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Grapeland GATE Night October 20, 2015 5:30-6:00 PM I. Activity II. Goals of GATE in Etiwanda IV. Universal Access (WIN Time) V. Biweekly GATE Meetings.

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Presentation on theme: "Grapeland GATE Night October 20, 2015 5:30-6:00 PM I. Activity II. Goals of GATE in Etiwanda IV. Universal Access (WIN Time) V. Biweekly GATE Meetings."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grapeland GATE Night October 20, 2015 5:30-6:00 PM I. Activity II. Goals of GATE in Etiwanda IV. Universal Access (WIN Time) V. Biweekly GATE Meetings (Kickoff, monitor, publish) VI. Grapeland’s Enrichment Opportunities VII. Grapeland Exploratory Outings VIII. Grapeland Webpage

2 Grapeland GATE Identity 41 Identified Gifted & Talented 32 Fifth Graders & 9 Fourth Graders GATE Site Facilitators: Mrs. Thompson & Mr. White GATE Advisor: Mrs. Hausman GATE Parent Rep: Mrs. Caraway & Mrs. Yu

3 Grapeland GATE Vision Adapting to Common Core Curriculum, new benchmark tests, and SBAC with the following standards being addressed: Primary goal is to provide differentiation in the classroom to create learning experiences that engage our gifted learners. We will plan exploratory opportunities throughout the year, too! Supporting our LCAP by meeting GATE students’ needs 4th Grade Writing: 4.1A-D, 4.2A-E, 4.3A-E, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6, 4.7 Language: 4.1A-G, 4.2A-D, 4.3A-C, 4.4C Listening and Speaking: 4.1A-D, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5 5th Grade Writing: 5.1A-D, 5.2A-E, 5.3A-E, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, 5.8 Language: 5.1B,C,E, 5.2A-E, 5.4C Listening and Speaking: 5.1-5.6

4 Universal Access (WIN Time) All school sites are required to provide weekly Universal Access minutes within the instructional day. Grade levels determine days & times Some grade levels provide support within the classroom by creating leveled groups. Other grade levels combine students and each teacher focuses on a leveled group. GATE students are challenged to work on various projects and tasks both independently and cooperatively Examples include literature circles, research projects, developing presentations, applied math problem solving, science inquiries & labs

5 “Bear E News” Teacher Feature (2 each week) Math Challenge Sports, recess, & PE Heritage - School, Community Page E3 Class Update Leadership Class updates Field Trip Reports School Kitchen Updates, featured lunch of the month Upcoming Community Events New movies (review) Public Library Events (work with Amber) New Product reviews Environmental Articles (recycling, drought help, picking up trash) Welcome to Grapeland (new students) Technology Etiquette

6 Topics Continued Garden AR Events Special Events Reporter Current Event Editorial Question/answer Principal's Interview Crossword Puzzle (use school vocab) Trivia (about the school or teachers) Choir and Music Events (Entertainment Reporter) Public Service PTA link Suggested Books (for each reading level) Comic - PBIS based (Special Agent Oso type, super hero) Special Agent Grizzly, 3 simple steps website of the month Class Happenings (2 per month) Special Selected Creative writing story Special Support Staff Feature School Survey

7 Expectations of Journalists: 1. Researching & gathering of information should be systematic and done with respect for others 2.Wear press badges when leaving your classroom to collect information. 3.Share information that is accurate 4.Ask for permission to include comments, photos, etc. 5. Ask for permission to use the cameras. 6.Work cooperatively with your team of no more than four classmates. 7.Complete a minimum of one creative writing entry independently & fulfill team’s task for your e news entries. 8.Meet deadlines

8 Biweekly GATE Sessions Every other Wednesday, students will eat lunch & share progress and ideas regarding our school newspaper with Mrs. Thompson & Mr. White Teachers will monitor student progress daily and are available to provide guidance Mrs. Thompson, Mrs. Hausman, and Mr. White are available throughout the week to contact if students or parents have questions. Students will submit research and entries for the newspaper to be edited and published.

9 Grapeland’s Challenging Opportunities: Monthly Math Challenge (all year) Oratory Competition (September) Spanish Language Class (all year) Science Fair (January) Spelling Bee (January) Math Bee (March) Geography Bee (April) E3 Programs (Mondays) Battle of the Books (all year)

10 GATE Exploratory Outings Dana Point Harbor: Ocean Institute – Jan. 6th /7th (Noon to Noon) – One plastic bag for sleeping bag/pillow – One bag for change of clothes and toiletries – Whale Watching – dolphins/seals – Walk down to tide pools – Observe & analyze animal habitats and behaviors – Dissections – Document findings and experiences in school newsletter – Donation to help cover costs – Pizza/salad/ fresh vegetables dinner – Continental Breakfast – All students and staff sleep in the same gathering room with a dividing curtain between boys and girls.

11 Outings Continued Hike to the Etiwanda Nature Preserve: -Students will hike from school to the waterfall -Students will use a field journal to identify and document local flora & fauna -Information may be used to assist our development of the school garden. -Parents will be able to pick up students following the hike at the trailhead. -Date is TBD * Other outings and opportunities may be provided later in the year.

12 Grapeland GATE Webpage Updates posted Newsflash Sign Up: texts/emails Uploaded E Newsletter (every 6 weeks) Useful links

13 Thanks for Attending!

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