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Early Middle Ages and the Rise of Christianity. Brainstorm: With the collapse of the central Roman government, what are the people of Europe going to.

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Presentation on theme: "Early Middle Ages and the Rise of Christianity. Brainstorm: With the collapse of the central Roman government, what are the people of Europe going to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Early Middle Ages and the Rise of Christianity

2 Brainstorm: With the collapse of the central Roman government, what are the people of Europe going to lose?

3 Rise of the Church What organization can fill the vacuum left by the collapse of Rome? By the end of the 300’s AD, Christianity was the dominant religion of the Roman Empire. –As Rome fell apart, the Church began to have more influence on people’s lives. Power of the Church increases. –Pope (Papacy) Bishop of Rome as head of Church –Establish Papal States Pope has political power. –Monastic Movement Colonies?

4 Converting non-Christians Monastic movement –Monks & Nuns Men and women who separates themselves from ordinary society to dedicate their lives to God. –Lived in Monasteries and Convents Why important? –Moral example –Social workers »Schools, hospitals, etc. –Taught skills. –Missionaries People sent out to carry a religious message. By 1050AD most western Europeans had become Catholics.

5 After the Fall: Western Europe

6 Western Europe When Rome falls, it is the Western Roman Empire that collapses. –Review: Why not the East? Some of the “barbarian tribes” settle in Europe. –Angles and Saxons –Visigoths –Vandals –Franks The largest and most powerful kingdom was the Franks. (est. 500AD) –Clovis First Germanic emperor to become Christian. –Gains support of Roman Catholic Church.

7 Life in Early Middle Ages At first, life in Western Europe is chaotic and violent. –Wars between tribes. –Rapidly changing leadership. –Cities and trade dwindled. –Development and exchange of arts and ideas ceased.

8 After the Fall: Eastern Europe

9 Eastern Roman Empire The Roman Empire in the east continued to exist –Capital was Constantinople Byzantium? Emperor Justinian (527 AD) –Ruled as an autocrat Complete authority Seen as Christ’s co-ruler on earth. –Established The Body of Civil Law. Reviewed and simplified Romans laws. –Built Hagia Sophia in 532. –Wanted to retake the entire Mediterranean (recreate Rome) By 552 AD, he had almost succeeded…


11 Life in the Eastern roman Empire Roman Empire “lives on” in the Byzantine Empire –Continued some Roman traditions. Government, philosophy, etc. –Embraced some Greek culture. Art, language, etc. Fill Rome’s economic role as a center of trade. –Especially along Silk Road.

12 Death of Justinian Justinian’s death in 565AD left the Eastern Roman Empire with some major problems… –Too much territory to protect –An empty treasury –Decline in population (plague) –Threats to the borders As a result, the empire falls apart. –This smaller empire is called the Byzantine Empire.

13 By 700AD…

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