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Photo 2 5.51” x 10.31” Position x: 8.53”, y:.18” Photo 1 4.2” x 10.31” Position x: 4.36”, y:.18” Global Conservation Fund (GCF) May 2010 Effectiveness.

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Presentation on theme: "Photo 2 5.51” x 10.31” Position x: 8.53”, y:.18” Photo 1 4.2” x 10.31” Position x: 4.36”, y:.18” Global Conservation Fund (GCF) May 2010 Effectiveness."— Presentation transcript:

1 Photo 2 5.51” x 10.31” Position x: 8.53”, y:.18” Photo 1 4.2” x 10.31” Position x: 4.36”, y:.18” Global Conservation Fund (GCF) May 2010 Effectiveness monitoring


3 Photo 1 4.19” x 10.31” Position x: 8.74”, y:.18” Why a successful model? -Developed in collaboration between donor and grantee -Serves multiple ends/needs -Clear objective setting at portfolio and project levels at appropriate time scales (the purpose!!) -Cost effective (<2K/PA/yr)

4 Photo 1 4.19” x 10.31” Position x: 8.74”, y:.18” Global Conservation Fund The Global Conservation Fund finances the creation, expansion, and long-term management of protected areas in the world’s biodiversity hotspots, high- biodiversity wilderness areas, and important marine regions. - Creation and expansion of PAs - Effective management - Financial viability

5 Photo 1 4.19” x 10.31” Position x: 8.74”, y:.18” Purpose of monitoring To understand whether the protected areas GCF has invested in are: Sufficiently financed in order to cover recurring protected area management costs (financial sustainability) Effectively managed to achieve conservation (biodiversity conservation) * also monitor GCF efficiency as a Fund

6 Monitoring framework: Portfolio level ~110 PAs ~30 projects / funds Biodiversity Conservation Financial Sustainability Underlying structure (process) Outcome (result) Protected area management effectiveness Successful biodiversity conservation e.g., deforestation Management indicators Effective fund management Adequate financing Financial return on investment & flow of funds to protected areas GoalMeasured by GoalMeasured by

7 Underlying structures (process)

8 What success looks like!!

9 Portfolio management (to target TA)

10 Conservation Results: Harapan CC Area (without buffer): 1,013 km2 Deforestation Rate for project site 1990-2000: 0.64% per year Buffer Area: 3,907 km2 Deforestation Rate for buffered area 1990-2000: 8.26% per year Total carbon stored: 83,648,475 t CO2 e Estimated emissions avoided: 5,182,023 t CO2 e

11 Financial Results: Portfolio

12 Photo 1 4.19” x 10.31” Position x: 8.74”, y:.18” Challenges -Start up cost (time burden - required months of dialogue between GCF and GBMF) -Requires technical capacity and considerable support -Results focus is a major shift in thinking - needs to be acknowledged

13 Photo 1 4.19” x 10.31” Position x: 8.74”, y:.18” Opportunities -Design for utility to grantee, donor/grantee, and donor -Cost efficient -Model for PAs and can be applied to conservation projects generally -Need to articulate clear results to avoid the dung beetle dillema

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