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3/4/20031 ECE 551: Digital System * Design & Synthesis Lecture Set 2 2.1: Verilog – The Basics 2.2: Verilog – Simulation and Testbenches.

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1 3/4/20031 ECE 551: Digital System * Design & Synthesis Lecture Set 2 2.1: Verilog – The Basics 2.2: Verilog – Simulation and Testbenches

2 3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 2 ECE 551 - Digital System Design & Synthesis Lecture 2.1 – Verilog – The Basics  Overview  Primitives  Modules  Styles  Structural Descriptions  Language Conventions  Number Representation

3 3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 3 Modules  The Module Concept  Basic design unit  Modules are: Declared -  define the module and what it does  includes both interface & implementation Instantiated  Use the module in another design or testbench  Note: Module declarations cannot be nested

4 3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 4 Module Declaration * module decoder_2_to_4 (A, D) ; input [1:0] A ; output [3:0] D ; // RTL Description assign D = (A == 2'b00) ? 4'b0001 : (A == 2'b01) ? 4'b0010 : (A == 2'b10) ? 4'b0100 : (A == 2'b11) ? 4'b1000 : 4'bxxxx) ; endmodule Decoder 2-to-4 A[1:0] D[3:0] 2 4

5 3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 5 Bachus-Naur Form  Verilog syntax conforms to the Bachus-Naur Form (see Text Appendix ? And IEEE 1364-2001 Annex ??)  Name ::= begins a definition  | introduces an alternative (or)  bold textcorrespond to Verilog key words  [item]an optional item that may appear once  {item}an option item that may appear more than once |...Other alternatives exist, but not listed

6 3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 6 Module Declaration Syntax module_declaration ::= module_keyword module_identifier [list of ports]; {module_item} endmodule module_keyword ::= module|macromodule list_of_ports ::= (port {, port}) module_item ::= module_item_declaration | parameter_override | continuous_assign | gate_instantiation | udp_instantiation | module_instantiation | specify_block | initial_construct | always_construct

7 3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 7 Module Declaration - * Annotated module decoder_2_to_4 (A, D) ; /* module_keyword module_identifier (list of ports) */ input [1:0] A ; // input_declaration output [3:0] D ; // output_declaration // RTL description assign D = (A == 2'b00) ? 4'b0001 : (A == 2'b01) ? 4'b0010 : (A == 2'b10) ? 4'b0100 : (A == 2'b11) ? 4'b1000 : 4'bxxxx) ; /* continuous_assign- ment */ endmodule

8 3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 8 Module Declaration – Verilog 2001  Example module half_adder (input wire [1:0] x, output reg [1:0] z); //ANSI style: I/O & datatype declarations in module ports // behavioral description always@(x) begin z[1] <= x[1] ^ x[0]; // x1 XOR x0 z[0] <= x[1] & x[0]; // x1 AND x0 end endmodule  Works in Modelsim

9 3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 9 Module Identifiers and Ports  Module identifiers - must not be keywords!  Ports  First example of signals  Scalar: e. g., c_out  Vector: e. g., A[1:0], A[0:1], D[3:0], and D[0:3] Range is MSB to LSB (left to right) Can refer to partial ranges - D[2:1]  Type: defined by keywords input output inout (bi-directional)

10 3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 10 Module Instantiation Syntax module _instantiation ::= module_identifier [parameter_value_assignment] module_instance {, module_instance}; parameter_value_assignment ::= # (expression {, expression}) module_instance ::= name_of_instance ([list_of_module_connections]) name_of_instance ::= module_instance_identifier [range] list of module connections ::= ordered_port_connection {, ordered_port_connection} | named_port_connection {, named_port_connection} ordered_port_connection ::= [expression] named_port_connection ::=. port_identifier ([expression])  Example: full_add #4 FA[3:0](A, B, C, Sum, C_out);  All modules instantiated in one statement must have same delay.

11 3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 11 Module Instantiation Example module decoder_3_to_8 (A, D) ; input [2:0] A ; output [7:0] D ; wire [7:0] D_temp; wire A2_bar; not N0 (A2_bar, A[2]); // primitive instant. decoder_2_to_4 D0 (A[1:0], D_temp[3:0]);// module instant. decoder_2_to_4 D1 (A[1:0], D_temp[7:4]);// module instant. and [3:0] (D[3:0], D_temp[3:0], {4 {A2_bar}}); and [3:0] (D[7:4], D_temp[7:4], {4{A[2]}}); endmodule Decoder 3-to-8 A[2:0] D[7:0] 3 8

12 3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 12 Module Instantiation Examples  Single module instantiation for two module instances decoder_2_4 D0 (A[1:0], D_temp[3:0]), D1 (A[1:0], D_temp[7:4]);  Single module instantiation for array of instances half_add [3:0] (sum[3:0], c_out[3:0], A[3:0], B[3:0]);  Named port connections decoder_2_4 D0 (.D (D_temp[3:0]),.A (A[1:0]));  ports no longer have to be in order  more likely to get ports correct

13 3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 13 Primitives  Predefined Primitives  Built into Verilog  Basic combinational and switch-level building blocks for structural descriptions. For example, nand(c, a, b) // Output must be first  Have behavior, but no lower-level description  User-Defined Primitives  Basic combinational and sequential structural building blocks  Have behavior based on lower-level descriptions using truth tables  Covered in detail later

14 3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 14 Built-in Primitives  Combination logic primitives  and, nand, or, nor, xor, xnor (one output, multiple inputs) and(z, a[7:0]);  buf, not(multiple outputs, one input) not(a_not[7:0], a);  Three state logic primitives  bufif0, bufif1, notif0, notif1 (multiple outputs, one input, one enable) bufif1(a_buf[7:0], a, enable);  Switch level primitives  MOS gates, CMOS gates, Bi-directionals, Pull Gates  Useful when doing transistor-level design and simulation  Not used in this course  See Appendix A for details

15 3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 15 Built-in Primitives  No declarations - can only be instantiated  All output ports appear in list before any input ports  Optionally specify: instance name and/or delay and N25 (Z, A, B, C); // name specified and #10 (Z, A, B, X), (X, C, D, E); // delay specified and #10 N30 (Z, A, B, D); // name and delay specified /*Usually better to provide instance name for debugging.*/ or N30 (Out1, A1, A2, A3), // 3-input OR N41(Out2, B1, B2); // 2-input OR

16 3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 16 Structural Model Example module majority (V1, V2, V3, major) ; input V1, V2, V3 ; output major ; wire N1, N2, N3; and A0 (N1, V1, V2), A1 (N2, V2, V3), A2 (N3, V3, V1); or O0(major, N1, N2, N3); endmodule and A0 V1 V2 and A1 V2 V3 and A2 V3 V1 or O0 major N1 N2 N3

17 3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 17 Descriptive Styles  Structural - instantiation of primitives and modules  RTL/Dataflow - continuous assignments  Behavioral - procedural assignments

18 3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 18 Style Example - Structural * module half_add (X, Y, S, C); input X, Y ; output S, C ; xor (S, X, Y); and (C, X, Y); endmodule module full_add (A, B, CI, S, CO) ; input A, B, CI ; output S, CO ; wire N1, N2, N3; half_add HA1 (A, B, N1, N2), HA2 (N1, CI, S, N3); or G1 (CO, N3, N2); endmodule

19 3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 19 Style Example - RTL/Dataflow module full_add_rtl (A, B, CI, S, CO) ; input A, B, CI ; output S, CO ; assign S = A ^ B ^ CI; //continuous assignment assign CI = A & B | A & CI | B & CI; //continuous assignment endmodule

20 3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 20 Style Example - Behavioral module full_add_bhv (A, B, CI, S, CO) ; input A, B, CI ; output S, CO ; reg S, CO;/* variable required to “hold” values between events */ always@(A or B or CI) /*event list – change triggers execution */ begin S <= A ^ B ^ CI;// procedural assignment CO <= A & B | A & CI | B & CI;// procedural assignment end endmodule

21 3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 21 Connections  By position association  module decoder_2_4_with_enable (A, E_n, D);  decoder_2_4_with_enable DX (X[3:2], W_n, word);  A = X[3:2], E_n = W_n, D = word  By name association  module decoder_2_4_with_enable (A, E_n, D);  decoder_2_4_with_enable DX (.E_n(W_n),.A(X[3:2]),.D(word));  A = X[3:2], E_n = W_n, D = word

22 3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 22 Empty Port Connections  Empty Port Connections  module decoder_2_4_with_enable (A, E_n, D);  decoder_2_4_with_enable DX (X[3:2],, word); E_n is at high-impedance state (z)  decoder_2_4_with_enable DX (X[3:2], W_n,); Outputs D[3:0] unused.  General rules  empty input ports => high impedance state (z)  empty output ports => output not used

23 3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 23 Multiple Instantiations/Assignments  Instantiate multiple gates: nand #1 G1 (y1, a1, a2, a3), G2 (y2, a2, a3), G3 (y3, a1, a3); // same delay  Assign multiple values assign # 1 y1 = a1 ^ a2, y2 = a2 | a3, y3 = a1 & a3;

24 3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 24 Arrays of Instances - 1 module array_of_xor (y, a, b) input [3:0] a,b; output [3:0] y; xor [3:0] (y, a, b)// instantiates 4 XOR gates endmodule module array_of_flops (q, data_in, clk, set, rst) input [7:0] data_in;// one per flip-flop input clk, set, rst;// shared signals output [7:0] q;// one per flip-flop /* instantiate flip-flops to form an 8-bit register */ flip_flop M [7:0] (q, data_in, clk, set, rst) endmodule

25 3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 25 Arrays of Instances - 2 module add_array (A, B, CIN, S, COUT) ; input [3:0] A, B ; input CIN ; output [3:0] S ; output COUT ; wire [3:1] carry; /* Instantiate four full-adders to form a 4-bit ripple- carry adder */ full_add FA[3:0] (A,B,{carry, CIN},S,{COUT, carry}); endmodule

26 3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 26 Hierarchy  Established by instantiation of modules and primitives within modules  Typically use a top-down design methodology  Verify the design using bottom-up strategy  For example: Add_full Add_half or Add_half nand not xor

27 3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 27 Language Conventions  Verilog is case-sensitive  Don’t use the same name for different items in the same scope  All Verilog key words are lower case  Identifiers have upper case or lower case letters, decimal digits, and underscore  Specify “strings” in double quotes  // and /* comment */ are used for comments  Names beginning with $ denote built-in systems tasks for functions (e.g., $monitor)

28 3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 28 Representing Numbers  Numbers can be represented in: decimal (d or D), hex (h or H), octal (o or O), and binary (b or B)  Representation for numbers is ’ where size: gives size in bits (optional) – default at least 32 base_format: tells base (d, h, o, or b) – default decimal number: a value expressed in the specified base  Real numbers can use scientific notation (e.g., +1.02e-4)

29 3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 29 Examples of Representing * Numbers  NumberDecimal EquivalentStored 4’d3 3 0011 8’ha 10 00001010 8’o26 22 00010110 5’b111 7 00111 8’b0101_1101 93 01011101 8’bx1101 - xxxx1101  Numbers whose most significant bit is x or z are extended with x or z.

30 3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 30 Things to Know  Module Syntax & Its Use  Combinational Logic Primitives & Their Use  Description Styles  Structural Description  Connections  Multiple Instances  Arrays  Continuous Assignment  Hierarchical Design  Language Conventions & Number Representation

31 3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 31 L ecture 2.2 - Simulation and Testbenches Overview  Simulation  Event-Driven Simulation  Simulation with Transport Delays  Simulation with Inertial Delays  Verilog Simulation Scheduling Semantics  Stimulus Generation & Response Monitoring  Generic Simulation Structure  Testbench Approach

32 3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 32 Verilog Simulation Signals  Values  {0, 1, x, z}  x - Unknown, ambiguous  z - High impedance, open circuit  Strengths  Signals have strength values for “switch level” simulation  Not used in this course

33 3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 33 Event-Driven Simulation  Hypothetical Approach: Divide time into small increments and simulate all element outputs for each increment of time.  Problem: Computationally very intensive and slow.  Alternative Approach: Simulate an element only when its inputs have changed.  Why effective? For any time increment, few signals are changing, so activity limited.

34 3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 34 Event-Driven Simulation  Formally, an event occurs when a signal changes in value.  Simulation is event-driven if new values are computed:  only for signals affected by events that have already occurred,  only at those times when changes can occur.

35 3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 35 Event-Driven Simulation  Operation of simulator depends on a time- ordered event queue.  Initial events on the list consist of input changes. These changes cause events to be scheduled (placed on the queue) for execution at a later time.  If the event queue becomes empty, all simulation activity ceases until another input change occurs.

36 3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 36 Event-Driven Simulation  Example: A B C X Y Z

37 3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 37 Event-Driven Simulation  Zero Delay Model A B C X Y Z x xx x xx 1** 0 110 10**1 011

38 3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 38 Event-Driven Simulation  Unit Delay Model A B C X Y Z x xx x xx 1** xx 0* xxx x x 11 x 0 1 1 1* 0* 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0** 1 1 0 1* 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0* 1 1* 1 1 0 0 1

39 3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 39 Simulation with Transport Delay  Example: A B C X Y Z 1 2 2 3

40 3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 40 Z=1 X=1 6Y=0Z=1 5Y=1Z=0 4Y=0 2B=1*X=1 Simulation with Transport Delay  Linked Event Queue 1A=1*B=0*3 X=0 C=1

41 3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 41 Simulation with Transport Delay  Waveforms A X B Y Z C X XXX XXX XXXXX

42 3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 42 Simulation with Inertial Delay  What is inertial delay?  Multiple events cannot occur on the output in a time less than the delay.  Example AND with delay = 2 A B C C Transport Delay Inertial Delay 1 ns

43 3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 43 Simulation with Inertial Delay  Waveforms A X B Y Z C X XXX XXX XXXXX 18253467

44 3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 44 3 B=0* X=0 6 Y=0 C=1 Z=1  Linked Event Queue Simulation with Inertial Delay 1A=1*B=0* 2 B=1* X=1 4 Y=0X=1 Z=1 5Y=1Z=0

45 3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 45 Simulation with Inertial Delay  Material Moved to previous slide

46 3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 46 Verilog Simulation Scheduling Semantics  To be covered later in relation to execution of assignment statements

47 3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 47 Stimulus Generation and Response Monitoring  Generic Simulation Structure UUT Module Test Vectors, Force Files, Waveforms Stimulus Response Vectors, Waveforms Response

48 3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 48 Testbench Approach - 1  Use Verilog module to produce testing environment including stimulus generation and/or response monitoring UUT Module Stimulus Response Testbench Module

49 3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 49 Stimulus Generation Example 1: `timescale 1ns /1ns module com_test_bench_v; reg[8:0] stim; wire[3:0] S; wire C4; adder_4_b_v a1(stim[8:5], stim[4:1], stim[0], S, C4); //Continued on next slide endmodule

50 3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 50 Stimulus Generation Example 1 - 2 //Generate stimulus initial begin stim = 9'b000000000; #10 stim = 9'b111100001; #10 stim = 9'b000011111; #10 stim = 9'b111100010; #10 stim = 9'b000111110; #10 stim = 9'b111100000; #10 stim = 9'b000011110; #10 $stop; end

51 3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 51 Stimulus Generation * Example 2 moduletest_NAND_latch regpreset, clear;// inputs wire q, qbar;// outputs Nand_latch M1(q, q_bar, present, clear)// instantiate UUT initial begin $monitor ($time, “preset = %b, clear = %b, q = %b, qbar = %b”, preset, clear, q, qbar); #10preset = 0; #10preset = 1;$stop;// Hit Enter to proceed #10clear = 0; #10clear = 1; #10 $finish;// Returns control to OS end //This is not a thorough test - input combinations contain x’s endmodule

52 3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 52 Testbench Approach - 2  Other Testbench Stimuli Generators  Counters (Good for up to 8 or 9 input variables)  Linear Feedback Shift Registers  Loadable Shift Register with Initialization Memory  Memory Containing Test Vectors  FSM

53 3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 53 Testbench Approach - 3  Testbench Response Analyzers  Comparison to Memory Containing Response Vectors  Linear Feedback Shift Register  Comparison to Behavioral Verilog Model Response  Finite State Machine (FSM)

54 3/4/2003 ECE 551 Spring 2003 54 Summary  Simulation is vital to validation  Event-driven simulation is an efficient approach  Inertial delays are harder to simulate  Verilog has a specification for simulation semantics (to be discussed later)  A testbench is a useful alternative to input stimulation files and output response files.

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