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Published byMary Byrd Modified over 9 years ago
3/4/20031 ECE 551: Digital System * Design & Synthesis Lecture Set 2 2.1: Verilog – The Basics 2.2: Verilog – Simulation and Testbenches
3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 2 ECE 551 - Digital System Design & Synthesis Lecture 2.1 – Verilog – The Basics Overview Primitives Modules Styles Structural Descriptions Language Conventions Number Representation
3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 3 Modules The Module Concept Basic design unit Modules are: Declared - define the module and what it does includes both interface & implementation Instantiated Use the module in another design or testbench Note: Module declarations cannot be nested
3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 4 Module Declaration * module decoder_2_to_4 (A, D) ; input [1:0] A ; output [3:0] D ; // RTL Description assign D = (A == 2'b00) ? 4'b0001 : (A == 2'b01) ? 4'b0010 : (A == 2'b10) ? 4'b0100 : (A == 2'b11) ? 4'b1000 : 4'bxxxx) ; endmodule Decoder 2-to-4 A[1:0] D[3:0] 2 4
3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 5 Bachus-Naur Form Verilog syntax conforms to the Bachus-Naur Form (see Text Appendix ? And IEEE 1364-2001 Annex ??) Name ::= begins a definition | introduces an alternative (or) bold textcorrespond to Verilog key words [item]an optional item that may appear once {item}an option item that may appear more than once |...Other alternatives exist, but not listed
3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 6 Module Declaration Syntax module_declaration ::= module_keyword module_identifier [list of ports]; {module_item} endmodule module_keyword ::= module|macromodule list_of_ports ::= (port {, port}) module_item ::= module_item_declaration | parameter_override | continuous_assign | gate_instantiation | udp_instantiation | module_instantiation | specify_block | initial_construct | always_construct
3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 7 Module Declaration - * Annotated module decoder_2_to_4 (A, D) ; /* module_keyword module_identifier (list of ports) */ input [1:0] A ; // input_declaration output [3:0] D ; // output_declaration // RTL description assign D = (A == 2'b00) ? 4'b0001 : (A == 2'b01) ? 4'b0010 : (A == 2'b10) ? 4'b0100 : (A == 2'b11) ? 4'b1000 : 4'bxxxx) ; /* continuous_assign- ment */ endmodule
3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 8 Module Declaration – Verilog 2001 Example module half_adder (input wire [1:0] x, output reg [1:0] z); //ANSI style: I/O & datatype declarations in module ports // behavioral description always@(x) begin z[1] <= x[1] ^ x[0]; // x1 XOR x0 z[0] <= x[1] & x[0]; // x1 AND x0 end endmodule Works in Modelsim
3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 9 Module Identifiers and Ports Module identifiers - must not be keywords! Ports First example of signals Scalar: e. g., c_out Vector: e. g., A[1:0], A[0:1], D[3:0], and D[0:3] Range is MSB to LSB (left to right) Can refer to partial ranges - D[2:1] Type: defined by keywords input output inout (bi-directional)
3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 10 Module Instantiation Syntax module _instantiation ::= module_identifier [parameter_value_assignment] module_instance {, module_instance}; parameter_value_assignment ::= # (expression {, expression}) module_instance ::= name_of_instance ([list_of_module_connections]) name_of_instance ::= module_instance_identifier [range] list of module connections ::= ordered_port_connection {, ordered_port_connection} | named_port_connection {, named_port_connection} ordered_port_connection ::= [expression] named_port_connection ::=. port_identifier ([expression]) Example: full_add #4 FA[3:0](A, B, C, Sum, C_out); All modules instantiated in one statement must have same delay.
3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 11 Module Instantiation Example module decoder_3_to_8 (A, D) ; input [2:0] A ; output [7:0] D ; wire [7:0] D_temp; wire A2_bar; not N0 (A2_bar, A[2]); // primitive instant. decoder_2_to_4 D0 (A[1:0], D_temp[3:0]);// module instant. decoder_2_to_4 D1 (A[1:0], D_temp[7:4]);// module instant. and [3:0] (D[3:0], D_temp[3:0], {4 {A2_bar}}); and [3:0] (D[7:4], D_temp[7:4], {4{A[2]}}); endmodule Decoder 3-to-8 A[2:0] D[7:0] 3 8
3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 12 Module Instantiation Examples Single module instantiation for two module instances decoder_2_4 D0 (A[1:0], D_temp[3:0]), D1 (A[1:0], D_temp[7:4]); Single module instantiation for array of instances half_add [3:0] (sum[3:0], c_out[3:0], A[3:0], B[3:0]); Named port connections decoder_2_4 D0 (.D (D_temp[3:0]),.A (A[1:0])); ports no longer have to be in order more likely to get ports correct
3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 13 Primitives Predefined Primitives Built into Verilog Basic combinational and switch-level building blocks for structural descriptions. For example, nand(c, a, b) // Output must be first Have behavior, but no lower-level description User-Defined Primitives Basic combinational and sequential structural building blocks Have behavior based on lower-level descriptions using truth tables Covered in detail later
3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 14 Built-in Primitives Combination logic primitives and, nand, or, nor, xor, xnor (one output, multiple inputs) and(z, a[7:0]); buf, not(multiple outputs, one input) not(a_not[7:0], a); Three state logic primitives bufif0, bufif1, notif0, notif1 (multiple outputs, one input, one enable) bufif1(a_buf[7:0], a, enable); Switch level primitives MOS gates, CMOS gates, Bi-directionals, Pull Gates Useful when doing transistor-level design and simulation Not used in this course See Appendix A for details
3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 15 Built-in Primitives No declarations - can only be instantiated All output ports appear in list before any input ports Optionally specify: instance name and/or delay and N25 (Z, A, B, C); // name specified and #10 (Z, A, B, X), (X, C, D, E); // delay specified and #10 N30 (Z, A, B, D); // name and delay specified /*Usually better to provide instance name for debugging.*/ or N30 (Out1, A1, A2, A3), // 3-input OR N41(Out2, B1, B2); // 2-input OR
3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 16 Structural Model Example module majority (V1, V2, V3, major) ; input V1, V2, V3 ; output major ; wire N1, N2, N3; and A0 (N1, V1, V2), A1 (N2, V2, V3), A2 (N3, V3, V1); or O0(major, N1, N2, N3); endmodule and A0 V1 V2 and A1 V2 V3 and A2 V3 V1 or O0 major N1 N2 N3
3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 17 Descriptive Styles Structural - instantiation of primitives and modules RTL/Dataflow - continuous assignments Behavioral - procedural assignments
3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 18 Style Example - Structural * module half_add (X, Y, S, C); input X, Y ; output S, C ; xor (S, X, Y); and (C, X, Y); endmodule module full_add (A, B, CI, S, CO) ; input A, B, CI ; output S, CO ; wire N1, N2, N3; half_add HA1 (A, B, N1, N2), HA2 (N1, CI, S, N3); or G1 (CO, N3, N2); endmodule
3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 19 Style Example - RTL/Dataflow module full_add_rtl (A, B, CI, S, CO) ; input A, B, CI ; output S, CO ; assign S = A ^ B ^ CI; //continuous assignment assign CI = A & B | A & CI | B & CI; //continuous assignment endmodule
3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 20 Style Example - Behavioral module full_add_bhv (A, B, CI, S, CO) ; input A, B, CI ; output S, CO ; reg S, CO;/* variable required to “hold” values between events */ always@(A or B or CI) /*event list – change triggers execution */ begin S <= A ^ B ^ CI;// procedural assignment CO <= A & B | A & CI | B & CI;// procedural assignment end endmodule
3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 21 Connections By position association module decoder_2_4_with_enable (A, E_n, D); decoder_2_4_with_enable DX (X[3:2], W_n, word); A = X[3:2], E_n = W_n, D = word By name association module decoder_2_4_with_enable (A, E_n, D); decoder_2_4_with_enable DX (.E_n(W_n),.A(X[3:2]),.D(word)); A = X[3:2], E_n = W_n, D = word
3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 22 Empty Port Connections Empty Port Connections module decoder_2_4_with_enable (A, E_n, D); decoder_2_4_with_enable DX (X[3:2],, word); E_n is at high-impedance state (z) decoder_2_4_with_enable DX (X[3:2], W_n,); Outputs D[3:0] unused. General rules empty input ports => high impedance state (z) empty output ports => output not used
3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 23 Multiple Instantiations/Assignments Instantiate multiple gates: nand #1 G1 (y1, a1, a2, a3), G2 (y2, a2, a3), G3 (y3, a1, a3); // same delay Assign multiple values assign # 1 y1 = a1 ^ a2, y2 = a2 | a3, y3 = a1 & a3;
3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 24 Arrays of Instances - 1 module array_of_xor (y, a, b) input [3:0] a,b; output [3:0] y; xor [3:0] (y, a, b)// instantiates 4 XOR gates endmodule module array_of_flops (q, data_in, clk, set, rst) input [7:0] data_in;// one per flip-flop input clk, set, rst;// shared signals output [7:0] q;// one per flip-flop /* instantiate flip-flops to form an 8-bit register */ flip_flop M [7:0] (q, data_in, clk, set, rst) endmodule
3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 25 Arrays of Instances - 2 module add_array (A, B, CIN, S, COUT) ; input [3:0] A, B ; input CIN ; output [3:0] S ; output COUT ; wire [3:1] carry; /* Instantiate four full-adders to form a 4-bit ripple- carry adder */ full_add FA[3:0] (A,B,{carry, CIN},S,{COUT, carry}); endmodule
3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 26 Hierarchy Established by instantiation of modules and primitives within modules Typically use a top-down design methodology Verify the design using bottom-up strategy For example: Add_full Add_half or Add_half nand not xor
3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 27 Language Conventions Verilog is case-sensitive Don’t use the same name for different items in the same scope All Verilog key words are lower case Identifiers have upper case or lower case letters, decimal digits, and underscore Specify “strings” in double quotes // and /* comment */ are used for comments Names beginning with $ denote built-in systems tasks for functions (e.g., $monitor)
3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 28 Representing Numbers Numbers can be represented in: decimal (d or D), hex (h or H), octal (o or O), and binary (b or B) Representation for numbers is ’ where size: gives size in bits (optional) – default at least 32 base_format: tells base (d, h, o, or b) – default decimal number: a value expressed in the specified base Real numbers can use scientific notation (e.g., +1.02e-4)
3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 29 Examples of Representing * Numbers NumberDecimal EquivalentStored 4’d3 3 0011 8’ha 10 00001010 8’o26 22 00010110 5’b111 7 00111 8’b0101_1101 93 01011101 8’bx1101 - xxxx1101 Numbers whose most significant bit is x or z are extended with x or z.
3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 30 Things to Know Module Syntax & Its Use Combinational Logic Primitives & Their Use Description Styles Structural Description Connections Multiple Instances Arrays Continuous Assignment Hierarchical Design Language Conventions & Number Representation
3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 31 L ecture 2.2 - Simulation and Testbenches Overview Simulation Event-Driven Simulation Simulation with Transport Delays Simulation with Inertial Delays Verilog Simulation Scheduling Semantics Stimulus Generation & Response Monitoring Generic Simulation Structure Testbench Approach
3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 32 Verilog Simulation Signals Values {0, 1, x, z} x - Unknown, ambiguous z - High impedance, open circuit Strengths Signals have strength values for “switch level” simulation Not used in this course
3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 33 Event-Driven Simulation Hypothetical Approach: Divide time into small increments and simulate all element outputs for each increment of time. Problem: Computationally very intensive and slow. Alternative Approach: Simulate an element only when its inputs have changed. Why effective? For any time increment, few signals are changing, so activity limited.
3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 34 Event-Driven Simulation Formally, an event occurs when a signal changes in value. Simulation is event-driven if new values are computed: only for signals affected by events that have already occurred, only at those times when changes can occur.
3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 35 Event-Driven Simulation Operation of simulator depends on a time- ordered event queue. Initial events on the list consist of input changes. These changes cause events to be scheduled (placed on the queue) for execution at a later time. If the event queue becomes empty, all simulation activity ceases until another input change occurs.
3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 36 Event-Driven Simulation Example: A B C X Y Z
3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 37 Event-Driven Simulation Zero Delay Model A B C X Y Z x xx x xx 1** 0 110 10**1 011
3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 38 Event-Driven Simulation Unit Delay Model A B C X Y Z x xx x xx 1** xx 0* xxx x x 11 x 0 1 1 1* 0* 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0** 1 1 0 1* 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0* 1 1* 1 1 0 0 1
3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 39 Simulation with Transport Delay Example: A B C X Y Z 1 2 2 3
3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 40 Z=1 X=1 6Y=0Z=1 5Y=1Z=0 4Y=0 2B=1*X=1 Simulation with Transport Delay Linked Event Queue 1A=1*B=0*3 X=0 C=1
3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 41 Simulation with Transport Delay Waveforms A X B Y Z C X XXX XXX XXXXX
3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 42 Simulation with Inertial Delay What is inertial delay? Multiple events cannot occur on the output in a time less than the delay. Example AND with delay = 2 A B C C Transport Delay Inertial Delay 1 ns
3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 43 Simulation with Inertial Delay Waveforms A X B Y Z C X XXX XXX XXXXX 18253467
3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 44 3 B=0* X=0 6 Y=0 C=1 Z=1 Linked Event Queue Simulation with Inertial Delay 1A=1*B=0* 2 B=1* X=1 4 Y=0X=1 Z=1 5Y=1Z=0
3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 45 Simulation with Inertial Delay Material Moved to previous slide
3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 46 Verilog Simulation Scheduling Semantics To be covered later in relation to execution of assignment statements
3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 47 Stimulus Generation and Response Monitoring Generic Simulation Structure UUT Module Test Vectors, Force Files, Waveforms Stimulus Response Vectors, Waveforms Response
3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 48 Testbench Approach - 1 Use Verilog module to produce testing environment including stimulus generation and/or response monitoring UUT Module Stimulus Response Testbench Module
3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 49 Stimulus Generation Example 1: `timescale 1ns /1ns module com_test_bench_v; reg[8:0] stim; wire[3:0] S; wire C4; adder_4_b_v a1(stim[8:5], stim[4:1], stim[0], S, C4); //Continued on next slide endmodule
3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 50 Stimulus Generation Example 1 - 2 //Generate stimulus initial begin stim = 9'b000000000; #10 stim = 9'b111100001; #10 stim = 9'b000011111; #10 stim = 9'b111100010; #10 stim = 9'b000111110; #10 stim = 9'b111100000; #10 stim = 9'b000011110; #10 $stop; end
3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 51 Stimulus Generation * Example 2 moduletest_NAND_latch regpreset, clear;// inputs wire q, qbar;// outputs Nand_latch M1(q, q_bar, present, clear)// instantiate UUT initial begin $monitor ($time, “preset = %b, clear = %b, q = %b, qbar = %b”, preset, clear, q, qbar); #10preset = 0; #10preset = 1;$stop;// Hit Enter to proceed #10clear = 0; #10clear = 1; #10 $finish;// Returns control to OS end //This is not a thorough test - input combinations contain x’s endmodule
3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 52 Testbench Approach - 2 Other Testbench Stimuli Generators Counters (Good for up to 8 or 9 input variables) Linear Feedback Shift Registers Loadable Shift Register with Initialization Memory Memory Containing Test Vectors FSM
3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 53 Testbench Approach - 3 Testbench Response Analyzers Comparison to Memory Containing Response Vectors Linear Feedback Shift Register Comparison to Behavioral Verilog Model Response Finite State Machine (FSM)
3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 54 Summary Simulation is vital to validation Event-driven simulation is an efficient approach Inertial delays are harder to simulate Verilog has a specification for simulation semantics (to be discussed later) A testbench is a useful alternative to input stimulation files and output response files.
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