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ILO Department of Statistics Edgardo Greising

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1 ILO Department of Statistics Edgardo Greising

2 ILO Department of Statistics Edgardo Greising

3 I. Introduction II. ILOSTAT and GSBPM III. Types of Metadata IV. ILOSTAT Metadata V. Summary

4  ILOSTAT, new Statistical Information System  New data collection approach  New application  Standards based  Metadata driven

5  ILOSTAT modules  Data collection  Data cleaning process  Data dissemination  Workflow control  Metadata

6  GSBPM phases  1. Specify needs  2. Design  3. Build  4. Collect  5. Process  6. Analyse  7. Disseminate  8. Archive  9. Evaluate  Overarching processes:  Quality management  Metadata management ……

7  ILOSTAT Compliance

8  Metadata classification

9  Technical metadata  System’s parameters  Govern automatic updates and scheduled batch processes  Data Collection  Structural validation of data collection instruments  User Access Control  Roles, credentials, access rights, etc.  Process  Consistency rules  Formulas for calculated indicators  Dissemination website  Context information: language, country, subject

10  Process metadata  ILOSTAT’s workflow  Information used by:  Country Specialists: to manage data collection activities  Supervisors: to have real time information about the amount and quality of the data compiled  Applications: to drive the data workflow

11  Structural metadata Business  Structural metadata  The “heart” of the metadata driven system.  code lists for all the concepts in use  definition of all the artefacts used for data collection: questionnaires, DSD’s, etc. Dissemination: tables, charts, navigation menus, etc.  Stored in a single metadata repository  Shared by all the modules  Single point of maintenance

12  Statistical metacontent Business  Reference metadata  Descriptive metadata  Statistical metacontent  Typical “data about data”.  Two classes of metacontent:  Observation value status: sometimes called flag  Notes: controlled vocabulary, coded at collection time  Cleaning module  Checking for mandatory and contradictory notes  Dissemination module  Table metadata, flags and footnotes  Consolidation of footnotes at display time

13 Unlabeled stuffLabeled stuff The bean example is taken from: A Manager’s Introduction to Adobe eXtensible Metadata Platform,

14  Statistical metacontent Business  Reference metadata  Descriptive metadata  Statistical metacontent  Typical “data about data”.  Two classes of metacontent:  Observation value status: sometimes called flag  Notes: controlled vocabulary, coded at collection time  Cleaning module  Checking for mandatory and contradictory notes  Dissemination module  Table metadata, flags and footnotes  Consolidation of footnotes at display time

15  Methodological metadata Business  Reference metadata  Descriptive metadata  Methodological metadata  Methodology used for primary data collection and processing  “Source & Methods”  connected to the series by the “survey” key  collects and disseminates the information in DDI 2.x

16  Quality metadata Business  Reference metadata  Descriptive metadata  Quality metadata  Stored in the Workflow tables  Provides information about the quality of the data  Ex.: After consistency checking data status can be “Error”, “Ready for dissemination” or “Ready by allowance”.  Additional quality related information attached as comments

17  External resources Business  Reference metadata  External resources  Artefacts and documents related to the studies  Questionnaires  Methodological guidelines  Maps  Full study metadata in DDI and microdata files will be available from the ILO Central Microdata Repository


19 E-mail: Skype: egreising Twitter: egreising LinkedIn:

20 E-mail: Skype: egreising Twitter: egreising LinkedIn:

21  Knowing how it goes. E-mail (country + user) Qtable (country + indic + survey)

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