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1. Write down and underline today’s date 2. leave a line for the TITLE 3. Draw two stick people, with the space between them dependant on the situation.

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Presentation on theme: "1. Write down and underline today’s date 2. leave a line for the TITLE 3. Draw two stick people, with the space between them dependant on the situation."— Presentation transcript:

1 1. Write down and underline today’s date 2. leave a line for the TITLE 3. Draw two stick people, with the space between them dependant on the situation below (pick one!): Lesson Information A king and his subject Best friends celebrating Friends sharing a secret Friends who don’t trust each other anymore  EXT. would it still work if they were placed closer/further away? Why/ why not?

2 To select and retrieve information in order to deduce and infer. Lesson Objective Learning Objective Must Level 4 Could Level 6 Should Level 5

3 Key Stage 3 AFs AFs Reading Assessment Focus Two (AF2) I am able to understand and pick out the appropriate quote, event or idea from a text and use PEE to demonstrate my understanding. Reading Assessment Focus Three (AF3) I can read and understand meaning that is only hinted at.

4 Task: Read the extract and then answer the questions using EVIDENCE from the text! 1.WHO do you think characters A and B are? What is their relationship? 2.WHO do you think has the power? 3.WHAT do you think is happening? 4.WHERE is this taking place? 5.WHEN is this happening? 6.WHY is this happening?  EXT1. what is the distance between your stick people now? Add expressions to their faces this time! OR  EXT2. what questions do YOU have about this extract? For any LANGUAGE questions, try a dictionary first. REMEMBER: Explain your answer in detail Write in full sentences Copy a line from the text to back up your answer, where necessary

5 Reflect To select and retrieve information in order to deduce and infer. Levels 456 How are we doing so far? Write a comment in your book to say where you think you are up to so far. What level are you working at? Be ready to feed back if asked. EVIDENCE: Picked quotes “…” EXPLAINED how you worked out your POINT based on the EVIDENCE Read between the lines and CONSIDERED characters' feelings to come up with an answer

6 Macbeth, Act 2 scene 2, page 71 A = Lady Macbeth, B= Macbeth What has actually happened… LADY MACBETH has drugged the servants and they’ve fallen asleep! This means they can’t protect KING DUNCAN… Add the title, Macbeth! A: “…the surfeited grooms Do mock their charge with snores. I have drugged their possets…”

7 Macbeth, Act 2 scene 2, page 71 A = Lady Macbeth, B= Macbeth What has actually happened… LADY MACBETH says she stole the servants’ daggers and put them somewhere her husband, MACBETH, could find them, ready for the murder. She says she would have killed KING DUNCAN if he didn’t look like her dad… Macbeth! Act 2 scene 2 A: I laid their daggers ready; He could not miss them. Had he not resembled My father as he slept, I had done ’t. - My husband!

8 Macbeth, Act 2 scene 2, page 71 A = Lady Macbeth, B= Macbeth What has actually happened… MACBETH confirms he has killed KING DUNCAN. 1.Look at the second line. How is Macbeth feeling? Is this what you would expect? 2.What is Lady Macbeth’s attitude in the last line? Macbeth! Act 2 scene 2 B: I have done the deed. … [Looking on his hands] This is a sorry sight.

9 Speculate! What are the possible motives for the murder of King Duncan? MotiveDiscussion: likely or unlikely?

10 News report! You have been sent to the Macbeths’ castle to report upon the murder of the country’s ruler, King Duncan. No arrests have been made. Lord and Lady Macbeth appear to be in a state of shock and claim to have no idea how this happened on their property. You can Use only what you know from the text Interview relevant people

11 Writing a newspaper report Tsunami alert after earthquake Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre issues alert for south Pacific By Jack Smith, correspondent in the Pacific Yesterday, a magnitude 8.0 earthquake off the Solomon Islands has sparked a tsunami warning for the island nations of the south Pacific, with houses reported damaged in the Solomons. The earthquake struck off the Santa Cruz islands, which are Solomons territory. The epicentre was 211 miles east of Kira. The US Geological Survey initially put the quake epicentre at a very shallow depth of three miles but later revised this to a much greater depth of 17.8 miles. Local officials reported two 1.5-metre waves hitting the western side of Santa Cruz Island in the Solomons, damaging about 50 homes and properties. There were no reports of injuries or deaths. Villagers had gone to higher ground as a precaution. Tsunami warning centre officials, based in Hawaii, said: "When damaging waves have not occurred for at least two hours then local authorities can assume the threat of tsunami has passed.“ Atenia Tahu, who works for the Solomon Islands Broadcasting Corporation in Honiara, said that most people remained calm. Emergency service are to remain on high alert and local people are being urged to take care when returning to damaged property. Headline Byline Lead paragraph Body Concluding paragraph Direct quote. Introduced with a comma or colon. Uses speech marks. Reported speech. Use of that. A broad range of general information. What? – earthquake and tsunami Where? – Solomon Islands When? – yesterday Who? – Pacific islanders Specific detail about the earthquake Technical/specific vocabulary Specific detail about the tsunami Technical /specific vocabulary General statement to conclude Third person verbs Mainly past tense Impersonal writing Use of commas to add detail

12 Look over the work which you have completed today: Did you select key information for your report? Have you made any deductions from the information which you have retrieved? Did you make any inferences? Where they based on evidence? Try to suggest an improvement which you could make in order to reach higher levels. Self Assessment To select and retrieve information in order to deduce and infer. Levels 456

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