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258 Q: Where does tourism rank on the Scottish export list? A: 4th 257 Q: How much of Europe‘s offshore wind resources does Scotland have? A: 25% 256 Q:

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Presentation on theme: "258 Q: Where does tourism rank on the Scottish export list? A: 4th 257 Q: How much of Europe‘s offshore wind resources does Scotland have? A: 25% 256 Q:"— Presentation transcript:

1 258 Q: Where does tourism rank on the Scottish export list? A: 4th 257 Q: How much of Europe‘s offshore wind resources does Scotland have? A: 25% 256 Q: What is the top export market for Scottish whiskey? A: USA 255 Q: What are the main ingredients of whiskey? A: Water, barley, yeast 254 Q: What region has the most whiskey distilleries in Scotland? A: Speyside 253 Q: How many people does the tourism industry pay wages to in Scotland? A: 200,000 252 Q: What percentage of Scotland‘s annual electricity consumption will be produced by renewable energy in 2020? A: 100% 251 Q: How many people are employed by the oil and gas industry? A: 150,000 € Economy


3 260 Q: What is the value of the Scottish tourism industry? A: £11 billion 259 Q: How is Hydro Electric Power produced? A: Harnessing the power from water € Economy


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