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ECE 875: Electronic Devices Prof. Virginia Ayres Electrical & Computer Engineering Michigan State University

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Presentation on theme: "ECE 875: Electronic Devices Prof. Virginia Ayres Electrical & Computer Engineering Michigan State University"— Presentation transcript:

1 ECE 875: Electronic Devices Prof. Virginia Ayres Electrical & Computer Engineering Michigan State University

2 VM Ayres, ECE875, S14 Chp 03: metal-semiconductor junction Currents: I-V / J-V measurements: discussion of part b (not assigned) in Pr. 3.08 on board to introduce thermionic emission model for I-V (or J-V) Thermionic emission model: where from Lecture 23, 10 Mar 14

3 Pr. 3.08: Use: X 1/10 10 VM Ayres, ECE875, S14

4 Thermionic emission model for J

5 VM Ayres, ECE875, S14 Chp 03: metal-semiconductor junction Currents: I-V / J-V measurements: discussion of part b (not assigned) in Pr. 3.08 on board to introduce thermionic emission model for I-V (or J-V) Thermionic emission model: where from Lecture 23, 10 Mar 14

6 Width Height Barrier width versus height maximally affect different types of transport which are energy-dependant VM Ayres, ECE875, S14

7 1. Thermionic emission (enough energy compared with height: q  Bn is critical) 2. Tunnelling (W D is critical) Dotted line: Both 1. and 2. can be going on at the same time VM Ayres, ECE875, S14

8 3. J rec 4. diffusion of electrons 5. diffusion of holes VM Ayres, ECE875, S14

9 5. diffusion of holes VM Ayres, ECE875, S14 4. diffusion of electrons

10 Thermionic emission model for transport: VM Ayres, ECE875, S14 enough energy above E C compared with barrier height q  n is critical

11 Start: ECEC Need to put dn in terms of v x

12 N(E): 3Df(E): “hot”: non-degenerate

13 So far: dn is now in terms of dv

14 v is 3D: e- moving in any direction. Still need to pick out the transport direction in x

15 See next slide for helpful integrals Note that k = k B = 1.38 x 10 -23 J/K


17 Are you done? No. You need to re-write the contact potential in terms of the barrier height Requirement on the KE/velocity in the transport direction x:

18 Note: current direction is going the other way. No bias on metal side: V = 0 Current density from metal into semiconductor:

19 J TE = J TE-sat = J TE = J s->m + J m->s Total Thermionic Current density: = {J TE-sat } Now you are done.

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