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Tips for Reading en Français Gayle M. Scahill Curie HS.

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2 Tips for Reading en Français Gayle M. Scahill Curie HS

3 English verbs ending in -ate are French -er verbs: to facilitate=faciliter to cultivate=cultiver to imitate=imiter to illustrate=illustrer

4 If you add -er to many English verbs, you have a French one: to refuse=refuser to flirt=flirter to touch=toucher to pay=payer

5 English verbs ending in -y have the French infinitive -ier: to simplify=simplifier to copy=copier to verify=verifier

6 Words ending in -tion mean the same thing in French as in English and they are feminine: Federation=la fédération creation=la création imagination=l’imagination generation=la génération operation=l’opération ****Middle “e’s” usually have an accent aigu (é)

7 English words ending in -or end in -eur in French: doctor=le doctor professor=le professeur author=l’auteur

8 Nouns ending in -ation are from verbs of the first conjugation : La création=creér l’opération=opérer l’interrogation=intéroger

9 English verbs ending in -ish are the same in French and in English and are -ir verbs in French: to punish= punir to finish=finir to tarnish=tarnir

10 The following words mean the same in French & English: Words ending in -ce: la force, la france Words ending in -ure: la nature Words ending in -al: l’animal, formal

11 Other tips: English words ending in -ist end in -iste in French English words ending in -ic end in -ique in French


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