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OOI CI A&S (modeling) Yi Chao 626-602-6186)

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Presentation on theme: "OOI CI A&S (modeling) Yi Chao 626-602-6186)"— Presentation transcript:

1 OOI CI A&S (modeling) Yi Chao (; 626-602-6186)

2 A&S (modeling) Team Yi Chao (funded through ASA), Designer Developer at JPL (Dr. Peggy Li), not on contract yet, maybe soon through UCLA, thanks Matt! Developer at UCSD (TBD) With help from John and Michael (UCSD)

3 A Brief Introduction Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Caltech (1993-2011) – Satellite oceanography (Aquarius, 2011-) – Ocean modeling, data assimilation and nowcast/forecast/hindcast (MOM, POP, ROMS) Joint Institute for Regional Earth System Science and Engineering (JIFRESSE), UCLA (2007-present) Remote Sensing Solutions, Inc. (2012-present) – Satellite oceanography, ocean modeling Seatrec, Inc. (2012-present) – Self-powered robotic technology

4 Core Capabilities Satellite data Modeling – NASA, USGS – NOAA IOOS: SCCOOS, CeNCOOS, AOOS Data and model integration through field experiments – AOSN 2003, ASAP 2006, PWS 2009, CI 2009, OCSD 2012, SPURS 2012 On-demand/interactive analysis and modeling Experience with oceanographic users (particularly modeling) community

5 CI Capabilities & Integration Data (model output) standard, format, management, archive Visualization (point data, 2D cross-section, 2D map, 3D+time) Computing (parallel computing using 100s processors, routine, on-demand) Workflow ……

6 R3 A&S (modeling) Goals/Objectives Model Registration – Maintains a hierarchy of evolving interdisciplinary models (e.g. from ‘reduced’ process-oriented models to operational forecast systems). Supports the registration and dissemination of model data sets. Model Integration (Part 1) – Provides integration services for ocean models to access multiple community-based numerical ocean models for parameter estimation/optimization and data assimilation. Provides the services to integrate, parameterize, and execute numerical ocean models with command and control services for their operation and management.

7 R3I1 Deliverable Catalog of models with detailed descriptions of configuration and their relevance to OOI Defined interface to register new models as they become available Defined interface for model output (with data management, archive, visualization) Engagement with the modeling community Selected models (at least two) to demonstrate CI capabilities – A global model covering all regions of interests – A regional model to interact with the OOI data

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