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Software tools and Computing Akiya Miyamoto KEK 29-September-2006 At FJPPL meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "Software tools and Computing Akiya Miyamoto KEK 29-September-2006 At FJPPL meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Software tools and Computing Akiya Miyamoto KEK 29-September-2006 At FJPPL meeting

2 ACFA-SIM-J activities ACFA-SIM-J = Users and developers of our tools Topics  Frameworks, Full simulation, Analysis tools  Tracker, Vertexing, PFA/Calorimeter, … TV meeting held weekly + e-mail communication Participants  Tohoku, Niigata, Tsukuba, KEK, Tokyo, Shinshu, Kobe, Saga, …  MST-IIT (Philippine), Kyungpook (Daegu, Korea)

3 Our Software Tools lcbase : configuration files Leda : Analysis tools (Kalman fitter, 4vector and jet findinder utilities ) jsf : Root-based framework lclib : QuickSim and other fortran based utilities physsim : Helas-based generator Jupiter : Full simulation based on Geant4 Uranus : Data analysis packages Satellites : Data analysis packages for MC data  We use only C++, except old fortran tools.  Link to various tools at  GLD Software at  All packages are kept in the CVS. Accessible from

4 JSF Framework: JSF = Root based application  All functions based on C++, compiled or through CINT  Provides common framework for event generations, detector simulations, analysis, and beam test data analysis  Unified framework for interactive and batch job: GUI, event display  Data are stored as root objects; root trees, ntuples, etc Release includes other tools QuickSim, Event generators, beamstrahlung spectrum generator, etc.


6 LCIO interface JSF/Jupiter exact hits  LCIO converter  Exists since 2005.  Pointers to generator particles are not perfect  a restriction to an analysis which relies on generator particle information LCIO  JSF/Satellites converter  Work in progress, but not ready yet

7 Full simulator tools Full Simulator: Jupiter (Geant4.8.0.p01)  Stand-alone package  JSFJupiter – Interface to JSF  Detector Geometry: parameters are defined by a text file  Stored in a ROOT file for use in analysis job Analysis Tools: Satellites/Uranus  A collection of analysis code based on JSF  IO: Geant4  ROOT object converter  Exact hits  Smeared hits  Track fitter (Khalman)  Cheated PFA, Realistic PFA

8 GLD Geometry in Jupiter FCAL BCAL IT VTX CH2mask

9 Calorimeter A dodecagonal shape calorimeter was installed 1 module  ECAL: 33 layers of 3mm t W/2mm t Scint./1mm t Gap  HCAL: 46 layers of 20mm t Fe/5mm t Scint./1mm t Gap  Readout cell  2cmx2cm (Default)  1cmx1cm ( studied in parallel )  1cmx5cm : Need to develop a package to merge 1cmx1cm to a strip shape 10cm air gap as a readout space

10 Momentum resolution Exact hit points created by single  were fitted by Kalman filter package  pt /p t 2 (GeV -1 )

11 Forward Region for SUSY Study BCAL : Total Z length 20 cm 30 layers of 3mm thick Tungsten + 0.3mm thick Si. + Air gap FCAL Front and Tail: 30 layers of 3mm Thick Tungsten + 0.3mm thick Si + Air gap HDCAL QC1 MUD CH2 Mask TPC EMCAL FCAL BCAL Response to 10GeV e+

12 Background Low energy e+e- pair background in BCAL region. Simulated using CAIN data, 500 GeV, Nominal parameter ~1/65 bunch of pair backgrounds are simulated BCAL FCAL e+/e- tagging in the forward region ? Needs serious study for SUSY physics

13 CAL Energy Resolution By H.Ono Using Geant4 standard physics list All |cos  | region. Barrel/Endcap dependant constant not applied yet Constant term of HD resolution at H.E is large.  need check by B.T.

14 Realistic PFA Preliminary result is comparable to the results by the tower geometry. More details in Yoshioka’s talk Calibration near barrel/endcap Gap is not optimized yet

15 GRID Plan GRID for ILC is supported by  GAKUJYUTSU SOUSEI budget  French-Japan Joint Lab. Program Initial goal  As a tool to share data of total size 1~10TB among Institutes in Japan, Asian, and World Wide. GRID plan : see next  Open question : How to share CPU resources ?

16 GRID Configuration KEKCC LCG environment LCG resource outside KEK GRID-LAN F/W KEK-LAN F/W NFS SLC4 Existing KEK-ILC group resource ILC NFS SE LCG LCG/Grid Protocol SE: Storage Element LCG/Grid Protocol University CPU Servers

17 GRID Configuration – Step2 KEKCC LCG environment LCG resource outside KEK GRID-LAN F/W KEK-LAN F/W NFS SLC4 Existing KEK-ILC group resource ILC NFS SE LCG LCG/Grid Protocol SE: Storage Element LCG/Grid Protocol University CPU Servers LCG UI SLC3 SE2 LCG UI SLC3

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