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IGOC Update James Williams Indiana University

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Presentation on theme: "IGOC Update James Williams Indiana University"— Presentation transcript:

1 iGOC Update James Williams Indiana University

2 This presentation is based on the work of: Leigh Grundhoefer at Indiana University Saul Youssef at Boston University

3 Useful URLs iVDGL iGOC homepage Worldgrid User guide

4 iVDGL International Virtual Data Grid Laboratory From the iVDGL proposal “To provide an international virtual data grid laboratory of unprecedented scale and scope”

5 WorldGrid WorldGrid is the iVDGL operating environment which provides support for all iVDGL experiments. WorldGrid is international in scope. ( built in cooperation with the EDG.)

6 WorldGrid Operations Installations are automatic. No manual steps. WorldGrid installation provides access to all resources necessary for a “site” to participate in a “project”. WorldGrid contains monitoring components (currently Ganglia) that are installed with the package.

7 WorldGrid Operations 2 Operations role is one of software integration, not software development.

8 WorldGrid Operations 3 WorldGrid will permit a site to “join” and “leave” projects as the site manager desires. Projects are certified by the iGOC. iGOC will create “help desk solutions” for each project including phone contacts and project forum.

9 WorlGrid Operations 4 Moving forward with actual gird operations will focus the development of tools for the iGOC.

10 Next 3 months Deployment of WorldGrid2 (replacing WorldGrid1 which was deployed for SC2002).

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