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Research Needs for Critical Loads and Levels A.R. Riebau, Ph.D. 17 Feb 2005 Riverside, Ca.

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Presentation on theme: "Research Needs for Critical Loads and Levels A.R. Riebau, Ph.D. 17 Feb 2005 Riverside, Ca."— Presentation transcript:

1 Research Needs for Critical Loads and Levels A.R. Riebau, Ph.D. 17 Feb 2005 Riverside, Ca.

2 Do we want a North American approach? Canada, Mexico, USA? A.R. Riebau, Ph.D. 17 Feb 2005 Riverside, Ca.

3 Greetings from the NAFC Working Group on Atmospheric Change and Forests  Our group is established under the UN FAO to coordinate efforts between Mexico, Canada, and the USA on forests, air quality, and climate change. NAFC = North American Forestry Commission

4 NAFC Atmospheric Change and Forests  Three governmental agencies primary leads:  Canadian Forest Service (Dr. Harry Hirvonen, Roger Cox, others…)  Mexican Forest Service or CONAFOR (Ing. Carlos Gonzoles-Vincete, Tomas Hernadez)  USDA Forest Service (A.R. Riebau, Mark Fenn, Karl Zeller, Rich Fisher,others…) Website:

5 Research needs: Development of a program that links ground level measurements, models, and remote sensing in to one cogent program.

6 Ground-level data collection  Linking existing data:  Fairly easy:  NADP/NTN  CASTNET  IMPROVE  ARNEWS  US EPA Federal reference

7 Ground-level data collection  Linking existing data:  Fairly easy:  US DOI NPS Air Monitoring  USDA FS Air Resource Management  LTER/experimental Forests and watersheds

8 Ground-level data collection  Linking existing data:  Fairly hard:  US FIA  Mexico?  LTER/ NEON??

9 Ground-level data collection  We need research to capitalize on our exisiting data for CL&L while designing an approach for new data collection (nested opportunistic network)

10 What was Humble our plan from last year’s meeting?  Develop a system of a system of demonstration sites.  Develop a methods comparison paper, to explain parallels between ICP and recent North American critical loads approaches.

11 Candidate CL & L demonstration sites (as of May 2004) :  Presidential Range, NH  Lye Brook, VT  Hubbard Brook, NH  Monongahela National Forest, WV  Glacier Lakes Ecosystem Experiment Site WY  Kings River Project, CA  San Bernardino National Forest, CA  Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area, OR/WA

12 Candidate CL &L demonstration sites  Presidential Range, NH  Lye Brook, VT  Hubbard Brook, NH  Monongahela National Forest, WV  Glacier Lakes Ecosystem Experiment Site WY  Kings River Project, CA  San Bernardino National Forest, CA  Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area, OR/WA Just an aside— Is this still a good idea? How might we move this forward? How about Canada and Mexico?

13 Research needs: Development of a program that links ground level measurements, models, and remote sensing in to one cogent program.

14 Models and Modeling?

15 Methods Comparison Paper  Modeling methods are really the driving issue, as several modeling approaches have been in use.  Policy implications (need to work with ICP on these).

16 ICP Modeling and Mapping  Need to gain more understanding of ICP approaches.  Applications of techniques and emissions permitting process.  Policy implications of analyses.

17 Models and Modeling? But what about…

18 Modeling and Mapping  Can we capitalize on the NOAA/EPA Air Quality Forecasting Program (for the USA)?  Weather at high resolution (8 or 6 KM)  Ozone  Particulates  Deposition

19 Modeling and Mapping  Can we capitalize on our ecosystems modeling for global change (LANDIS, others)?  Fire ecology models?  Many more

20 Modeling and Mapping  The point is can we “imbed” this nested opportunistic network within a framework of on-going simulation initiatives to:  Gain spatial coverage  Gain temporal coverage  Gain usefulness & creditability

21 Research needs: Development of a program that links ground level measurements, models, and remote sensing in to one cogent program.

22 Remote Sensing?

23 Remote Sensing  Can we capitalize on the new programs being developed by NASA and NOAA?  Terra/Aqua MODIS (forest and ecosystem health)  NPOES  New “troposphere” atmospheric satellites  Automated drones

24 Remote Sensing  The point is can we these on- going RS initiatives to:  Validate suspected damage  Separate highly sensitive areas from less  Gain spatial coverage  Gain temporal coverage  Gain usefulness & creditability

25 Conclusions  We are in this for the “long haul.”  Although many of the old problems aren’t solved, new approaches could change the relevancy and urgency of these problems  Might this convergent system approach (e.g., on- ground to simulation to remote sensing) better align us with the larger science community  This view-point might draw much interest from other sources and partners

26 Farewell but not goodbye… we really need to a long-term relationship! Website:

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