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Poison Oak Identification

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1 Poison Oak Identification
Leaves Three, Let it Be. Berries White, Poisonous Sight.

2 Poison Oak always has 3 leaves, 2 sprout directly across from each other, and 1 leaf extends out from their center

3 Poison Oak leaves generally have lobed edges BUT….

4 Sometimes they look rounded without lobed edges…note both types in this picture

5 This is a species of. Scrub Oak not Poison Oak…
This is a species of Scrub Oak not Poison Oak….note the leaves all come out of one point on the branch…and they have pointed spikes on their edges. Poison Oak does not have spiky leaves.

6 Poison Oak leaves can be ½” long to around 5” long

7 Foliage can be light yellowish green…

8 …dark green…

9 …reddish green…

10 …dark red…

11 …leaves may be barely noticeable …you can still get the itchy rash by handling leafless branches

12 …but not blue/green like this species of Scrub Oak…sometimes mistaken for Poison Oak

13 Poison Oak can grow very low to the ground…like ground covering plants

14 …or can grow into a large shrubs and dense thickets

15 Poison Oak wth white berries is especially potent

16 Poison Oak shares the 3 leaf look with Poison Sumac and Poison Ivy…
Poison Oak shares the 3 leaf look with Poison Sumac and Poison Ivy….Poison Oak is what we have in the Western US

17 Other harmless plants have 3 leaves too

18 Wild Blackberries can be mistaken for Poison Oak if there are no berries present….leaves have serrated edges and of course, thorny vines.

19 Strawberries have 3 leaves too but have serrated edges like a saw blade

20 California Black Oak is a large tree but can look like Poison Oak when trees are just starting out

21 When in Doubt, Don’t Touch!
You Do NOT Want This…

22 This is a mild case….

23 This is a moderate case….

24 This is a severe case….

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