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Warm Up: No Calc 1. Find all asymptotes for (A) x=1, x=-1, y=1 (B) x=1, y=1(C) x=1, x=-1, y=0 (D) x=1, x=-1(E) y=1 2. 3. Use properties of logarithms.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up: No Calc 1. Find all asymptotes for (A) x=1, x=-1, y=1 (B) x=1, y=1(C) x=1, x=-1, y=0 (D) x=1, x=-1(E) y=1 2. 3. Use properties of logarithms."— Presentation transcript:


2 Warm Up: No Calc 1. Find all asymptotes for (A) x=1, x=-1, y=1 (B) x=1, y=1(C) x=1, x=-1, y=0 (D) x=1, x=-1(E) y=1 2. 3. Use properties of logarithms to decide which of the following is largest. Pick up new packet!

3 If we increase the number of sides of the polygon, what can you say about the polygon with respect to the circle?

4 What is a limit? Limit is the value of Y as X approaches a given #:

5 3 Kinds of Limits: Left – Hand Limit As x approaches from the left side of c Right – Hand Limit As x approaches from the right side of c. Limit (double – sided) As X approaches c from either direction. Only exists if left- hand and right-hand are the same.

6 When do limits not exist? DNE Video

7 THM: Existence of a Limit

8 Example 1: Find the following limits


10 Practice

11 11 1-1- 1 0

12 00 0- 0 -3

13 -2  -2- -2 2

14 Grab a graphing board, marker, and towel







21 Limit Properties These are important!

22 Limits to Know Let b & c be real numbers and let n be a positive integer. 1. The limit of a constant function is the constant. 2. The limit at any x-value on the line y=x IS the x-value itself. 3. The limit at any x-value of any function of the form y = x n is the x-value raised to the nth power.

23 Practice:

24 Properties of Limits Let b & c be real # and n a positive int. and Scalar multiple Sum or Differ. Product Quotient Power

25 Practice 1. 2.

26 Another nice thing about limits… They help us find holes in the graph. Ex: What will happen at x=1?

27 x. f(x)?

28 While f(1) D.N.E., as x moves arbitrarily close to 1 from the left and right, f(x) moves arbitrarily close to 3. “The limit of f(x) as x approaches 1 is 3”

29 Example: Graph

30 Homework: pg. 65 (1 – 4, 37 – 48, 79-82) Packet pg. 1

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