans impact students’ awareness, attitudes, and actions concerning peace? Pre development –What do children need to learn? –What specifically will be included? –What age group will benefit most? –What format will the lessons take? Implementation and Analysis –What are the effects on students? In the classroom Outside of school –How will students respond to the program?

5 Slide: 5/10 Timeline Teacher surveys Researching existing peace curricula and history Writing our lesson plans Find a school Implementation –Pre-Test –Teaching –Post-Tests Analysis of Data Begin writing thesis  April to May  Through September  End of October  October  Junior Spring  Mid-Junior Spring  End of Junior Spring  Senior Fall

6 Slide: 6/10 Research Methods Survey Research –Use of questions to gather information –Choice of topics, existing programs, uniqueness Content Analysis –Search for patterns in existing literature –Choice of topics, existing curricula, teaching methods Quasi-Experimental –Treatment and observation without random assignment –Pre-test, teaching, post-test

7 Slide: 7/10 Issues of Validity High internal validity Lower external validity –however, generalization is not our aim Student Sample –not representative –not very large –not randomly assigned Uncontrollable Variables –home environment –students’ predispositions Potential Biases –using ‘blind’ procedure Use Pre- and Post-test to measure change –make sure tools are finely tuned

8 Slide: 8/10 Teacher Survey Who are we targeting? –4th/ 5th grade teachers in Prince George’s County Why are we conducting this survey? –Determine what experience they have had with peace education programs –Determine what topics can be integrated most effectively –Understand the educational approaches that will be most conducive to teaching a peace education supplement Sample Questions: –Do you think a peace education curriculum supplement could be integrated effectively into your existing curriculum? (YES/NO) –What types of educational activities/approaches do your students benefit from and enjoy the most? –What level of support do you anticipate from parents/guardians regarding the implementation of a peace education curriculum supplement? 12345 (Low) (Medium) (High)

9 Slide: 9/10 Lesson Plans Content –Martin Luther King, Jr. –Gandhi –Dalai Lama, Mother Theresa, other Peace Leaders –Wars & Peace Movements in US History –Conscientious Objectors –International Organizations (UN, UNICEF, etc.) –South Africa –Civil Rights –Anti-Nuclear –Native Americans Activities –Reading Time – Art –Peace Journal – Eras of Peace –Discourse with Parents – Oral History –Current Events – Role playing

10 Slide: 10/10 The End

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