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Seahorses By Susie Christman Title Page.

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1 Seahorses By Susie Christman Title Page

2 Appearance Seahorses come in many different colors and can also change colors to camouflage itself in its environment. Size: from 1/4 inch to a foot or more.

3 Habitat Seahorses live in sea grass beds, mangroves, or coral reefs.
Seahorses live in most parts of the world. Habitat Seahorses are found in most of the world’s temperate or tropical coastal waters.

4 Diet A seahorse can consume up to 3,000 brine shrimp per day.
Seahorses have no teeth and swallow their food whole. Diet Slide:

5 Predators Crabs, tuna fish, skates, and rays eat seahorses.
Storms also hurt seahorses by casting them ashore. Some humans harvest seahorses to use as medicine. Storms are probably the biggest natural cause of death for adult seahorses because they tear seahorses from their holdfasts, to be cast ashore or die of exhaustion.

6 Reproduction Unlike human females, it is the male seahorse that takes care of the eggs until they hatch. Out of two thousand babies born to a pair of seahorses, only two will survive. A male becomes “pregnant” when a female, like this one, deposits her eggs into his pouch. Each “pregnancy” lasts about two to three weeks (varies with species and water temperature). Once the male gives birth, he usually becomes pregnant again right away

7 Fun Facts Each eye moves independently. About 35 known species exist.
Like some humans, seahorses have only one partner for life.

8 Quiz What color are seahorses? What do seahorses eat?
Where do seahorses live? Which gender of seahorse has babies? What other animals eat seahorses? Name one fun fact about seahorses…

9 Works Cited Seahorse Fractal Background Seahorse Characteristics Seahorse Information Images of Seahorses Seahorse Photo

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