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1 Chapter 6 “Toward Effective Listening”. 2 Why Learn About Listening? Most used communication skill.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Chapter 6 “Toward Effective Listening”. 2 Why Learn About Listening? Most used communication skill."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Chapter 6 “Toward Effective Listening”

2 2 Why Learn About Listening? Most used communication skill

3 3 Effectiveness Immediate = ½ Immediate = ½ 8 hours later lose 1/3 to ½ 8 hours later lose 1/3 to ½

4 4 Misconceptions

5 5 Listening and hearing are the same Hearing doesn’t imply understanding Hearing doesn’t imply understanding

6 6 Listening is easy or automatic It is complex and requires energy, effort, and skill

7 7 Listening develops naturally Consists of learned skills and behaviors Consists of learned skills and behaviors

8 8 Anyone can listen well if they really try you may lack the skills or noises can not be overcome you may lack the skills or noises can not be overcome

9 9 The speaker is responsible for the message and success of communication Speaker and listener share responsibility Speaker and listener share responsibility Listener may have to compensate for speaker’s lack of skill Listener may have to compensate for speaker’s lack of skill

10 10 If that’s what you heard, that’s what was said Listeners can’t assume they heard correctly and should use perception checks Listeners can’t assume they heard correctly and should use perception checks

11 11 Attitude and listening are unrelated It’s an important factor in listening and retaining information It’s an important factor in listening and retaining information

12 12 People remember most of what they hear Listening and remembering are related, but failure to remember may not be due to faulty listening Listening and remembering are related, but failure to remember may not be due to faulty listening

13 13 Section 2 “Developing Listening Skills

14 14 Types of Listening Active Listening Transactional Rewards

15 15 Types of Listening Passive listening No transaction No transaction No rewards No rewards Place responsibility on speaker Place responsibility on speaker Produces boredom Produces boredom

16 16 Types of Listening Impatient listening Pay attention in short bursts Pay attention in short bursts Give V & NV cues at inappropriate times Give V & NV cues at inappropriate times Masks lack of concentration Masks lack of concentration

17 17 Types of Listening Impatient Listening Types 1. Anticipatory/anticipates what will be said and plans response 2. Defensive/goal is to argue or disagree 3. Distracted/pays attention to first, assumes what will be said, starts thinking about something else

18 18 Goals for Listening Critical

19 19 Goals for Listening Critical Skills Skills 1. Identify goal 2. Gather info 3. Focus on V 4. Organize info 5. Use perception checks 6. Consciously store into memory 7. Give feedback

20 20 Goals for Listening Deliberative

21 21 Goals for Listening Deliberative Skills Skills 1. Identify goal 2. Gather info 3. Listen to evaluate 4. Identify supporting info and emotional appeal

22 22 Goals for Listening Deliberative Skills Skills 1. Observe V & NV cues 2. Analyze motivation 3. Reflect on responses 4. Give feedback – delay if needed 5. Reserve judgment if unsure Make decision when info is sufficient

23 23 Goals for Listening Empathic

24 24 Goals for Listening Empathic Skills 1. O bserve NV 2. M onitor your understanding of speaker, message and situation 3. A nalyze own response 4. U se perception checks 5. P araphrase 6. A sk questions to help speaker clarify

25 25 Goals for Listening Appreciative

26 26 Goals for Listening Appreciative Listen for fun Listen for fun Most often used in social situations Most often used in social situations Used to relax Used to relax Can provide personal growth Can provide personal growth

27 27 Goals for Listening Appreciative Skills Skills Expand knowledge Expand knowledge 1. Investigate styles 2. Be familiar with background 3. Avoid distractions 4. Avoid judgment until performance is complete 5. Give appropriate feedback

28 28 What This Means to You Listening isn’t easy or automatic. It takes effort and hard work. You have to set goals, and choose your style. The rewards for listening are great; the consequences of not listening can be fatal.

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