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Merrick cloete | sahithi jadav. this presentation fuzzy applications adaptive pricing EDM plug flow reactor summary.

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Presentation on theme: "Merrick cloete | sahithi jadav. this presentation fuzzy applications adaptive pricing EDM plug flow reactor summary."— Presentation transcript:

1 merrick cloete | sahithi jadav

2 this presentation fuzzy applications adaptive pricing EDM plug flow reactor summary

3 adaptive pricing aims to dynamically change the price of a product it aims to adapt to market trends: demand fluctuationsProduct variability

4 adaptive pricing need to ensure products are adequately priced, not too expensive or cheap adaptations need to avoid exploitation vulnerabilities, undesired product drops below profitable value at which point it is bought in bulk avoid price hike loops whereby certain products reach unreasonably high prices

5 benefits works well with slow to purchase products – things that don’t have a constant stream of purchase order or don’t suit a bid system handles large numbers of factors well without overly complex rules Minimal data require compared to machine learning, defined by developer – understand consumer base better

6 implementation Product Popularity Shop Performance User Recency Market Penetration Category Popularity Time of week Performance User Purchase Pate Fuzzy Rule Set discount

7 fuzzy inputs explanation of inputs: Product Popularity Category Popularity Shop Performance

8 fuzzy inputs cont. explanation of inputs: Time of Week Performance User Recency User Purchase Rate

9 fuzzy inputs and output explanation of inputs and output: Market Penetration Discount

10 rule set

11 Fuzzy control system -Fuzzy logic controllers in proportional integral and deferential forms -Fuzzy logic control closed system - Illustration

12 Control closed loop: -Handling imprecision and nonlinearity in complex systems -Input & output variables are normalized

13 Logic Controllers in PI’s -Two input variables, the error and the change of error -Two input output FLC is derived from input variables and output variables.

14 PD like Fuzzy controller -PD controller can be derived from Max- product inference technique -Change in control variable according to the time plays a vital role

15 Plug flow tubular reactor: -A simple exothermic kinetics takes place from A->B

16 -Seven fuzzy sets are derived for each variable e(t),ce(t),cu(t) -Reduction in the coolant temperature decreases the output concentration, and inversely, the reasoning for the construction of the fuzzy control rules.


18 Fuzzy reasoning in EDM EDM (electrical discharge machining) is a very complicated and stochastic process. Fuzzy reasoning system is used as classifier, sparks and arcs Electrical impedance is calculated using fuzzy sets.

19 EDM

20 summary Adaptive Pricing Plug Flow Reactor EDM

21 references Adaptive Pricing with Fuzzy Logic fuzzy-logic/ A CASE STUDY: A FUZZY CONTROL SYSTEM Chapter 15.4 /search/FR.pdf A Fuzzy Neural Control System

22 merrick cloete |sahithi jadav

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