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2010 fall semester, fri2 elective course for freshmen in science E309 English III intermediate 19 Helping people 2010-10-15 Q&A.

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Presentation on theme: "2010 fall semester, fri2 elective course for freshmen in science E309 English III intermediate 19 Helping people 2010-10-15 Q&A."— Presentation transcript:

1 2010 fall semester, fri2 elective course for freshmen in science E309 English III intermediate 19 Helping people 2010-10-15 Q&A

2 updated 2010-10-14 goh kawai 2 team sirokuro goh kawai noriko kawai xin li chifumi goto (yuka wakatsuki) call everybody by their first name

3 updated 2010-10-14 goh kawai 3 all-English class we talk mostly in English no Japanese! you may ask questions in Japanese for starters: shake hands say hello introduce yourself

4 updated 2010-10-14 goh kawai 4 roll call goh: take roll using preferred names ask me a question Where are you from? What do you do? Where would you like to go? What are your favorite activities?

5 updated 2010-10-14 goh kawai 5 last week's assignment memorize the conversation prepare 2 pairs of questions and answers example What do you do in Thailand? I'm a high school teacher. we will practice again

6 updated 2010-10-14 goh kawai 6 today's menu goh: demonstrate glexa do in-class glexa activity submit your assignment stand up and meet people ask your questions answer their questions exchange comments

7 updated 2010-10-14 goh kawai 7 asking and giving directions TAs: distribute handouts maps and guides multilingual publications campus walking tour map hokudai facilities throughout japan aerial view of sapporo campus

8 updated 2010-10-14 goh kawai 8 location and position straight left right north south east west in front of next to the left of the right of between behind above below up down far near

9 updated 2010-10-14 goh kawai 9 streets and buildings street avenue lane driveway sidewalk bike path foot path block corner traffic light stop sign parking lot building hall dorm auditorium gym cafeteria library

10 updated 2010-10-14 goh kawai 10 entrance and indoors gate main entrance side entrance door stairs elevator escalator receptionist guard station office restroom men's room ladies' room

11 updated 2010-10-14 goh kawai 11 walking, biking, and driving walk bike lock drive park go take turn follow slow stop

12 updated 2010-10-14 goh kawai 12 key questions Where is (the)... ? (This is also used in asking about location.) How do you get to (the)... (from here)? How do I get to (the)... ? Can you tell me how to get to (the)... ? Can you give me directions to (the)... ? What's the best way to get to (the)... ?

13 updated 2010-10-14 goh kawai 13 answer example (First,) go down this street (for ___ blocks). (Then,) turn left at the traffic light. (After that,) go straight on ___ Street until you get to the ___. (When you get to the ___,) turn left again. (Then,) stay on ___ Avenue for about ___ meters. It's on your left, next to the ___.

14 updated 2010-10-14 goh kawai 14 phrases source:

15 updated 2010-10-14 goh kawai 15 when you don't know 1.Mark(SMILES AND WAVES) Excuse me. Could you tell me how to get to the model barn? 2.June (SHRUGS SHOULDERS) Sorry, I'm not familiar with this area. I'm afraid I don't know. I'm just visiting. I don't live around here. 3.Mark Thanks anyway. 4.June (SHRUGS SHOULDERS) Sorry I couldn't be of help.

16 updated 2010-10-14 goh kawai 16 when you can help a little 1.Mark(SMILES AND WAVES) Excuse me. Could you tell me how to get to the model barn? 2.June (SMILES) Go this way, and follow the signs. Here's a map that might help. You can ask the person over there. I can walk there with you. 3.Mark (SMILES) Thanks. 4.June (SMILES) Sure. My pleasure.

17 updated 2010-10-14 goh kawai 17 when you can help more 1.Mark(SMILES AND WAVES) Excuse me. Could you tell me how to get to the model barn? 2.June (SMILES AND SHOWS MAP) Sure. Look at this map. We're here... Walk straight up north on main street... At the very end of the street, you'll come to the entrance of the model barn area. 3.Mark (SMILES) Thank you very much. 4.June (SMILES) You bet. No problem. Any time.

18 updated 2010-10-14 goh kawai 18 campus example you are standing at professor clark's statue a person riding a bike asks How can I get to the Nitobe statute? how should you answer? there are many sidewalks and driveways off main street

19 updated 2010-10-14 goh kawai 19 when streets are hard to count Go north several blocks. Turn left past the science building, just before the central cafeteria. Go west a few blocks. Nitobe's statue is on your right just before Poplar Avenue. You can lock your bike at the gate if you want to walk up to the poplar trees. say "several" or "a few" when you don't know exactly how many

20 updated 2010-10-14 goh kawai 20 practice with classmates start at Clark's statute ask (or give) directions to the model barn Furukawa hall the Keiteki dorms the Hirota kendo hall

21 updated 2010-10-14 goh kawai 21 tour guide phrases Tour Guide Explanations In front of you is... On your right you will see... Up ahead... On your left you will see... As we turn the corner here, you will see... In the distance... If you look up you will notice... Off to the north... Look to the east... To your west... In a few minutes we'll be passing... We are now coming up to... As you will see... You may have noticed... Take a good look at... I'd like to point out... Keep your eyes open for... Tourist Questions Is that were talking about? Are we going to pass the...? Are we going to see any...? Is it on the right or the left? I don't see it. Can you point it out again? Did I miss it? Will we see it on the way back?on the way back? More info at: work/tour-guide-interest.htm

22 updated 2010-10-14 goh kawai 22 pronunciation practice if there's time

23 updated 2010-10-14 goh kawai 23 slideshow if there's time

24 updated 2010-10-14 goh kawai 24 see you next week!

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