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Child Development Chapter 5-1

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1 Child Development Chapter 5-1
Preparing for Birth Child Development Chapter 5-1

2 A Healthy Pregnancy For a healthy pregnancy, a woman needs to:
Eat a well-balanced diet Exercise moderately Get plenty of sleep Manage stress Get proper prenatal care

3 A Healthy Pregnancy Select the correct answer:
If a woman thinks she might be pregnant, she should get tested Tomorrow Today In a week or two Never! Ignorance is bliss. Correct answer is… B. TODAY!

4 A Healthy Pregnancy Think about the signs of early pregnancy.
Think about how a woman’s body typically changes during the month. What do you notice????

5 A Healthy Pregnancy How can you tell for sure if you are pregnant?
Home pregnancy tests Very accurate, especially with POSITIVE readings Blood test 100% accurate How soon can you tell? Using early morning sample, you can sometimes tell by first day of expected (or missed) period

6 A Healthy Pregnancy Proper medical care…
for the duration of pregnancy is CRITICAL to the health of the baby Make an appointment with an OB/GYN OB = Obstetrician Specializes in pregnancy and childbirth GYN = Gynecologist Specializes in non-pregnant women patients

7 A Healthy Pregnancy What happens at the first exam?
Weight / blood pressure / pulse / respirations Discuss your medical history and family history Take another urine test Confirms pregnancy Tests for infection and diabetes Possibly… Blood test Pelvic measurements Ultrasound Also… Confirm due date!!!

8 A Healthy Pregnancy When is the due date?
9 months and 1 week from the first day of the last menstrual period How often are babies born on their “due date?” 5% of the time! 1 in 20 babies What time frame is still considered full term and normal? 2 weeks before or after due date

9 A Healthy Pregnancy How often do you go to the doctor? What happens?
8 weeks – 6 Months - Monthly 7th & 8th Month - Twice a month 9th Month on – Weekly What happens? Test urine Measure your belly Check weight/vitals Listen for heartbeat

10 A Healthy Pregnancy Gestational Diabetes Preeclampsia
Can cause baby to be heavier than normal Blood test between 24 – 28 weeks Preeclampsia High blood pressure during pregnancy Can cause low birth weight & liver, lung and kidney failure Doctor may prescribe bed rest, medication or induce labor

11 Nutrition During Pregnancy
Good nutrition… is the single MOST important requirement during pregnancy All pregnant women should… Take a prenatal vitamin How many additional calories does a woman need each day? 300 additional high quality calories

12 A Healthy Pregnancy How much weight do pregnant women gain?
According to “experts:” 25 – 35 pounds Mrs. Wilhite’s experience: pounds

13 Personal Care and Activities
What else should you do to be healthy during pregnancy? Get plenty of rest Exercise Practice good hygiene Floss!

14 Discomforts of Pregnancy
Nausea and/or vomiting “morning sickness” Usually clears by 4th month Sleepiness More common during 1st and 3rd trimesters 2nd trimester, get a burst of energy

15 More Discomforts… Heartburn Shortness of Breath Varicose Veins
pressure on the lungs, esp. in last trimester Varicose Veins Twisted, enlarged veins Muscle Cramps in the Legs Low Back Pain


17 Linea Nigra



20 Preparing for Parenthood
Chapter 5.2 Child Development

21 Preparing for Parenthood
When you become a parent, your role in life changes. Discuss with a partner how each role in your life may change when you are a parent. Spouse (husband or wife) Student Volunteer Employee Sister or brother Daughter or son

22 Preparing for Parenthoood
Choose a pediatrician Doctor who specializes in treating children Feeding your baby Breastfeeding (Nursing) Formula (Bottle) Both options have advantages and disadvantages provide vital nutrients to an infant

23 Breast-feeding Advantages Best source of nutrition for the baby
Gives the baby some immunity against diseases Creates a bond through physical closeness with the mother May boost brain development Reduces baby’s risk of allergies Causes fewer digestive upsets

24 Breastfeeding Advantages, Continued…
Speeds the return of the mother’s uterus to normal size Reduces the mother’s risk of later having breast or ovarian cancer Reduces the risk that the mother will feel depressed Is conveniently available at all times Is free, though a nursing mother needs additional food

25 Breast-feeding Disadvantages
Prevents father from participating in the feeding Baby has to be fed more often In rare cases, may be medical reasons that suggest breast-feeding is not desirable May be painful for some mothers May be difficult because of work schedule

26 Bottle-feeding Advantages Allows father to participate in feeding
Allows mother to have a more flexible schedule Eliminates concern about mother’s diet or medications she takes Babies need feeding less often

27 Bottle-feeding Disadvantages Can be expensive
Does not give the baby any natural immunity to disease Involves a greater chance of baby developing allergies Creates risk that baby may not be given close physical contact during feeding

28 Preparing for Parenthoood
You will need to… make decisions about who will care for the baby. What options are there? Stay at home parent Relative Child Care Center or Provider

29 Preparing for Parenthoood
You will need to make a budget. Fixed expenses Rent Car payments Taxes Flexible expenses Food and household Clothes Entertainment

30 Preparing for Parenthood
Stuff you NEED Crib and mattress, sheets Diapers and wipes Baby soap and washcloths Sleepers Receiving blankets Bottles/ formula (if not nursing) Car seat

31 Preparing for Parenthood
Stuff that is nice, but you don’t need: Changing table and pad Dress up clothes High chair and bibs Baby bathtub Stroller Designer jeans, shoes

32 Useful stuff?

33 Car Seat Safety Car Seat Safety
Infants must be rear-facing until 12 months and 20 pounds Where is the safest place for an infant? rear middle seat

34 At what age is it safe for a child to ride in the front seat?

35 Car Seat Safety Videos Why Car Seats are Important

36 Chapter 5.3 Child Development
Childbirth Options Chapter 5.3 Child Development

37 Childbirth Options What is prepared childbirth? Labor Delivery
Involves reducing pain and fear during the birth process through education, breathing and conditioning exercises Labor process of the baby moving out of the uterus and into the vaginal canal to be born Delivery The actual birth

38 Childbirth Options Childbirth Education Classes
Offered at hospitals, doctor offices, private teachers What do you learn at these classes? Breathing techniques and conditioning exercises Prenatal development What to expect during labor and delivery How to make a birth plan What to expect after the baby is born

39 Childbirth Options Who will deliver the baby? Obstetrician
Qualified to handle any emergencies or complications Family Doctor Some GP’s deliver babies but if complications arise, they contact an OB Certified Midwives Trained to assist a woman in childbirth CNM (Certified Nurse Midwife) – also Registered Nurses

40 Childbirth Options Where will baby be born? Hospitals At Home
Most babies in America are born in the hospital Prepared to handle almost any emergency At Home Only recommended for women with uncomplicated pregnancies with low risk of complications

41 Childbirth Options Where will the baby be born?
Alternative birth centers Home like environment Emphasize prepared, natural childbirth Do not offer pain medication Midwives usually handle births in these centers Most accept only mothers with low risk of complication

42 Childbirth Options What are the benefits of an alternative birth center? Nearby hospital is on call if there are any emergencies Cost less than a hospital Parents leave with babies sooner (24 hours)

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