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High Renaissance 1480-1527. Ciao Florence! The move to Rome Lorenzo de Medici passed away Religious zealot Savonarola, a monk, declared art extravagant.

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Presentation on theme: "High Renaissance 1480-1527. Ciao Florence! The move to Rome Lorenzo de Medici passed away Religious zealot Savonarola, a monk, declared art extravagant."— Presentation transcript:

1 High Renaissance 1480-1527


3 Ciao Florence! The move to Rome Lorenzo de Medici passed away Religious zealot Savonarola, a monk, declared art extravagant Artists were “wooed” away by other areas by promises of wealth and fame

4 Characteristics Trained in or influenced by Florentine school With all the discoveries and innovations of the Early Renaissance, there is no longer a need to look toward Greco-Roman works as the defining base for art Several great talents in one small area Rome is new base: Pope’s summoned artists in order to create great works to surpass prior Pope’s commissions

5 The Ninja Turtles Michaelangelo Leonardo Raphael

6 Michaelangelo Buonnarotti Born in Caprese March 6, 1475 1488, after changing father’s hesitation, apprenticed to Ghirlandaio for 3 years Left early and attended a program set up by Lorenzo de Midici Studied anatomy via the hospital= illegal to do so on one’s own

7 Characteristics of work The Pieta used a pyramidal composition Neo-platonism: works of art embedded in the stones, artist retrieved them

8 The Pieta


10 Sistine Chapel Commissioned by Pope Julius 5,000 square feet of frescoes Book of Genesis 300 figures 4 years to paint july 1508 to oct 1512




14 Leonardo da Vinci 1452-1519 Born in Vinci He differed from Michaelangelo…did not believe in neoplatonism, rather, believed in science as guiding hand to art Created designs for a flying machine

15 Characteristics of work Hair is “angelic” and wispy Use of “sfumato”a transition of form that is barely noticeable=achieved with similar color tones



18 Scientist

19 Mona Lisa

20 The Last Supper

21 Raphaello Sanzio aka Raphael Born in 1483 in Urbino Italy Died April 6, 1520 in Rome Apprenticed to Perugino at age 17 Characteristics of work: flowing, easy composition, clarity of form, and neoplatonic representations


23 La Belle Jardinère 1507 Oil on panel

24 The small Cowper Madonna c. 1505 Oil on wood

25 The Sistine Madonna c. 1512-14 Oil on canvas considered one of the greatest Madonna portraits

26 Madonna dell Granduca c. 1505 Oil on wood

27 Resources ne/a/high_ren.htm ne/a/high_ren.htm angelo.html angelo.html ings/a/sischap_ceiling.htm ings/a/sischap_ceiling.htm

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