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Naumova Marfa form 9 “B” Teacher: Puchkova Elena Pavlovna.

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Presentation on theme: "Naumova Marfa form 9 “B” Teacher: Puchkova Elena Pavlovna."— Presentation transcript:

1 Naumova Marfa form 9 “B” Teacher: Puchkova Elena Pavlovna

2 Dictionary Fellow – сородич Reduction – снижение Birth rate – рождаемость Brake - тормоз Sack– грабить (о завоеванном городе) Ignorant – невежественный Slave society – рабовладельческое общество Trace – след Prominent - выдающийся

3 Main reasons of fall of the Rome Weak control of central authorities upon the military forces. The main enemies of Rome were barbarian tribes, the Romans recruited barbarians on the military service. Barbarians were expected to fight and kill their own fellows.

4 Great gulf between rich and poor. Weakening of Emperor power. Reduction of birth rate. Christian theologians actively prompted their followers not to work on Roman government. Slavery system became a brake on the economy development.

5 Peter Hitzer “The fall of the Rome”

6 The end of Empire In the year 476 united troops of German tribes under the leadership of Odoakr deposed last Roman Emperor Romulus, who ironically had the name of the founder of Rome and it’s first ruler. Barbarians were destroying the city during next few days. They sacked and killed citizens. Ruined their buildings, statues and temples. Because they didn’t realize any value of it. That’s why ignorant people are called barbarians nowadays. Odoakr in Rome


8 Historical significance of the Roman Empire fall The long ages of slave society had ended. The speed of social and technical progress slowed down. Middle ages and “dark times” had come. Many new countries in Europe appeared, some of which are still existing nowadays.

9 THE INFLUENCE OF ROMAN EMPIRE The existence of the Roman Empire left a great trace in the history of mankind. Almost all the subsequent countries in Europe tried to repeat its political and cultural achievements. The Roman Empire had being existed for 12 centuries. It was the most powerful state ever known in the history of the world. And its prominent influence shows itself in different fields even today - after 1500 years. “ Senatus Populus Que Romanus ”

10 Questions 1) What was the name of the last emperor of Rome? 2) Who invaded Rome in 476? 3)Why wasn’t it a good idea to recruit barbarian to Rome’s military forces?

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