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Enhancing Speed To Market In A Retail Environment Oddfellows Sydney.

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1 Enhancing Speed To Market In A Retail Environment Oddfellows Sydney

2 Background  Oddfellows are an agency with a heritage & strength in “brand retail” advertising.  In this environment, speed to market is an obvious competitive advantage for the agency, and its clients.  Toyota Motor Corporation Australia (a major client) are a heavy user of TV and radio. They demand not only cost effective speed to market of us, but also category leading creative standards.

3 Challenge How can we improve the quality of our product, and speed to market, for our current and potential clients.

4 Thinking  Must be a better way of working. What if production resources were involved at the beginning of the process rather than after the concept has been developed.  A Director working with a creative team as a resource during the creative development process would add great value.  This way of working is extended across all communication disciplines.  Digital & Interactive  DM  Promotions etc  This early involvement will not only add value to the product, also obviously “speeds up” the process, and stops some of the usual false starts and hic ups.  Budget vs technique  Timing  etc

5 Solution  Obvious solution to embed a production resource within the agency.  For a small agency this has cost and focus issues.  Our solution, to develop strategic partnerships with appropriate production houses, and physically locate them within the agency.  We now house the following within our building  Ashford Films – TV production and post  Speed of Sound – Sound design and radio production.  Strategic alliances formed with partners in other core disciplines

6 The Result  Recent client reviews (Aprais) has showed increases in measure of client satisfaction on both speed to market and quality of creative product.

7 The Watch Outs  The cultures must fit.  Creative independence must be retained in relation to choice of director.

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