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DOM Main Board Rev 3/Rev 4 Status December 2, 2003 Gerald Przybylski Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

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Presentation on theme: "DOM Main Board Rev 3/Rev 4 Status December 2, 2003 Gerald Przybylski Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory."— Presentation transcript:

1 DOM Main Board Rev 3/Rev 4 Status December 2, 2003 Gerald Przybylski Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

2 Major Rev 3 Goals Booting to –50°C, or colder Memory Interface Layout PMT Waveform integrity: Ringing, Clamping, Baseline Bounce Component Substitutions  Deferred: -- Front-End Pulser -- Local Coincidence

3 We’re On Track

4 Rev 3 First Items (4) Boot at -70°C, measured by on-board sensor: from Flash and from Configuration Memory Memory test OK at -50°C, at 40 MHz, long term... Good PMT waveforms. Good clamping. No bounce. Perfect MB – to – Delay board fit Power Under 3W (at CPU @ 80MHz & Memory @ 40MHz) 2 boards: -60°C, 160 MHz CPU, 125 MHz Mem RAP at -60°C

5 Rev 3 Problems PC Fab House Testing Failure Shorts on Top Layer: 2 pcs. 4 shorts Two New Schematic Errors (Mentor/EDIF) Loading/Bill-of-Materials errors Two Footprint errors (QFP-100, Oscillator) Minor, but Unsightly Quirks in Front-End Pulser Waveform - product/brand dependency - Suppressible

6 Rev 4 Changes Component Value Changes -- optimizations -- schematic corrections Power Supply Load Balancing (One trace, one resistor) On-Board LED Pulser Power (Several parts) Component Substitutions for Reliability, - A few; mainly inductors… 99% finalized - Availability issues Front End Pulser Corrections Layout Design Rule Optimizations

7 Open Issues Chevette vs. Buick vs. Cadillac quality PCBs ( Class 1, 2, 3) Verification (Qualtest) Split between LBNL and UW e.g. Thermal Cycling: How many? What range? e.g. Vibration Testing: What acceleration? Where? e.g. Humidity: Will UW measure RH at -40°C? at -70°C?? in purged and sealed DOM… (VP H 2 O 0.002mm Hg@-70°C vs. 0.1mm Hg@-40°C vs. 24mm Hg@25°C) >> No problem, says RI…<< Design for EMS, when mature (what measure of maturity?)

8 Late Breaking News Receiving & Testing 12 More Rev 3 Boards - 6 Evenstar boards, 6 Data Circuits boards - Looking good so far; Many loading changes in batch Rev 4 Schematic Updates In Progress - 90% of schematic pages to date - Few additional Components. - Working from Detailed List; Configuration Control

9 Rev 4 schedule Ongoing test stand parallel development (STF) -- To be available 1/23 -- Move to room 50a-6105 11/21Modification Review/approval of Spreadsheet and File III 11/25 Design rules Review  12/15 - 12/19 “line-by-line” Reviews  12/24 - 1/6 Fab  1/7 - 1/20 Assembly  1/23 - 2/19 Acceptance Testing at LBNL (STF based)  2/20 First 20 cards to UW  2/23 - 5/21 integration at UW, verification testing at UW and LBNL

10 The End

11 Changes Spreadsheet Bob… you can change this link to point to your copy of the changes spreadsheet

12 Digital Optical Module Block Diagram FPGA CPU CPLD Flash PMT Power SDRAM ATWD fADCDAC Monitor & Control LPF LC x16 x2 x0.25 Flasher Board Pulser DACs & ADCs Corning Frequency Ctl (was Toyocom) 4Mb 16Mb +/-5V, 3.3V, 2.5V, 1.8V 64 Bytes Trigger (2) ADC Oscillator 20 MHz 40 MHz MUX (n+1) (n–1) DOR OB-LED x 2.6 x 9 10b 8b 32b 16b 8b 8b, 10b, 12b DP Ram 1 megabaud DC-DC Configuration Device 8Mbit Delay

13 DOM FPGA Block Diagram ATWD Readout Engine Communications Engine Control & Status Registers

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