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Presentation on theme: "FRACTIONS ON THE ABACUS"— Presentation transcript:


2 The above icon links to a simulation of the Pythagorean Abacus
The above icon links to a simulation of the Pythagorean Abacus. Using the numeric pad arrow keys, beads on the abacus can be pushed to simulate action on the actual abacus. Place the arrow on a bead in the direction you wish to push and press the space bar. Press enter are return to continue presentation. More information on activities with the abacus is included with the simulation. Click green dot to advance slide.

3 FRACTIONS SHORT DIVISION To begin the fraction lesson teach short division on the abacus. I recommend using a story or sequence of images to direct the solution process for students. I might tell the students that a family of three squirrels searched for nuts on an autumn morning and found fourteen nuts. They each took one nut in turn from their collection until there were not enough left for them each to have another. They left the extra for the winter birds. How many nuts did each squirrel get.

4 NO! Begin to push where indicated on abacus A. Abacus A shows a small triangle with beads in its base equal the number of squirrels, the divisor. Abacus B and abacus C show how a number of beads equal the nuts collected by the squirrels, the dividend, are pushed from the right side to the left side. Do not push bottom roll beads.

5 PUSH HERE Abacus C and abacus D show that the triangle remaining on the right side has a base number of beads equal the number of nuts each squirrel got, the whole number part of the quotient. The last column of beads, of the dividend, equals what remained for the winter birds. Students can now be shown how remainders can be expressed as fractions.

6 FRACTIONS TIMES WHOLES Once students can divide on the abacus then they can explore multiplying a whole number by a fraction. The same image sequence used above can direct the solution process.

PUSH HERE For the example demonstrated above, two-thirds (times or of) twelve, tell the students a family of three squirrels collected twelve nuts and each took one nut in turn from the collection until there were no nuts left. How many nuts does each squirrel get? As shown on abacus A the number of squirrels is represented by the triangle on the left with three beads in its base, and the collected nuts by the rectangle of beads above that triangle. And as before, the number of beads in the triangle to the right is the quotient.

8 PUSH HERE To direct the solution process for two-thirds (of or times) twelve ask how many nuts would two of the squirrels get altogether. Abacus B and abacus C show how you can push two-thirds of the base beads of the triangle representing the family of squirrels to the right and separate out two-thirds of the rectangle representing the collected nuts. In this way, the answer eight is displayed.

I invited over a friend, baked a pie, Then, decided a little piece I'd try. In an hour my friend arrived. What remained made them cry But, just a bit they ate with a sigh. So all alone, I finished the pie.  Once students can multiply a whole number by a fraction on the abacus, a sequence of manipulations can easily be learned to solve multiplication and division of fraction problems. It is again helpful to direct the solution process with a story or image sequence. The poem above may be the bases for such a sequence.

10 I invited over a friend, baked a pie, Then, decided a little piece I'd try. In an hour my friend arrived. What remained made them cry But, just a bit they ate with a sigh. So all alone, I finished the pie.  In the fraction problem shown below, the second fraction, reading from left to right, is how much of the pie remained when the friend arrived, and the first fraction is how much of what remained the friend ate.

To begin the solution process have the students multiply the denominators, as shown on abacus A, to see into how many pieces the pie is sliced. This product, twelve, is the denominator of the solution. Direct students to write it under the fraction bar of the solution fraction.

Now to find the numerator students must figure out how many pieces of the whole pie the friend ate. Have students first find how many pieces remained when the friend arrived, by taking three-fourths of twelve, the whole pie. As shown over Abacus B and abacus C, the answer is nine.

13 Then students can find out how much of the three- fourths or nine pieces the friend ate, by taking two- thirds of the nine pieces. As shown over abacus D and abacus E the answer is six. Direct students to write six above the fraction bar of the solution fraction 

14 DIVIDING FRACTION I invited again my friend for pie. Have no fear this is why; For - I baked two with pride. I ate most of one, but no need to cry. Here's another for my friend to try. Eat my friend and don't be shy. Division of fractions can be shown to be a comparison of one fraction to another. The solution process can be directed by continuing our poem.

15 Have the students, as before, multiply the denominators to see into how many equal pieces the pie is sliced (twelve), but position the quadrilateral of beads between the triangles, as shown on abacus A. Now they are prepared to take a fraction of the pie.

16 D B C THREE-FOURTHS OF FOUR CORRESPONDS TO THREE-FOURTHS OF TWELVE Have students multiply the second fraction times twelve, the number of slices. As shown over abacus B, abacus C and abacus D the answer is nine. This fraction of beads is represented to students as the slices eaten of the first pie and is the denominator of the solution fraction. Have students write it under the solution fraction bar.

17 E G F TWO-THIRDS OF THREE CORRESPONDS TO TWO-THIRDS OF TWELVE Now, have students multiply the first fraction times twelve, the products of the denominators. As shown over abacus E, abacus F and abacus G the answer is eight. This fraction of beads is represented to the students as the slices eaten of the second pie by the friend and is the numerator of the solution fraction. Have student write it over the solution fraction bar. 


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