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THURSDAY, DEC. 4 TH P. 96, 97. THURSDAY, DEC. 4 TH 96 12/4/14 Thurs. L.T. I can assess my practice this week and review for the forces test by participating.

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Presentation on theme: "THURSDAY, DEC. 4 TH P. 96, 97. THURSDAY, DEC. 4 TH 96 12/4/14 Thurs. L.T. I can assess my practice this week and review for the forces test by participating."— Presentation transcript:

1 THURSDAY, DEC. 4 TH P. 96, 97

2 THURSDAY, DEC. 4 TH 96 12/4/14 Thurs. L.T. I can assess my practice this week and review for the forces test by participating in bell review and making my notecard. DO NOW: When you swim underwater, is the friction you encounter more like sliding friction or air friction? Why? ……………………….. Reflection Qs: Did I put all necessary info on my notecard for the test? Did I fully participate in bell review? Did I complete my SNB Check and get all checks and +s? 97 Title: Test Review SNB Check taped in

3 SNB Check coming soon to this PP… (formatting problems between windows and mac!) or grab one next time you’re in class…

4 Announcements: Quiz on Forces this Friday! (3 standards = 3 100 pt. sections) Also, SNB Check will be given out this Thursday – due Monday. We are looking to avoid lunches with Ms. Kim and calls home! frictional force (sliding and air), - Forces to know: gravitational pull, elastic force, frictional force (sliding and air), magnetic force, added force, normal force - be able to analyze the forces affecting a still object or one in motion and describe whether forces are balanced or unbalanced. - be able to explain the frictional force acting on an object - Given 2 different masses that receive the same unbalanced force, predict which will move more quickly.

5 What direction does gravity affect objects on the surface of the earth? Exceeding: Why is there gravitational pull? What causes it?

6 What force works in the opposite direction as objects in motion?

7 What is the difference between sliding friction and air friction?

8 Elastic force is when an object morphs out of its shape but springs back to its original shape given time. True or False? Give an example.

9 What is Newton’s 2 nd Law? F = ma A = F/m (If mass increases, does acceleration also increase?)

10 We learned that with gravitational pull, the more mass an object has, the more gravity, weight, and friction (sliding) it will also have.

11 With magnetic force, these 2 charges attract and these 2 charges repel. What are they? Attract: - and + Repel: - and - + and +

12 What is Newton’s 1 st Law? An object at rest tends to stay at rest, And an object in motion tends to stay in motion, Unless an unbalanced force acts on it.

13 When an object is on an incline, 2 forces act together to pull the object down the incline. What are they?

14 What causes the Earth to have a magnetic field? What effect does Earth’s magnetism have on free-standing magnetic objects on earth?

15 A B Objects A and B are made of the same material, but have different masses. When an equal unbalanced force is applied on both blocks, which will accelerate more? Why?

16 What is Newton’s 3 rd Law? Forces always occur in equal and opposite pairs. Ex: when you sit in your chair, your body exerts a force on the chair, and the chair pushes back up on your body.

17 Explain why this block’s forces are balanced.

18 Felix Baumgardner freefall What are the forces acting upon Felix as he falls to Earth?

19 What forces are acting upon the compass needle as it spins?



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