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Cells Part I Prokaryotes vs Eukaryotes. Cell Theory Statements Schleiden Schwann Virchow Cells are the basic unit of organization in all living things.

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Presentation on theme: "Cells Part I Prokaryotes vs Eukaryotes. Cell Theory Statements Schleiden Schwann Virchow Cells are the basic unit of organization in all living things."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cells Part I Prokaryotes vs Eukaryotes

2 Cell Theory Statements Schleiden Schwann Virchow Cells are the basic unit of organization in all living things All living things are camposed of one or more cells All cells arise from pre-exsiting cells

3 Cell Types Two cell types that exist –Prokaryotes: unicellular –Eukaryotes: multicellular

4 Prokaryotes Single celled organism No true nucleus Does contain genetic information No membrane bound structures Bacteria

5 Eukaryotes Cell contains a true nuclues Does contain membrane bound structures Found in multi-cellular organisms

6 Unicellular vs Multicellular One celled Bacteria No cell structures SIMPLEORGANISM Multi-celled Plants, animals Contains specialized structures COMPLEX ORGANISM THEY BOTH CAN CARRY OUT THEIR LIFE FUNCTIONS DEPENDING ON THE ORGANISM PROKARYOTES-UNICELLULAR EUKARYOTES-MULTICELLULAR

7 Levels of Organization organism Organ sytem organ cell tissue

8 Cell organelles- plant vs animal

9 Nucleus Control center for the cell Contains genetic information DNA/RNA wrapped within chromosomes Present in both plants and animal cell

10 Nucleolus Granular structure located inside the nucleus Contains RNA and proteins Produces ribosomes for the cell

11 Cell Membrane (Plasma Membrane) Surrounds the cell Allows the movement of certain material into and out of the cell (semi-permeable) Composed of layers Found in animal and plant

12 Cytoplasm Liquid substance composed of water, salts, enzymes, organic molecules Allows for movement of materials through the cell

13 Endoplasmic reticulum Comes in two varieties Smooth- transports fats through cell Rough-transports proteins through cell.Rough because of ribosomes on surface

14 Ribosomes Synthesize proteins for the cell Found throughout cell and on rough ER

15 Mitochondria Powerhouse of the cell Generates energy (ATP) for cell function through cell respiration Found in plants and animal cell

16 Golgi apparatus Sometimes called Golgi bodies Processes the synthesized proteins and fats Found in plants and animals

17 Vacuoles Storage sites for water and minerals Plant cell has a larger vacuole than animal cell WHY?

18 Lysosomes Clean the cell of debris or broken down cell material THINK OF LYSOL Only found in eukaryotic cells

19 Centrioles Found only in animal cells. Not found in all plant Used in cell replication and division

20 Cilia Short hairlike projections Used to aid in movement of certain cells (cells lining your trachea, paramecium) Not found in eukaryotic plant cells

21 Flagella (um) Whiplike structure in some cells that aid in movement ( protist-euglena, sperm cell) Not found in plants

22 Cell Wall Found only in plant cells Allows the cell to be rigid Made of cellulose Give the cell its shape

23 Chloroplast Found only in plant cells Site of photosynthesis (plant makes its own food) Chloroplasts have a chemical called chlorophyll  give a plant their green color. Chlorophyll A and B get activated for photosynthesis

24 Cytoskeleton A network of protein fibers that provides support and shape to the eukaryotic cell. Helps to allow cells move as well –Made up of 3 types of fibers: Microtubules  helps to maintain shape, and assists in cell division Intermediate filaments  gives the cell strength Microfilaments  enables cells to move and divide when necessary. Muscle cells have a lot of these for contraction and relaxation of muscles.

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