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Elementary Units of Study

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1 Elementary Units of Study
Denton ISD Curriculum Overview

2 Norms Listen respectfully. Participate. Silence cell phones.
Laugh and have fun. Take care of own personal needs. Keep “sidebar” conversations to a minimum.

3 Alignment to District Goals
• Cultivate a consistent, strong, district-wide balanced curriculum based on ongoing needs assessments that supports all students • Establish high expectations with a curriculum that fosters inquiry and critical thinking

4 Westward Expansion Unit
Think: Read through the summary of a unit plan on Westward Expansion. Pair: Discuss with your shoulder partner the positive points of this summary. Share: Contribute your idea or an idea from your partner to the whole group discussion. Using UbD template, What’s missing from the Westward Expansion unit? Walk through Jay’s and Grant’s Revised version of the Westward expansion unit. What comments/questions do you have?

5 Focus on Understanding
Jay’s video Focus on Understanding: 3 minutes and 6 seconds

6 Turn and Talk What was and ah-ha and what questions do you still have?

7 By Design Jay’s video By Design: 5 minutes and 23 seconds

8 Turn and Talk What was and ah-ha and what questions do you still have?

9 Stage One Transfer Goals
go back and forth between this slide and the driver slide. Rendering 3- Stage One- 1 minute and 50 seconds Rendering 4- Transfer Goal- 5 minutes and 47 seconds Transfer Goals

10 after Transfer Goals: What transfer goal would you have for a student driver?

11 Enduring Understandings
Stage One Rendering 5 Enduring Understandings 2 minutes and 35 seconds Enduring Understandings

12 Enduring Understanding: What would you want a student driver to understand?

13 Stage One Essential Questions
Essential Questions: 2 minutes and 22 seconds Rendering 8- Desired Results Essential Questions

14 After Essential Questions: What essential questions should the student driver ask?

15 Stage One Desired Results: 1 minute and 45 seconds Desired Results

16 Desired Results: What do you want a student driver to know and be able to do?

17 Established Goals (Content Standards)
Stage One Stage 1 - What is worthy and requiring of understanding? Transfer Goal Understandings Essential Questions Established Goals (Content Standards) Knows Be able to Do

18 Stage 1 Sort Sort cards into the appropriate categories of Stage 1

19 Stage Two Evidence Evidence: 3 minutes and 53 seconds
Look at blank UbD unit while Jay is explaining. Evidence

20 Stage 2 - What is evidence of understanding?
Stage Two Stage 2 - What is evidence of understanding? Transfer Tasks Other Evidence Evaluative Criteria

21 Key Criteria for driving

22 Stage Three Learning Plan: 6 minutes and 26 seconds Learning Plan

23 Stage Three Stage 3 - What learning experiences and teaching promote understanding, interest and excellence? Learning Plan

24 “Take two aspirin and call me in the morning.”
Aspirin Activity

25 We don’t want a one size fits all – we need to differentiate.

26 Established Goals (Content Standards)
Denton ISD UbD Established Goals (Content Standards) 1 Essential Questions Understandings Knowledge Skill 2 Transfer Tasks Other Evidence Red is non negotiable Yellow is warning- change with caution Green- You have the green light to teach any lessons that enhance the Stage I expectations. Evaluative Criteria 3 Learning Plan

27 The reason you must tie to stage one is so student understanding doesn’t turn out like this.

28 Walk them through the unit to identify the stages and refer to the color coding. Example: “Look at stage 1. What are the goals and componets. Is it red, green, or yellow and why? Repeat for the other stages. This will give them the framework to follow when they look at their grade level units.

29 Established Goals (Content Standards)
Denton ISD UbD Established Goals (Content Standards) 1 Essential Questions Understandings Knowledge Skill 2 Transfer Tasks Other Evidence Red is non negotiable Yellow is warning- change with caution Green- You have the green light to teach any lessons that enhance the Stage I expectations. Evaluative Criteria 3 Learning Plan

30 40 days 40 months It is expected we teach our standards. But some standards are essential and are worthy of UbD unit, others are important to know and should be taught may be folded into a UbD enduring understanding but you wouldn’t have a UbD unit in isolation. Others are nice to know and would not be UbD worthy. The CWT’s goal is to have UbD units covering essentials for all content areas in four to five years. 40 years

31 Worthy or not worthy of UBD
Spelling Conventions of writing Comprehension Identifying the value of coins Place value Addition and subtraction facts Boiling and freezing points of water Properties of matter Force and Motion Pledge of Allegience Ben Franklin’s life story Constitution and the Bill of Rights

32 Compass Point Reflection

33 Grade Level Breakout Grade Level Break Out Kindergarten First Second
Third Fourth Fifth What content you are expected to pilot for this year.

34 11:30-12:45 Ready to start at 1:00 pm

35 Grade Level Groups Show agenda and answer questions from morning
Introduce parking lot for more questions Overview of both units – review framework and importance of stage 1 Length of time expected and 6 weeks it falls in Discussion of how they would use stage 1 and 2 in planning their stage 3 learning – tied back to stage 1, make it explicit to kids while teaching How do you get learning targets from knows, dos and understands Share process overlay if needed Show where to find the units on website and explain the hyperlinks support and present on campus by coordinator 1:00 – 2:30 Then 15 minute break – be back in big room at 2:45

36 Agenda Questions from the morning Parking Lot Overview of both units
Process overlay How to find units Support Provided Review framework and importance of Stage 1

37 Learning Principles to transfer
2:45 – 3:30

38 Logistics of Pilot Logistics and expectations of the Pilot

39 Provide feedback Add assessments and lessons

40 Win! Think Big… Start small…… Go for the early
Think big: In five years I will be teaching and thinking In the UbD format Start Small: I am starting with two units this year Early Win: Piloting to understand the format and process and giving feedback.

41 reflection Page from the workbook

42 Curriculum Coordinators
Sandy Brown – PK-5 Language Arts Karen Spalding – PK-5 Math Kathy Morrison – PK-5 Science Stacey Kockler – PK-5 Social Studies

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