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Princes Nora Bint Abdul Rahman University Dept. of Computer & Information Sciences CS 206D Computer Organization Course Introduction.

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1 Princes Nora Bint Abdul Rahman University Dept. of Computer & Information Sciences CS 206D Computer Organization Course Introduction

2  Lecturer: Yasmeen Albarrak  Office: 2.505.21  e-mail:  Credit Hours: 3  Course web site:

3  “ Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach”, 4th Edition  John Hennessy, David Patterson.  Assembly Language for x86 Processors, 6th edition, by Kip R. Irvine, Prentice Hall, 2012  Assembly Language Programming and Organization of the IBM PC, Ytha Yu and Charles Marut

4 Percentage from overall grade Grade Assessment Week Assessment method 5%56 Quiz 10%107 MID1 15%1512 MID2 15%15 After the end of each chapter Lab attendance &participation + assessments 15%15 Final Lab 40%40 Final

5  Part I : Computer organization  Part II: Assembly Language I/O systemProcessor Compiler Operating System (Unix; Windows 9x) Application (Netscape) Digital Design Circuit Design Instruction Set Architecture Datapath & Control transistors, IC layout Memory Hardware Software Assembler CS 206 D

6  Explains how computers are designed and how does it work.  The components of a microcomputer system (Memory types, CPU, Buses, I/O Ports).  Instruction Execution Cycle.  Microcomputer architecture.  Processor architecture – instruction types, register sets, addressing modes and basic Instructions.

7  Introduction to the IBM PC assembly language (syntax, Variables..etc)  The Processor Status and the FLAGS Registers.  Flow Control Instructions.  Logic Shift and Rotate Instructions.  Multiplication and Division instructions.  Array and addressing Modes.

8 Machine Language Assembly Language High-Level Language Collection of binarySymbolic form of machine Combines algebraic numbersencodedlanguage (i.e. symbolic expressions & symbols taken Data andnames are used to represent from English language instructionsoperations, registers & (ex. Pascal, COBOL memory locations) FORTRAN, …etc) Ex.Ex. Ex. 10100001 00000000 00000000MOV AX,A A = A + 4 00000101 00000100 00000000ADD AX,4 10100011 00000000 00000000MOV A,AX

9 Machine Language Assembly Language High-Level Language Directly understood by aAssembler Compiler (or interpreter) computerconverts to machine converts to machine language 1 assembly language 1 HLL instruction = many instruction = 1 machine machine language language instruction instructions Not standard (i.e. differentNot standard (i.e. different Standard (i.e. programs are machine language forassembly language for independent of the machine every ISA for every type of machine) on which they will be Computer family) executed)

10 Advantages of Assembly Language Performance: A well-written Assembly language program produces a faster, shorter machine language program. For Some applications speed and size is critical Access to hardware: Some operations, such as reading or writing to specific memory locations & I/O ports can be done easily in Assembly but may be impossible by a higher level language. Studying ASM language gain a feeling of the way the computer thinks and the ways that things are happen inside the computer.

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