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> country > community > commonwealth CURRENT AND FUTURE UNIT MOBILIZATIONS As of 25AUG15 ARNG Units in Theater: 28 ARNG Units at MOB/DEMOB Site: 1 ARNG.

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Presentation on theme: "> country > community > commonwealth CURRENT AND FUTURE UNIT MOBILIZATIONS As of 25AUG15 ARNG Units in Theater: 28 ARNG Units at MOB/DEMOB Site: 1 ARNG."— Presentation transcript:

1 > country > community > commonwealth CURRENT AND FUTURE UNIT MOBILIZATIONS As of 25AUG15 ARNG Units in Theater: 28 ARNG Units at MOB/DEMOB Site: 1 ARNG Individual Mob: 12 Total ARNG Mob: 41 Total PANG Mobilized: 154 Current ANG Unit Airmen Mob: 99 Current ANG Individual Mob: 14 Total: ANG Mob: 113

2 > country > community > commonwealth CURRENT MOBILIZATIONS & TOTAL DEPLOYMENTS PAARNG Current Deployments MDATEMSADUNITOPNPAXMISSION Projected Return Date 24SEP1427SEP14 213 Human Resources Co PLTWTU1 Personnel Support TBD (Currently CONUS) 13OCT1416OCT14 213 Human Resources Co PLTOEF-KU1 Personnel SupportTBD 30 JAN 1501 FEB 15 Warrior Leader Course Mobile Training TeamOEF-KU2WLC24 OCT 15 14 MAY 1517 MAY 15828 th FinanceOEF-A25 Financial Mgmt. Spt 16 JUN 16 Various Individual MOB Soldiers12 Various Missions TBD Total PAARNG Deployed: *41 (*1 Soldier CONUS) Total PANG Deployed 154 As of 25AUG15

3 Air National Guard Update > country > community > commonwealth As of 31 Aug 2015 May 15 – Dec 15193 rd SOW Aviation Package Aug 15 – Sep 15193 rd SOW (ASOS) Sep 15 – Jan 16171 st ARW Aviation Package Sep 15 – Feb 16193 rd SOW Combat Support 114 Currently Deployed 350 Additional Scheduled to Deploy

4 POLICY, PLANNING AND LEGISLATIVE AFFAIRS > country > community > commonwealth As of 2 Sep 15 Events United States Congress Pennsylvania General Assembly Policy/Planning House returns 21 Sep 15 / Senate returns 14 Sep 15 HB 175/Goodman – Extends Persian Gulf War Bonus Program application period for three years – Senate Appropriations Committee SR 149/Wozniak – Resolution urges Congress to take necessary action to prohibit any changes to prohibit any transfer of AH-64 Apache helicopters & maintain Army National Guard at 350,200 Soldiers – Senate Rules House/Senate return from recess on 8 Sep 15 MILCON and Veterans Affairs Appropriations – H.R. 2029 30 Apr 15: Passed House 21 May 15: Senate Legislative Calendar 3 Nov 15 – Election Day Need to register to vote? You can now do so online by going to Please note the voter registration deadline for this election cycle is 5 Oct 15. Questions? Call 1-877-VOTESPA or visit Preparing executive order on the Governor’s Advisory Council for Veterans Services (GAC-VS) to incorporate lessons learned since the GAC-VS inception. Coordinating with Policy, Legislative Affairs, and Senate staff regarding the extension of the Persian Gulf Bonus program.

5 POLICY, PLANNING AND LEGISLATIVE AFFAIRS > country > community > commonwealth As of 2 Sep 15 ActDescription Act 9 (HB 863/Benninghoff)Designates a bridge on that portion of State Route 3006 over Spring Creek, Bellefonte Borough, Centre County, as the Bellefonte Veterans Bridge. Act 11 (HB 131/Barrar)Amends Act 287 of 1982 to provide reduced tuition rates at community colleges and state related/state-owned institutions for Veterans, their spouses and dependent children. Act 17 (SB 284/Baker)Non-Veterans will be given the opportunity to express their support for Veterans by ordering the Honoring Our Veterans license plate for their motorcycles for $35; $15 of that $35 is then donated to the Veterans Trust Fund. Veterans can obtain the plate for only $20. Act 18 (SB 285/Baker)Amends Title 51 to allow for the money collected from the Honoring Our Veterans license plates for motorcycles to be transferred to the Veterans Trust Fund. Act 21 (HB 88/Day)Designates a portion of State Route 309 North in Lynn Township, Lehigh County, between the intersections of Northwest Road and Long Court and Mosserville Road and Mountain Road, as the Lance Corporal Brandon J. Van Parys Memorial Road. Act 23 (HB 157/Heffley)Amends Chapter 75 of Title 51 (Military Affairs) by requiring certain Commonwealth agencies to strongly consider a Veteran's military education, training and experience, for the purpose of receiving possible waivers from requirements for professional credentials. Act 29 (HB 501/Keller)Designates the Conodoguinet Bridge on that portion of State Route 641 over the Conodoguinet Creek, Hopewell Township, Cumberland County, as the PFC Harold ‘Sam’ E. Barrick Memorial Bridge. Act 32 (SB 42/Baker)Provides penalties for anyone falsely claiming to be a Veteran to obtain Veterans status on a driver’s license. Enacted State Legislation

6 POLICY, PLANNING AND LEGISLATIVE AFFAIRS > country > community > commonwealth As of 2 Sep 15 ActDescription P.L. 114-31 (H.R. 91)The “Veterans Identification Card Act 2015,” requires the Department of Veterans Affairs to issue general purpose identification cards to all Veterans without regard to the Veterans' eligibility for Government benefits. P.L. 114-38 (H.R. 2499)The “Veterans Entrepreneurship Act of 2015,” waives the upfront guarantee fee for Veterans applying for 7(a) express loans through the Small Business Administration (SBA), helping recently discharged service members and other Veterans with opportunities to start new businesses. According to the SBA, one out of 10 small businesses across the U.S. Is Veteran-owned. P.L. 114-41 (H.R. 3236)The "Surface Transportation and Veterans Health Care Choice Improvement Act of 2015," extends through October 29, 2015, authority and funding for the Department of Transportation's surface transportation programs and transfers $8.1 billion from the Treasury General Fund to the Highway Trust Fund; and provides resource flexibility to the Department of Veterans Affairs for health care services and makes a number of changes to the Veterans Access, Choice and Accountability Act. Enacted Federal Legislation

7 > country > community > commonwealth As of 31 May 15 > country > community > commonwealth BUREAU OF VETERANS’ HOMES As of 31 AUG 15 Total State Veterans’ Homes Occupancy: 92 % - Total State Veterans’ Homes Non-Veteran Census Percentage: 10% State Veterans’ Homes Nursing Care (NC) / Dementia (DEM) Occupancy: 95% State Veterans’ Homes Personal Care (PC) / Domiciliary (DOM) Occupancy: 81% Source of National Data: Department of Veterans Affairs’ nation-wide census report for State Veterans’ Homes.

8 > country > community > commonwealth BUREAU OF VETERANS’ HOMES As of 31 AUG 15 Licensure Updates Gino J. Merli Veterans’ Center (GMVC) - Scranton PA GMVC remains on Provisional Licensure and is currently in compliance with all Department of Health (DOH) Regulations. The facility is awaiting another unannounced inspection from DOH to verify compliance and then remove the provisional license.

9 > country > community > commonwealth BUREAU OF VETERANS’ HOMES As of 31 AUG 15 Monthly Maintenance Fees Definition The portion of the Cost of Care that is the resident’s monthly payment obligation. This is based upon what the resident can afford to pay out of pocket. Residents must pay for the cost of their care to the extent of their ability to pay. As we discussed in our last meeting the veterans’ home recalculates the residents’ monthly obligation annually and upon changes in individual financial matters. The portion of their cost of care may increase or decrease based on that recalculation.

10 > country > community > commonwealth BUREAU OF VETERANS’ HOMES As of 31 AUG 15 Maintenance Fees Continued Bureau of Veterans’ Homes (BVH) is currently working with eighty-One (81) residents that have an unpaid monthly maintenance fee balance. The reasons for the delay in payment vary from unexpected financial matters with families, to outright refusal to pay. The outstanding balance for current residents maintenance fees is $511,390.00. BVH is always willing to work with residents and their responsible parties to make whatever arrangements for payment of the required maintenance fee. However we need to follow our regulations when it comes to collecting that portion of the cost of care.

11 > country > community > commonwealth BUREAU OF VETERANS’ HOMES As of 31 AUG 15 Maintenance Fees Continued Regulation (c) Appeal of monthly maintenance fees. A resident who disagrees with the Commandant’s determination as to the monthly maintenance fee may request review of the determination by the Director of the Bureau of Veterans Affairs. The request for review shall be in writing and state the reasons why the resident believes he lacks the ability to pay maintenance fees at the monthly rate established by the Commandant. A Commandant may submit a response to the request for review indicating the reasons for the determination. A copy of the Commandant’s response shall be provided to the resident for review and comment. The Director of the Bureau for Veterans Affairs will review the materials submitted by the resident and the Commandant and will provide a written determination to the resident and the Commandant stating the amount of the monthly maintenance fee to be paid and the reasons for the determination. (d) Liability for cost of maintenance. Acceptance of reduced amount of monthly maintenance fees does not relieve a person or estate of liability for payment for the full cost of the maintenance under Pennsylvania statute. Grounds for discharge (6) Failure to pay maintenance fees.

12 > country > community > commonwealth BUREAU OF VETERANS’ HOMES As of 31 AUG 15 Veterans’ Homes Newsletters All six Veteran Homes have established monthly newsletters for residents, families, and staff. The newsletters provide the reader with information on upcoming events at the home, recent activities including photos and other interesting facts and articles for sharing. Each home came up with the name for their newsletter; Delaware Valley Veterans’ HomeValley Voice Gino Merli Veterans’ Center Merli Messenger Hollidaysburg Veterans’ Home A New Beginning Pennsylvania Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Home Blockhouse Beacon Southeastern Veterans’ CenterVet Gazette Southwestern Veterans’ Center Old Glory All newsletters are available at the home, and on the DMVA website.

13 As of 25 Mar14 VETERANS’ TRUST FUND > country > community > commonwealth RevenueSince Last MeetingSFY 14-15Cumulative Total Checkoff & Donations$466,424.00$278,340.00$2,741,519.45 HOV License Plate$195.00*$195.00.00$33,000.00 PA Monuments License Plate$230.00*$230.00$10,419.00 Interest$565.22 $6,624.82 Disbursements VTF Grants$0.00**$0.00$932,860.00 VTA$142,617.00 $802,328.32 PENN DOT Costs$194,000.00***$194,000.00$478,000.00 Total number of HOV License plates sold since last meeting = 13 (Total since inception = 2,200) *Total number of PA Monuments License plates sold since last meeting = 0 (Total since inception =453) **Awards and distribution of funds are contingent upon the completion of a fully executed grant agreements *** PENNDOT PAYMENT/INVOICING – DMVA has Agreed to pay $194,000/FY over four years. Current Balance is $488,000. DOT will issue invoices at the beginning of April for Annual Payments. (Total Cost was 966,000.00) As of 31 August 2015

14 > country > community > commonwealth As of 31 August 2015 Honoring our Heroes 2015 Veterans’ Appreciation Day – 1 Day Appreciation Event for all Veterans of the Commonwealth. Appreciation, Education, Awareness and Access. Concept of the Operation is to recognize and honor our Veterans’ with Special emphasis on our Viet Nam War Veterans and our Gold Star Families from all eras. -10 Oct 2015, Area 14, FTIG (start and end times) -Hosted by DMVA (our Service Organization Partners) and FTIG -Veteran Appreciation Day -Viet Nam War Veterans Commemoration -Gold Star Families Recognition

15 > Technology > People > Processes PERSIAN GULF BONUS PROGRAM SUMMARY VETERANS TEMPORARY ASSISTANCE $700,000 585 Claimants 172 Claimants on the program Lapse $0 Projected Expenditures $ 557,383 Expended $ 142,617 > country > community > commonwealth As of 31 AUG 2015 644 Claimants Projected

16 > Technology > People > Processes PERSIAN GULF BONUS PROGRAM SUMMARY BLIND VETERANS PENSION $222,000 (Proposed) Lapse $0 Projected Expenditure $ 171,600 Expended $ 50,400 > country > community > commonwealth As of 31 AUG 2015 116 Claimants118 Claimants 120 Claimants Projected FY 13-14FY 14-15 FY 15-16

17 PARALYZED VETERANS PENSION > country > community > commonwealth As of 31 AUG 2015

18 > Technology > People > Processes PERSIAN GULF BONUS PROGRAM SUMMARY EDUCATIONAL GRATUITY As of 15 Jan 14 > country > community > commonwealth As of 31 AUG 2015 $601,000 (Projected) 104 Claimants 186 Claimants100 Claimants Projected Lapse $0 Projected Expenditure $101,000 Expended $0 0 Claimants on the program

19 > Technology > People > Processes PERSIAN GULF BONUS PROGRAM SUMMARY DISABLED VETERANS TAX EXEMPTION PROGRAM As of 15 Jan 14 > country > community > commonwealth As of 31 AUG 2015

20 > Technology > People > Processes PERSIAN GULF BONUS PROGRAM SUMMARY DISABLED VETERANS’ RETX PROGRAM As of 15 Jan 14 > country > community > commonwealth As of 31 AUG 2015 MAY 14 *739 Applications Received since May 21, 2015

21 > Technology > People > Processes PERSIAN GULF BONUS PROGRAM SUMMARY PERSIAN GULF VETERANS BENEFIT PROGRAM > country > community > commonwealth As of 31 AUG 2015 Total Applications: 11,592 Payments Sent: 8,964 Total Payments: $3,807,312.50 Average Payment: $424.73 Average Processing Time: 4.88 days


23 > country > community > commonwealth ODAGVA / ACT 66 SUMMARY As of 31 August 15 FY 15 - 16 Claims, Compensation and Pension Summary Year to Date Claims SubmittedYear to Date Value of Awards 1,924$10,262,747.00 FY 14 - 15 Claims, Compensation and Pension Summary Year to Date Claims SubmittedYear to Date Value of Awards 22,473$219,260,065.00

24 > country > community > commonwealth OUTREACH ENGAGEMENTS As of 31 August 15 Outreach Statistics 1st Qtr2nd Qtr3rd Qtr4th Qtr Year to Date Outreach Events Supported22000 Mobile Outreach Van Events16000 Veteran Interactions733000 Claim referrals to County Directors and Service Organizations 144000 Legislator Attended Events80008 Notes Two outreach vans are operational and supporting outreach events Upcoming Events – September Legislative Events – Representative Christiana’s Veteran Breakfast, Senator Vogel Senior Event, Congressman Marino’s Senior Health Fair Events - Freedom Express Day at Cabela’s, Carbon County Senior Expo, Ross Township Community Fair, Mt. Pocono DAV Event, Agent Orange Town Hall Meeting, PA Bow Hunters Festival, Hanover Veteran and Family Fun Day, Juniata County Veteran Event, Chestnut Hill Community Day Legislators Attending Events – Representatives Acosta, Simmons, Saccone and Baker. Senators Scarnati, Smucker and Mensch

25 NEXT MEETING > country > community > commonwealth As of 31 August 15 Friday, October 2, 2015 at 10:00AM Arrowheads Community Club Fort Indiantown Gap Annville, PA 17003

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