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Power Plant Construction and QA/QC Chapter 2– Guide to ASME Code VIII, Division 1, Pressure Vessels Engineering Technology Division.

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Presentation on theme: "Power Plant Construction and QA/QC Chapter 2– Guide to ASME Code VIII, Division 1, Pressure Vessels Engineering Technology Division."— Presentation transcript:

1 Power Plant Construction and QA/QC Chapter 2– Guide to ASME Code VIII, Division 1, Pressure Vessels Engineering Technology Division

2 2 Overview Chapter 2–ASME Code VIII, Div.1, Pressure Vessels Purpose - Find Information Quickly Section VIII – Basics, Structure Use – Type of Vessel Criteria – Pressure and Temperature Materials Assembly – Welding NDE - Methods

3 3 Section VIII Contents Chapter 2–ASME Code VIII, Div.1, Pressure Vessels Division 1 - 1925 Division 2 - 1968 Division 3 - 1997

4 4 Overview Chapter 2–ASME Code VIII, Div.1, Pressure Vessels

5 5 Section VIII Contents

6 6 Section VIII Comparison Chapter 2–ASME Code VIII, Div.1, Pressure Vessels Nuclear

7 7 Chapter 2–ASME Code VIII, Div.1, Pressure Vessels Section VIII Comparison Nuclear

8 8 Hierarchy of Standards Chapter 2–ASME Code VIII, Div.1, Pressure Vessels

9 9 Manufacturers Responsibilities Chapter 2–ASME Code VIII, Div.1, Pressure Vessels

10 10 ASME Code Key Words Chapter 2–ASME Code VIII, Div.1, Pressure Vessels SHALLMandatory Rules MAY NOTProhibition MAYRecommendation or CANExemption from Prohibition SHOULDRecommendation

11 11 Vessel Heads Chapter 2–ASME Code VIII, Div.1, Pressure Vessels Thickness Forming Method Assembly Welds Pressure

12 12 Reactor Assembly Chapter 2–ASME Code VIII, Div.1, Pressure Vessels

13 13 Nozzles Chapter 2–ASME Code VIII, Div.1, Pressure Vessels Weak Point in Vessel Reinforcement

14 14 Inspection and Testing Chapter 2–ASME Code VIII, Div.1, Pressure Vessels

15 15 Chapter 2–ASME Code VIII, Div.1, Pressure Vessels Inspection and Testing

16 16 Questions? Chapter 2–ASME Code VIII, Div.1, Pressure Vessels

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