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1 Sola Scriptura – Part 1 John 5:37-47 Witness of the Scriptures Purpose of the Scriptures Misuse of the Scriptures Accusation of the Scriptures.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Sola Scriptura – Part 1 John 5:37-47 Witness of the Scriptures Purpose of the Scriptures Misuse of the Scriptures Accusation of the Scriptures."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Sola Scriptura – Part 1 John 5:37-47 Witness of the Scriptures Purpose of the Scriptures Misuse of the Scriptures Accusation of the Scriptures

2 2 Witness of the Scriptures  2 Timothy 3:14-17  Origin of Scripture is God!  Council of Trent – tradition = Scripture  Age of Rationalism – Bible became man’s word about God and not God’s Word to man!  Scripture was lowered to man’s level. Sola Scriptura – Part 1 John 5:37-47

3 3 Witness of the Scriptures  Men did the writing.  God stood behind the writing.  Men used their own vocabulary and literary style.  God guided them in choice of words and guaranteed the outcome.  The vehicle was the Holy Spirit. Sola Scriptura – Part 1 John 5:37-47

4 4 Witness of the Scriptures  2 Peter 1:20-21  “moved” – special word  Acts 2:2 = “blowing of a violent wind”  Acts 27:15,17 = “were driven along”  Objection: If man is involved, then it must be sinful or full of errors.  Answer: Luke 1:35 Sola Scriptura – Part 1 John 5:37-47

5 5 Purpose of the Scriptures  According to Jesus (5:39), it is to point to Him and reveal Him.  This purpose precludes one Author.  written over a two thousand year period  thirty human authors  an agreement to one book, one message  This book has one subject, old & new.  Luke 24:32 Sola Scriptura – Part 1 John 5:37-47

6 6 Application Do you truly believe that you are literally reading the Holy, ineffable Word of God? Do you stand firmly on this Word? Do you open these Scriptures so that your eyes and mind can be opened to Christ, by Christ, finding Christ in them? Sola Scriptura – Part 1 John 5:37-47

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