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Racial / Ethnic Prejudice and Discrimination. I. Stereotypes, Prejudice, and Discrimination A. Stereotype: a generalized belief about a group of people.

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Presentation on theme: "Racial / Ethnic Prejudice and Discrimination. I. Stereotypes, Prejudice, and Discrimination A. Stereotype: a generalized belief about a group of people."— Presentation transcript:

1 Racial / Ethnic Prejudice and Discrimination

2 I. Stereotypes, Prejudice, and Discrimination A. Stereotype: a generalized belief about a group of people in which identical characteristics are assigned to virtually all members of the group, regardless of actual variation among the members. B. Prejudice: an attitude or feeling, favorable or unfavorable, toward a person or group of people, prior to, or not based on, actual experience. C. Discrimination: an unjustified negative or harmful behavior toward a member or members of a group simply because of their membership in that group.

3 II. Racism: an individual’s or group’s prejudicial attitudes and discriminatory behaviors toward people of a given race or ethnicity. A. Individual Racism: the racist acts of one person based on conscious or unconscious prejudice. B. Institutional Racism: when economic, educational, political, social, and corporate institutions favor one race or ethnicity over another. C. Cultural Racism: the discriminatory acts of one race or ethnic group against another race or ethnic group, at times attempting to change or eliminate the other group.

4 E. Are most people individual racists? 1) Subtle Racism 2) Automatic Racism D. Racial Discrimination… Does it still exist?

5 The Implicit Attitude Test

6 III. Key Motivational & Cognitive Influences in Prejudice and Discrimination A. Scapegoating: the idea that you use a particular person or group of people (usually people not in a position to effectively retaliate) to act out aggression upon in order to vent frustration. B. Evolutionary Survival Instinct: difference is a sign of danger. C. The Ultimate Attribution Error: the tendency to make dispositional attributions from one individual’s characteristics or behavior to an entire group of people.

7 A. Contact Hypothesis: the idea that prejudice and discrimination will decline as we have more contact with people who we would have discriminated against. B. Mutual Interdependence: the need to depend on each other to accomplish a goal that is important to each group. IV. Prejudice and Discrimination: Remedies Both contact and mutual interdependence combined is most effective in reducing Prejudice and Discrimination.

8 Robbers Cave Experiment

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