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Health and Work Development Unit How to use the online data collection tool If you require any further assistance, please contact the HWDU audit helpdesk.

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Presentation on theme: "Health and Work Development Unit How to use the online data collection tool If you require any further assistance, please contact the HWDU audit helpdesk."— Presentation transcript:

1 Health and Work Development Unit How to use the online data collection tool If you require any further assistance, please contact the HWDU audit helpdesk on 020 3075 1585. The helpdesk is available between 10am and 4pm Mondays to Fridays.

2 How to access the webtool? 1.Access the Internet 2.Go to: 3.You will be presented with the following screen. Please enter your username and password. 4.Please use the link provided if you forget your password.

3 How to select your audit? 1.After logging in you will be presented with the home page which can be seen in the screen shot below. 2.The homepage will list all the audits you are approved for. 3.Please click on the audit you would like to access. For example; National Organisational Audit: Implementation of NICE Public Health guidance relating to health and work. Top tip: You can also click here to get a list of your active audits

4 How to select your audit period? 1.After selecting which audit you will be entering data for you will be taken to the following screen. 2.On the top half of this page you will see a summary of the audit you have selected and you will be able to find some brief instructions. 3.On the bottom half of the page you will see a list of the audit periods against which you can enter data. This will indicate which parts of the audit are in an active data collection period. Please select the period you wish to enter data. For the pilot, please select pilot. You will not see any other periods for this audit as this is the first audit round. 4.Please ignore the reports link for the moment. This is not active functionality at the moment but will be used later in data collection. 2. 3.

5 1.After selecting which audit period you wish to enter data against you will be taken to a summary screen of all the records you have entered for this audit period and you will be able to add a new record for your organisation. 2.Please select ‘add a new record’ to create a new case. 3.To edit an existing case please select it from the table. 4.To export a copy of your data please select export. You will need to select committed if you wish to export all finalised cases and uncommitted if you wish to export all data entered. Please remember, the HWDU will only analyse data that has been committed. How to add a new record (Part 1) 2. 3. 4.

6 How to enter your data? 1.After selecting ‘add a new record’ you will be taken to the following screen. 2.Please work your way through the questions. 3.Please note that the questions are routed so on selecting ‘yes’ as a response for a question, some follow up questions may appear. This will cause your browser to refresh and you may see the Internet Explorer timer working in the bottom left hand corner of your screen. 4.To save your record, click ‘save record’ 5.To move through the questions you can either tab through the questions or click ‘next section’. 5. 4.

7 Important information 1.You will find a summary of the Pilot user guide and help notes available under the Important Information tab

8 How to create an export of your own data? 1.Please go to your audit case management page. This is the page where you are able to see all the cases you have entered for a given audit period. 2.Please select what kind of export you would like. 3.You can export all committed data and all uncommitted data. 4.Committed date should be data you have finalised and are happy for the HWDU to analyse.

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