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Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 1 Hall-C Hall-C 12 GeV Project Overview of SHMS detector system, Requirements, and Schedule Howard.

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Presentation on theme: "Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 1 Hall-C Hall-C 12 GeV Project Overview of SHMS detector system, Requirements, and Schedule Howard."— Presentation transcript:

1 Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 1 Hall-C Hall-C 12 GeV Project Overview of SHMS detector system, Requirements, and Schedule Howard Fenker for Physics Opportunities in Hall C at 12 GeV August 5, 2008

2 Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 2 Hall-C Outline Upgrade Project Timeline Overview Summary of CD-3 (Lehman) Review – July ‘08 Detectors: Where to go and How to get there?

3 Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 3 Hall-C DOE CRITICAL DECISION SCHEDULE Lehman-07EIR-07Lehman-08 CD-0 Mission Need2QFY04 (A) CD-1 Preliminary Baseline Range2QFY06 (A) CD-2 Performance Baseline4QFY071QFY081QFY08 (A) CD-3 Start of Construction4QFY08 CD-4A Accelerator Project Completion and Start of Operations NA1QFY15*1QFY15 CD-4B Experimental Equipment Project Completion and Start of Operations 3QFY15

4 Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 4 Hall-C CD-3 Requirements DOE O413.3A: 1.Final Design 2.Update CD-2 Project Documentation 3.Independent Project (Lehman) Review 4.Hazard Analysis Report 5.Preliminary Security Vulnerability Assessment Report 6.Construction Project Safety and Health Plan 7.Final Sustainable Environmental Stewardship-High Performance Sustainable Building 8.Quality Assurance Program DOE O413.3A: 1.Final Design 2.Update CD-2 Project Documentation 3.Independent Project (Lehman) Review 4.Hazard Analysis Report 5.Preliminary Security Vulnerability Assessment Report 6.Construction Project Safety and Health Plan 7.Final Sustainable Environmental Stewardship-High Performance Sustainable Building 8.Quality Assurance Program Final Design “Complete and review Final Design or determine that the design is sufficiently mature to start procurement or construction.” Mature Design –Civil: Hall D Complex 100% ; Accel 95% ; CHL Addition 100% –Accelerator: >90% complete w/98% of documentation required for FY09 procurements –Physics: >90% complete, ready for FY09 procurements Procurement Planning well-advanced –28 APPs approved, 13 specifications complete Final Design “Complete and review Final Design or determine that the design is sufficiently mature to start procurement or construction.” Mature Design –Civil: Hall D Complex 100% ; Accel 95% ; CHL Addition 100% –Accelerator: >90% complete w/98% of documentation required for FY09 procurements –Physics: >90% complete, ready for FY09 procurements Procurement Planning well-advanced –28 APPs approved, 13 specifications complete

5 Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 5 Hall-C 12 GeV UPGRADE SCHEDULE

6 Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 6 Hall-C Lehman Review for CD-3 Introduction to Hall-C –Motivation for the Upgrade –Description / Requirements / Specifications / Design Status Detector System (this talk) Magnets / Shield House / Support Structure (Paul Brindza) Project Plan –FY08 R&D –PED Summary –Construction Labor / Procurement / Schedule Previous Reviews and Recommendations Checkout / Testing / Commissioning Risk Management Summary

7 Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 7 Hall-C Pion and nucleon form factors at high Q 2 Deep inelastic scattering at high Bjorken x Semi-inclusive scattering at high hadron momenta Polarized and unpolarized scattering on nuclei Motivation for Hall C Upgrade Highest Luminosity (L=10 38 nucleons/cm 2 /s) Pair of magnetic spectrometers ( SHMS + existing HMS) Detection of charged particles with highest momenta Accuracy and reproducibility Small angle capability Very good particle identification Compatibility with all target configurations

8 Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 8 Hall-C Hall C: SHMS Design Parameters SHMS = “Super High Momentum Spectrometer” Key Features: –will be used together with existing spectrometer (HMS) –3 quadrupole magnets, 1 dipole magnet Provides easily calibrated optics and wide acceptance Uses magnets very similar to existing ones –1 horizontal bend magnet Allows forward acceptance New design, developed in collaboration w/MSU –6 element detector package Drift Chambers / Hodoscopes / Cerenkovs / Calorimeter All derived from existing HMS/SOS detector designs –Rigid Support Structure / Well-Shielded Detector Enclosure Reproduces Pointing Accuracy & Reproducibility demonstrated in HMS –Similar technical elements are all already in use at JLab

9 Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 9 Hall-C SHMS Overall Design Dipole 18.4 Degree Bend Max Field: 4.76 T EFL: 2.85 m Q2 Q3 Max Gradient: 14.4 T/m EFL: 1.61 m Q1 Max Gradient: 10.63 T/m EFL: 1.86m Bender 3 Degree Bend Max Field: 3.11 T EFL: 0.75 m

10 Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 10 Hall-C Mini-Slides: Project Management

11 Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 11 Hall-C SHMS Experiment Resolution Requirements Experimentp (GeV) Δp/p (%)Δθ (rad)Δφ (rad) Pion Form Factor2.2-8.12x10 -3 1.5x10 -3 Transition Form Factors* 1.0-8.51x10 -3 1.0x10 -3 * Not yet submitted to PAC Δp/p (%)Δθ (radians)Δφ (radians) Spec’d Resolution Spec’d Resolution & MCS 2x Spec’d Resolution & MCS -10% +22%

12 Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 12 Hall-C SHMS PID Requirements : negative polarity Experimentp (GeV) Req’d e - :π - Disc. Spec’d NG Cerenkov Spec’d Calorimeter Total Expected E12-06-1012.2 - 8.14.510 3 :1 50:1 (HMS Cerenkov gives up to 300:1 now) >200:1 (1000:1 above 6 GeV/c) >10 4 :1 E12-06-1045.4 - 5.810 3 :1 E12-07-1032.4 - 8.510 3 :1 E12-06-105 (x>1)4.8 -10.6510 3 :1 E12-06-110 (c)2.2 - 6.810 3 :1 E12-06-1216.3 - 7.5>10 2 :1 PID requirements at negative polarity are dominated by the x>1 experiment

13 Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 13 Hall-C SHMS PID Requirements: positive polarity Experimentp (GeV) Req’d π + :(K,p) Discrimination Spec’d HG Cerenkov E12-06-101 (Fpi-3)2.2 - 8.110 4 :1 * See Chart E12-06-107 (c)5.1 - 9.610 4 :1 E12-07-103 (pion factorization) 2.4 - 8.510 3 :1 PID requirements at positive polarity driven by Fpi-3 and pion factorization experiments These require the heavy gas Cerenkov over the full momentum range Kaon electroproduction requires an aerogel Cerenkov detector HG Cerenkov Aerogel Cerenkov (not in project but space reserved) Experiment Needs Discrimination Power Momentum (GeV/c) TOF * Fpi-3 spec’ s PID as “10 4 at 8GeV/c” using the HG Cerenkov. *

14 Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 14 Hall-C Shower Counter S2 Hodoscope C 4 F 8 O Cerenkov S1 HodoscopeDrift Chambers Ar/Ne Cerenkov Space Reserved for Aerogel Cerenkov Hall-C SHMS Detector System Noble Gas Cerenkov Drift Chambers Trigger Hodoscopes 3 Planes Scintillator Paddles 1 Plane Quartz Heavy Gas Cerenkov Calorimeter Detector Frames (color coding) 12 GeV Project Funded NSF MRI Funding (MOU’s are in approval stage) Gift from HERMES (testing is on-Project R&D)

15 Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 15 Hall-C The SHMS Detector System Noble Gas Cerenkov: e/π (or π /K) separation at high momenta 2.5 m long gas radiator at atmospheric pressure Argon: π threshold ~ 6 GeV/c Adding Neon: threshold may be varied up to 12 GeV/c Para-Terphynyl PMT window over-coating Performance 20 photoelectrons (worst case: pure Neon) At low momenta: remove mirrors, insert coupling so that the tank becomes part of the vacuum system – reduces MCS University of Virginia

16 Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 16 Hall-C The SHMS Detector System Noble Gas Cerenkov 4 spherical mirrors, 45cm x 45 cm Ray-trace simulation of optics. Reference Design (HMS Cerenkov)

17 Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 17 Hall-C The SHMS Detector System Drift Chambers: charged particle tracking; momentum & angle measurement Design of Drift Chambers is straightforward re-scaling of existing SOS chambers and HKS chambers – both built by Hampton University Hampton University NSF MRI Funding

18 Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 18 Hall-C The SHMS Detector System Drift Chambers: straightforward re-scaling of existing SOS chambers – demonstrated to achieve 180 µm resolution.

19 Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 19 Hall-C The SHMS Detector System Trigger Hodoscopes: basic trigger; efficiency determination. 3 Planes Scintillator Paddles + 1 Plane Quartz Bars S1X: 12 bars 8cm x 110 cm x 5mm S1Y: 14 bars 8cm x 90cm x 5mm S2X: 14 bars 8cm x 140cm x 5mm S2Y: 10 quartz bars: 11cm 115cm x 2.5 cm 0.5 cm overlap / 2 PMTs on each bar James Madison University NSF MRI Funding North Carolina A&T NSF MRI Funding

20 Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 20 Hall-C The SHMS Detector System Trigger Hodoscopes Mechanical Design is a re-scaling of existing HMS/SOS design 0.5cm paddle overlap – all paddles

21 Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 21 Hall-C The SHMS Detector System Heavy Gas Cerenkov: π/K separation for momenta > 3.4 GeV Gas choice now C 4 F 8 O (instead of C 4 F 10 ) Widely used in semiconductor industry Many commercial suppliers Much less expensive than C 4 F 10 Extensively studied by BTeV Stable, non-toxic, non-explosive, non-reactive Does not destroy ozone Side Elevation Line Drawing University of Regina SLD ECRID Gas System

22 Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 22 Hall-C The SHMS Detector System Calorimeter: e/π separation Side Elevation Front Elevation Plan view Yerevan Physics Institute Preshower: Re-use SOS Shower: Gift from HERMES Lead-Glass Block / PMT / Base Assemblies from HERMES Low-Exposure modules from HERMES selected Now On-Hand at JLab Tests-to-Date indicate the modules are perfectly suitable for SHMS Glass Transparency PMT Gain Stability

23 Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 23 Hall-C The SHMS Detector System Calorimeter: Pb-Glass and PMT performance of HERMES tubes is still very good. R&D Task under CR08-028 Pb-Glass transmission measured – <10% degradation since 1994 1 p.e. peak 20 p.e. peak HERMES PMTVirgin PMT Philips XP3461

24 Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 24 Hall-C SHMS Shield House Shield House: low radiation flux for detectors & electronics Graph shows results of Simulations normalized to measurements in HMS

25 Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 25 Hall-C SHMS Electronics Channels Needed vs. Channels on-hand Channels WC PreampsWC TDCsSplitters Digital Delay Analog Sums PMT TDCsADCsDiscScalerHVLogicFBNIMVME NG Cerenkov400444444 Drift Chambers1404 0000081 Sc Hodoscopes10000 0 Qtz Hodoscope2000 0 HG Cerenkov400444444 Preshower3200 33032 Calorimeter22400 2400224 3 Control/Trig403230111 SHMS Needs 1404 384 2811283841603239230241 Inventory: 1472153638427212819253624417675232241 Re-design of calorimeter to use HERMES blocks increased the channel count significantly, leaving us without enough analog summing units. Anticipate using Change-Request process to shift funds from WC preamps (now located in-house) to procurement of summers.. We Expect to find enough of these in our stock SHMS Detector Electronics Above inventory was prepared in response to Recommendation C-Det08-4: SHMS Detector Review (Jan 2008)

26 Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 26 Hall-C Hall-C Upgrade - Other Beamline Upgrades on Project: –Moller Polarimeter: connect existing power supply to existing magnet –Compton polarimeter: elevation change & vacuum connections –Arc Energy Measurement: 12GeV funds techs to map magnets; Hall-C staff analyzes data –Downstream Beamline to Dump: designed – build pipe & stands –Scattering Chamber: on hand – need only to modify vacuum connections SHMS Quadrupole Magnets Measurements –Determine optical centerlines –Measure multipole contributions to quads

27 Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 27 Hall-C Hall C R&D (WBS 1.1.4) YEARR&D Report # Task Description 2007Halls A/C-6Hall C Study of Alternative Calorimeter Configurations. 2007Halls A/C-7Complete testing of the cable following re-shaping. Verify the reduction in critical current is less than 10%. 2007Halls A/C-8Design, build and test a scale cross section model of the SHMS HB coil suitable for testing. 2007Halls A/C-9Complete construction and assembly of a working prototype. Verify that a response of 80 photoelectrons is achievable with the chosen quartz/photomultiplier combination. 2008Halls A/C-10Progress on the Horizontal Bend Magnet trial wind. (see Paul’s talk) 2008TBDCompletion of the Horizontal Bend Magnet trial wind and testing. (see Paul’s talk) 2008TBD (report drafted) Selection of optimal HERMES lead-glass blocks and PMTs for the SHMS Calorimeter (see Vardan’s talk) All R&D activities will be complete before September 30, 2008.

28 Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 28 Hall-C Mini-Slides: Project Management

29 Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 29 Hall-C Mini-Slides: Project Management

30 Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 30 Hall-C Detectors Schedule

31 Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 31 Hall-C CD-3 Requirement: Final Design Review JLab convenes Subsystem Design & Safety reviews 3 reviews for Hall C equipment systems in 2008: –Sep 2006:Halls B & C Superconducting Magnet Review –Jan 2008: Hall C Detector Integration Review –Apr 2008: Halls B & C Superconducting Magnet Review (this closes “07 IPR 14” recommendation) –May 2008: Hall C Support Structure & Shield House Review Responses to all recommendations are being “tracked”

32 Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 32 Hall-C JLab Design Review 2006 Recommendations Recommendation SCMag-2: Spectrometer Superconducting Magnets (Sept 2006) “Study options for alternative designs that reduce heat load in the infringed portion of the HB magnet.” Status: A helium-bath option has been evaluated in collaboration with Michigan State University. The amount of heat expected (based on a series of test measurements) is small (10-20%) as compared to the cooling capability of the helium-bath design. Closed (See Paul’s talk) Recommendation SCMag-3: Spectrometer Superconducting Magnets (Sept 2006) “Consider requirements for radiation-hard materials for the HB magnet.” Status: Radiation-hard materials were investigated. Test measurements and calculations demonstrate they are not required. Closed (See Paul’s talk)

33 Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 33 Hall-C Recommendation SCMag-5: Spectrometer Superconducting Magnets (Sept 2006) “Consider use of alternative superconductors and configurations for the HB and Solenoid.” Status: Alternative superconductors were considered, and the existing superconductor appear to give the best cost-performance optimization. For the Solenoid, an additional design study by CEA Saclay (France) investigated configurations also based on alternative superconductors with results reported in June 2008. Closed (See Paul’s talk) JLab Design Review 2006/8 Recommendations Recommendation SC-Mag08-1: SC Magnet Review (April 2008) “Relax the HB magnet procurement priority and require a reference design.” Status: The HB magnet procurement schedule has been delayed in order to allow additional time for completion and review of a full reference design prior to initiating procurement. The reference design has been started and is expected to be completed by October 2008, with a final design review planned for 1QFY09. Closed (CR08-042 provides Reference Design by 9/30) Hall-CHall-B

34 Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 34 Hall-C Recommendation C-Det08-1: SHMS Detector Review (Jan 2008) “Identify key experiments to be done by SHMS and ensure that all detector concepts meet physics driven requirements. Assure that the technical specifications, and performance of each subsystem in the tests following construction, are consistent with the physics driven requirements (for example, light output from the quartz detector plane intended for triggering).” Status: Such technical specifications are one of the charges to the annual 12 GeV related Program Advisory Committee meetings. A full overview of Hall C approved experiments by the 2006 and 2007 12 GeV Program Advisory Committee meetings (30 & 32) with detailed physics requirements and associated performance specifications for the detectors is being collected, and will be ready by the July 2008 IPR review. Open JLab Design Review 2008 Recommendations Summary of spec’s was shown in opening slides.

35 Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 35 Hall-C Recommendation C-Det08-2: SHMS Detector Review (Jan 2008) “After all engineering designs are completed, a final review should be held prior to major procurements or construction.” Status: A detector final engineering design review has been scheduled for 4QFY09. Open (but recall detector schedule slide) JLab Design Review 2008 Recommendations Recommendation C-Det08-3: SHMS Detector Review (Jan 2008) “The project would benefit from involvement of an experienced Hall-C integration engineer to review individual subsystem designs and provide oversight during assembly and installation.” Status: A Hall C staff scientist with extensive detector-system experience has taken on this responsibility. Closed

36 Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 36 Hall-C Recommendation C-Det08-4: SHMS Detector Review (Jan 2008) “A detailed inventory of all electronics to be used for this detector system must be developed and documented. Access to the electronics by the groups who will build individual subsystems is important to assure that technical requirements of each subsystem are met.” Status: An inventory of electronics existing within the Hall-C infrastructure is ongoing and will be ready in July 2008. The electronics needs for individual subsystem testing at universities is being evaluated and will be captured in the respective MOUs. Open (but recall inventory shown earlier) JLab Design Review 2008 Recommendations SHMS Electronics Channels Needed vs. Channels on-hand Channels WC PreampsWC TDCsSplitters Digital Delay Analog SumsPMT TDCsADCsDiscScalerHVLogicFBNIMVME NG Cerenkov400444444 Drift Chambers1404 0000081 Sc Hodoscopes10000 0 Qtz Hodoscope2000 0 HG Cerenkov400444444 Preshower3200 33032 Calorimeter22400 2400224 3 Control/Trig403230111 SHMS Needs 1404 384 2811283841603239230241 Inventory: 1472153638427212819253624417675232241

37 Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 37 Hall-C Mini-Slides: Checkout Plans / Risk Mgt.

38 Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 38 Hall-C Lehman-Review SUMMARY SHMS is well-suited to the requirements of experiments –Angle & Momentum Coverage –Resolution –Particle-ID Discrimination Power –Magnet System / Support / Shielding (Paul’s talk) Detector System design –Conservative –Based on demonstrated (existing) technologies Significant support from experienced user community Integration plan in place Basic designs complete Safety is integrated from the beginning –e.g. choice of Cerenkov gas, design of structure R&D Performed to lower technical risks (complete by Sept. ‘08) –Calorimetry – re-use HERMES blocks (after testing!) –Magnets – HB heating, cable tests, coil winding – (Paul’s talk) PM & EVMS tools are in use to direct and track project performance All FY09 Major Procurements have Approved APPs. One solicitation issued. READY AND ANXIOUS TO START CONSTRUCTION !

39 Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 39 Hall-C The Future for SHMS Detectors Where are we now? –All detectors are “prototyped” and –Have “Reference Designs” in the sense that They are ALL straightforward re-designs of existing hardware. Where do we need to go? –FINAL DESIGN Review by 9/30/09 –INSTALLATION during 2/1/13 – 8/31/13 –FINAL CHECKOUT on SHMS (no beam) by 2/28/14 –READY FOR BEAM by 10/1/14 –PHYSICS BEGINS 4/1/15

40 Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 40 Hall-C The Future for SHMS Detectors FINAL DESIGN Review by 9/30/09 –Quarterly Progress Meetings: October ’08 (should set date now – propose October 1, 2008) –Final definition of active detector volumes –Draft of each detector’s reserved space »Plan and Elevation views with real dimensions for active volumes or components; draft layout for frames, supports, PMTs, front-end electronics, cables, piping, etc. –Mike Fowler is working to provide draft layout data now. February ’09 –Final definition of reserved space in detector stack »Plan and Elevation Assembly drawings with full dimensioning – all on-detector items. »Proposed detailed plumbing/wiring layout. –Provide specifications for supporting services: »Readout electronics, HVPS, LVPS rack space requirements, number of NIM/FB/CAMAC/VME slots and rough locations. »Cable list (from/to, how many, what type, patch panels, …) »Utilities & Services Requirements: AC power, gas, vents, plumbing. »Other support hardware space needs: pumps, refrigerators, manifolds, distribution systems, lasers, etc. June ’09 –Final resolution of interferences. –Detail of mounting and alignment systems –Layout of all supporting hardware, cable/plumbing routing & supports, patch panel and electronics locations.

41 Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 41 Hall-C Summary With CD-3 almost behind us we are “Ready for Construction” Now the FUN begins! DETECTOR CONSTRUCTION –MRI-Funded Detectors: 2009 – 2011 –12GeV-Funded Detectors: 2012 INSTALLATION during 2/1/13 – 8/31/13 –FINAL CHECKOUT on SHMS (no beam) by 2/28/14 –READY FOR BEAM by 10/1/14 –PHYSICS BEGINS 4/1/15

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