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Marketing Ryan Beran. Marketing  Marketing: Exchange of goods or services for a sum of money  Google Google Is the process of interesting potential.

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Presentation on theme: "Marketing Ryan Beran. Marketing  Marketing: Exchange of goods or services for a sum of money  Google Google Is the process of interesting potential."— Presentation transcript:

1 Marketing Ryan Beran

2 Marketing  Marketing: Exchange of goods or services for a sum of money  Google Google Is the process of interesting potential customers and clients in your products and/or services.  Is the act of buying or selling in a market 

3 Four P’s  Product  Place  Price  Promotion  When they overlap, your product/service will be successful

4 Product  Quality How good of a product is it?  Reliability Dependable?  Is it a product there is demand for?

5 Place  Location Right place to sell product/service? Market  Example  Selling surfboards in Wisconsin

6 Promotion  Get people to know your product/service exists  If no one knows about your product, you will not sell any  Good promotions effect buyer’s decisions

7 Price  Price is a determining factor If quality is the same, price will decide  Has to be affordable for the consumer  In consumer’s price range

8 Marketing Concept  Marketing concept: Businesses must satisfy customers’ needs and wants in order to make a profit  Marketing Essentials book (pg. 21) Businesses should analyze the needs of their customers and then make decisions to satisfy those needs, better than the competition 

9 Modified Products  Cheetos Many flavors  Regular  Puffs  Flamin’ Hot  And more  Different styles  This product is successful because of the variety, promotion, price, and quality

10 Modified Products  LeapFrog battery recharging station Recharges the two battery packs for playing the LeapFrog games This product has failed because of bad quality  Batteries overheat and can burn  35,000 recalled

11 Modified Products  Coca-Cola BlaK Soda Failed because it didn’t taste

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