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Standards Progression: Using the Spiral Effect to Scaffold and Accelerate Rhonda Kaye District PLC for 6 th Grade ELA.

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Presentation on theme: "Standards Progression: Using the Spiral Effect to Scaffold and Accelerate Rhonda Kaye District PLC for 6 th Grade ELA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Standards Progression: Using the Spiral Effect to Scaffold and Accelerate Rhonda Kaye District PLC for 6 th Grade ELA

2 Today’s Agenda Parking Lot (5 minutes) – Teachers write questions/comments/concerns on a sticky- note and place it in the parking lot. These items will have priority during Q & A time. Announcements from DPS & DPI (5-10 minutes) Mini-PD (30-35 minutes) – Using Standards Progression to Scaffold & Accelerate Questions, Comments & Concerns (15 minutes) – Parking lot items will be answered first.

3 Upcoming Dates Literacy Leaders Round 2 Deadline – Sept 24 Department Chair Meeting – Sept 27 – 3:30pm CIA 2 CA 2 Review – October 9 – 3:30 pm - LGMS Next 8 th Grade PLC Meeting – Oct 18 – 3:30pm

4 Guiding Question How can I use the spiraling nature of the CCES to plan and implement scaffolded learning targets for my students?

5 I Can… I can use the CCSS spiral to determine what my students know and what they need to learn. I can use the spiral to create appropriate learning targets for my students.

6 Key Vocabulary Standards progression Anchor standards Strand Learning target Differentiation Scaffolding Acceleration

7 Think about this… Who has a GPS device – either in your car or on your phone?

8 Think about this… Why did you use your GPS even though you had already started your journey? How did it feel to have that resource? What would you have done without it?

9 The Spiral CCSS begin with Anchor standards (the destination) and maps each strand backward all the way to kindergarten. – Why might the authors have done that? Each grade has its part.

10 ELA used to be a marathon Now it’s a relay

11 Your mission… Look at the spiral for Language Standard 5. Highlight or underline the changes that are made from year to year. Find your grade level. Write a learning target for a student who is on grade level.

12 What are the characteristics of a learning target? Derived from a standard. Uses the language of the standard. Specific Student friendly Shows progression of learning KUDos – Know, Understand, Do

13 Your mission…Differentiation Write a scaffolded learning target for a student who is below grade level. Write an accelerated learning target for a student above grade level.

14 For more information… Start at the wiki – Professional Development Sessions DPI’s Standards Progression Tool –

15 PLC Time Address Parking Lot questions Share what’s working What support do you need?

16 5 = strongly agree – 4 – 3 – 2 – 1= strongly disagree 1.The information in this session was clearly presented. 2.This session addressed a topic relevant to me. 3.I had an opportunity to share ideas and concerns with my PLC members. 4.The presenter addressed my concerns appropriately. 5.This session was a good use of my time. 6.Additional comments:

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