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Presentation on theme: "PLANT TRANSPORT “WATER POTENTIAL” Remember Osmosis???"— Presentation transcript:

It results in the net uptake or loss of water by the plant cell and depends on whether the cell or the extracellular fluid has a higher or lower…… “WATER POTENTIAL”

2 So…. What exactly is WATER “POTENTIAL”?
Here is the “Helm Definition”: The potential to….. MOVE!!!! In other words: Water will always move across a membrane from an area of high to low potential.

3 Let’s see if you get it: More HYPERtonic = More HYPOtonic =
LESS Potential More HYPOtonic = MORE Potential More Pressure = More Potential Less Pressure = LESS Potential So… Potential results from a combination of BOTH solute concentration AND pressure. Negative Pressure (or Tension) pulls in water ….and don’t forget about the role of the central vacuole!!

4 Lateral Transport: 3 main routes:
1. Across the membrane/cell walls: (you know… through the cellulose & phospholipid bilayer) 2. The SYMPLAST- through the continuum of cytoplasm formed by plasmodesmata. 3. The APOPLAST- between the actual plant cells -never enters the cells, just works its way through the matrix of cell walls Campbell Animation

5 Long Distance Transport…
Xylem for Water Phloem for “Phooood” (sap)

6 Transpiration “Plant Sweat”
Transpiration / Photosynthesis Ratio- g water lost / g CO2 assimilated The __________ the better?? LOWER! Example: 600:1 in C3 plants 300:1 in C4 plants Benefits of Transpiration: Assists in mineral transfer from root to shoot Evaporative cooling keeps enzymes from overheating Drawbacks: if transpiration exceeds delivery of water… Stomata close, photosynthesis ceases, plants wilt.

7 Stomata & Guard Cells When guard cells are turgid, they buckle due to radially arranged microfibrils. Turgid = Buckled = OPEN!! Flaccid = Unbuckled = CLOSED!!! Caused by the reversible uptake & loss of K+ ions by Guard Cells. More K+, higher [solute], lower p , water goes IN, microfibrils buckle, STOMATA OPEN! (and vise- versa, of course) K+ movement is triggered by H+ out by proton pumps.

8 Open or Closed?? OPEN: LIGHT: stimulates proton pumps by making ATP available from photosynthesis. DECREASE in CO2: from increased Photosynthesis. CIRCADIAN RHYTHMS: internal clock (plants are often on a 24 hour cycle even in the dark)

9 Open or Closed? Closed: WATER DEFICIENCY- makes guard cells flaccid
ABSCISIC ACID PRODUCTION- hormone that is activated in response to low water. HIGH TEMPERATURES- increases CO2 due to increased respiration.

10 Campbell Animation OK… so what about what’s goin’ on with the PHLOEM??
Translocation: food/phloem transport Sugar source: sugar production organ (mature leaves) Sugar sink: sugar storage organ (growing roots, tips, stems, fruit) 1- loading of sugar into sieve tube at source reduces water potential inside; this causes tube to take up water from surroundings by osmosis 2- this absorption of water generates pressure that forces sap to flow along the tube 3- pressure gradient in tube is reinforced by unloading of sugar and consequent loss of water from tube at the sink 4- xylem then recycles water from sink to source Campbell Animation

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