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ANR Statewide Conference April 27-30, 2009 Strategic Planning Sessions April 28 and 29, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "ANR Statewide Conference April 27-30, 2009 Strategic Planning Sessions April 28 and 29, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 ANR Statewide Conference April 27-30, 2009 Strategic Planning Sessions April 28 and 29, 2009

2 ANR Strategic Vision 2025 A thriving California with healthy food systems healthy food systems healthy environments healthy environments healthy communities healthy communities healthy Californians healthy Californians

3 Overall Purpose of Sessions First step in development of ANR Implementation Plan Generate a range of ideas on how ANR can best implement the Vision, broad to specific, local to division-wide; all are ok. All information from these sessions will be provided to the Vice President for future use in the development of the implementation plan. The Vice President will identify major themes and key elements from the sessions on Thursday morning.

4 Session I Purpose:Brainstorm approaches to enhance ANR’s ability to effectively implement the strategic vision – think out of the box Outcomes: Identification of 2 potential strategies/approaches for implementing the strategic vision

5 Small Group Activity What are options to enhance ANR’s ability to effectively implement the strategic vision? organizational structures organizational structures inputs (like funding, expertise…) inputs (like funding, expertise…) Outputs (like publications, events…) Outputs (like publications, events…)

6 Small Group Activity  Select a recorder  Brainstorm lots of ideas and capture on 8.5x11” paper on the table  Narrow to 2 potential strategies to develop in next session  Write up these 2 potential strategies/approaches on flip chart paper

7 Questions to stimulate your thinking… ( not questions to answer )  What are possible new models? What kinds of capacity do we need?  What are the right titles (advisor, specialist, program reps, faculty etc. ) to meet the challenges of 2025?  How should we best organize our units (counties, research programs, the REC system, and administration) to meet the challenges?  What are the benefits and risks of organizing around county-based CE?  How should we organize research to meet the challenges of 2025?  How do we leverage external funding?  How do we best meet our public mission given the State’s challenges?  How can the statewide programs model remain relevant for addressing challenges of 2025? Workgroups?

8 Brainstorm Guidelines  All ideas OK  Go ahead & think out of the box  Defer evaluation  Build on others’ ideas

9 Group’s two Strategies/Approaches  Enter each strategy/approach on the top of a Post-it flip chart paper  These will be used in Session II

10 ANR Statewide Conference Strategic Planning Session II

11 Session II Purpose: Identification of the pros and cons of potential approaches from Session I. Outcomes: Identification of two approaches from each group to move forward to Session III for implementing the Strategic Vision

12 Larger Group Activity  Identify group member to enter information into lap top template at end of session  Review the approaches brought forward from Session I Clarify Clarify Combine duplicates Combine duplicates  Brainstorm pros and cons for each strategy/approach

13 Larger Group Activity Continued  Review the pros and cons for each strategy/approach  Identify two strategies/approaches to bring forward for further discussion to Session III  Recorder enter two strategies/approaches with pros and cons in template on lap top

14 Brainstorm Guidelines  All ideas OK  Thinking out of the box is still OK  Defer evaluation  Build on others’ ideas

15 Enter your two Strategies/Approaches URL:

16 ANR Statewide Conference Strategic Planning Session III

17 Session III Purpose:Further discussion/refinement of the potential strategies/approaches from Sessions I and II. Outcome: Identified approach(es) for ANR to consider for the implementation plan.

18 Larger Mixed Group Activity  Identify recorder to enter information on the top approach(es)/strateg(ies) into lap top template  Review the approaches and pros/cons from Tuesday’s sessions  Select strategies/approaches to review evaluate, analyze, modify, and/or suggest alternatives. evaluate, analyze, modify, and/or suggest alternatives. For each ‘con, suggest a modification to the strategy that would potentially make the approach viable For each ‘con, suggest a modification to the strategy that would potentially make the approach viable

19 Larger Group Activity continued  Identify approach(es) for ANR along with a revised set of pros/cons for each approach.  Recorder enter approach(es) with pros and cons, and modified cons in template on lap top.  All information will be saved

20 Enter each Strategy/Approach and new pros, cons and cons modified to pros URL:

21 A thriving California with healthy food systems healthy environments healthy communities healthy Californians VISION 2025

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