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Acrylic Techniques. Texture – then dry brush.

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Presentation on theme: "Acrylic Techniques. Texture – then dry brush."— Presentation transcript:

1 Acrylic Techniques


3 Texture – then dry brush



6 Scrubbing: Scrubbing paint onto your canvas is exactly what it sounds like. Take a stiff brush, larger often works better, and scrub your paint hard into the surface of the canvas. Don’t be afraid to apply some pressure to spread the paint around. This is a way to get a paint coverage without apparent brushstrokes.(see below) Scumbling: This is basically the same as scrubbing with the difference being the amount of water or thinner used in your paint. Scumble over other colours with a semi-opaque wash to achieve a strong atmosphere of mist or to soften.(see below) You can build up successive layers of scumbled washes to get the effect you want. Scumbling will give you a very soft look without brushstrokes. Note: When scumbling, make sure your paint layer underneath is dry, otherwise you pull the paint off and lose the effect.




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