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Online Safety By, Tori.

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Presentation on theme: "Online Safety By, Tori."— Presentation transcript:

1 Online Safety By, Tori

2 What kind of information is ok to put on the internet
These are the type of information to put out in the open 1. A fake username ,2.your favorite food,3. your favorite sport, 4.and your favorite animal.

3 4 examples of private information that should not be posted or given out.
Four types of personal information is 1. Where you live 2. If you’re a boy or a girl 3. And your age. With any of that information the online predator can look you up or they can see were you live and what your name is and also never tell anybody any phone number on the internet.

4 If you ever get involved in a chat room conversation that makes you feel uncomfortable or in danger for any reason you should do this. You should ether tell an adult or leave the chat room ,then tell an adult and never say anything mean back because then they know that they can intimidate you or they know that they can hurt you in many ways.

5 You or a student can reduce the risk of being targeted by an online predator by,
By not being friends with people that you don’t know on an internet social networking site or you don’t subscribe to the adds that pop up on the screen because there ether viruses or their ether people who just want your money.

6 Two ways you and other students can reduce the risk of being targeted by an online predator is the following. You or a student can reduce the risk of being targeted by an online predator by not being friends with people that you don’t know or you don’t subscribe to the adds that pop up on the screen because there just viruses or their ether people who just want your money.

7 Three safety tips that I learned about through my research is.
Three safety tips that I learn about online safety is that one never use your name in any username or any password second is that you should never start a relationship with someone over the internet. Three, never tell any one that you don’t know you address, Fourth, never tell your first and last name to anyone, and if you’re a boy or a girl, and also your cell or home phone number.

8 When creating a screen name, you should consider some of these options.
When creating a screen name you should put something to do with you favorite food, game, song, or just any thing that doesn’t relate to something personal. Example: cupcake127892, pizza015268, puppylover167934, or cats09375.

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