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Park West School Division 2010 – Delphi Group. The Changing Face of Education.

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Presentation on theme: "Park West School Division 2010 – Delphi Group. The Changing Face of Education."— Presentation transcript:

1 Park West School Division 2010 – Delphi Group

2 The Changing Face of Education

3 View from Mt. Pamassus

4 Delphi Group  Individually “I” may make mistakes  Collectively “WE” shouldn’t  Education is the focus  If it doesn’t improve/support learning WHY-DO-IT  Composed of teaching staff and admin to help plan for LwICT in the PWSD


6 Know Thine Self


8 Research in the last 20 years has shown that the most effective way to infuse ICT is to focus on pedagogy rather than on technology……. Why were these models used


10 Teachers need to engage learners with the best teaching practices based on modern educational research: Differentiating Instruction Differentiating Instruction Using Cooperative learning Strategies Using Cooperative learning Strategies Multi-level learning Multi-level learning Inquiry based pedagogy Inquiry based pedagogy LwICT Infusing ICT into student learning LwICT Infusing ICT into student learning It’s not just Manitoba ……………… It’s not just Manitoba ……………… It’s not just Manitoba It’s not just Manitoba

11 Delphi Group Decision making process regarding/for technology has to focus on pedagogy and student learning outcomes not just the “technology”

12 The illiterate of the future are not those who can’t read and write but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn. - Alvin Toffler

13 A Short History of Technology in Education  Expert in each school led the way Research now shows that it had an over-all negative effect Research now shows that it had an over-all negative effect  Tried to keep up with the latest trends  Skill based - learned how to use a word processor, spread sheet etc.  Software application and computer courses (we taught ‘DOS’)

14 Technology was the domain of specialists in our schools. No one else used it !

15 By the Late 90’s  Start to see technology as an integrated tool  Technology needed to be where the learning was (in the classroom)  Pedagogy matches the technology  ILC’s - Started as the IMYM project in 2001 in BRSD  Literacy with ICT will help to refocus our PWSD ILC initiative classrooms  “All” Manitoba Curricula recommend cooperative/guided learning and the inquiry process***  ILC’s match the technology to the pedagogy

16 Literacy with ICT Across the Curriculum encourages movement from “ICT as supplementary to the curriculum” to a model that infuses ICT across the curriculum.

17 Technology has changed how we teach!

18 Alec. “Typical Teacher Network.” Alec’s Public Gallery. 3 January 2007. hoto#5015994209040719186

19 Alec. “Networked Teacher.” Alec’s Public Gallery. 3 January 2007. hoto#5015994204745751874

20 School 1.0 Warlick, David. "More on School 2.0." 2 Cent's Worth 27 February 2007.

21 School 2.0 Warlick, David. "More on School 2.0." 2 Cent's Worth 27 February 2007.

22 Student’s learn the best when:  Talk about what they are learning  Write about it  Relate it to past experiences  Apply it to their daily lives

23 Literacy with ICT means: Choosing and using ICT responsibly and ethically, to support critical and creative thinking about information and about communication as citizens of the global community.

24 Learning is not a spectator sport!

25 They must make what they learn part of themselves. Chickering and Gamson 1987

26 Students are expected to:  Infuse ICT in all applicable subject areas to facilitate critical thinking to plan and gather information.  Infuse ICT in all subject areas to facilitate creative thinking to produce and communicate information.  To use ICT responsibly and ethically.

27 Good learning, like good work, is collaborative and social, not competitive and i solated.

28 AssessmentAssessmentAssessmentAssessment TriangleTriangleTriangleTriangle

29 We learn new things by doing them first with others !

30 Student’s learn the best when:  Talk about what they are learning  Write about it  Relate it to past experiences  Apply it to their daily lives

31 The Future ??? Some ideas concepts etc.

32 High Speed Data Services  2 years left on our contract with INET $105,000.00 per year $105,000.00 per year 10 meg pipe out is full 10 meg pipe out is full 5 megs between schools 5 megs between schools  Provincial Govt. High Speed A 20 meg pipe out A 20 meg pipe out 20 meg between schools 20 meg between schools $300,000 + per year $300,000 + per year

33 Fibre Optic Partnership  Cost is ~ 1.8 million Partnership with neighbouring divisions Partnership with neighbouring divisions Community Support Community Support Gov’t grants/support funding Gov’t grants/support funding  Yearly costs ~ $40,000.00  Compared to the govt. program, we could pay it off in 7 years  Long term we would save over $250,000 per year compared to the Govt. program

34 Assessment Tools and Reporting Outcome Based Assessment  We have First Class  Others are out there Maplewood, Trevlac etc. Maplewood, Trevlac etc.  Most Promising looks to be Power School Recommended by Ken O’Connor Recommended by Ken O’Connor Recommended by Ken O’Connor Recommended by Ken O’Connor  Ministers announcement ??? Might be a paper one! Might be a paper one!  A green report card

35 Digital Citizenship and Internet Safety  Huge area of concern  LwICT good foundation of activities etc.

36 Computer Science  Hasn't been offered in years Mark Waldner Offered it in Decker last year. Mark Waldner Offered it in Decker last year.  Multi-Billion dollar industry  Will require strategic hiring or training of a staff member

37 Windows 7.0 + Office 2010  Only 25% of our existing computers (mainly Netbooks) can run Windows 7.0  Office 2010 may run on Xp ???  Huge PD challenge  Web 2.0 products like Google Apps are here now and getting better ???

38 Software  Proprietary large vendor software is expensive – students can’t use it at home!  Web 2.0 is here and real  Department Web-ct courses use freeware/shareware and web 2.0 Web-ct  LwICT and Senior Years ICT courses outcomes are the same: Communicating/problem solving/sharing Communicating/problem solving/sharing

39  Edutainment software is NOT effective  We are professional educators: Can we not do better? Can we not do better? Early years students need to produce to show understanding! Early years students need to produce to show understanding! Kidspiration etc. Kidspiration etc. What about resource students? What about resource students?  Success Maker???

40 Career and Technology Studies Career and Technology Studies  Developed by the Prairie Rose S.D. enabling students in small rural high schools to access technical /vocational learning experience.

41 Open Source Material

42  Could use 1 st class/wiki’s etc. to organize and compile learning resources  Available web 2.0 products like FlexBooks FlexBooks

43 E-collections/Portfolios  Epearl  1 st class conference  Division network  Wiki’s  LiveBinders LiveBinders

44 Tech Support  Move was made to windows  We don’t run a Netware platform anymore. Was designed for school based administration Was designed for school based administration School controlled licensing/access to software/lock students out of programs for specific time periods School controlled licensing/access to software/lock students out of programs for specific time periods Look at/control student desktops Look at/control student desktops Border manager controlled flow and access Border manager controlled flow and access STILL required DEEP FREEZE ***Cam re-imaged Birtle Col on average once a month STILL required DEEP FREEZE ***Cam re-imaged Birtle Col on average once a month

45 Presently  Windows servers and our schools are networked together  A virus will go viral very quickly  Deep Freeze is required Saved hundreds of hours of tech support time Saved hundreds of hours of tech support time  Planning for software installs? Xmas/summer/spring break Xmas/summer/spring break  Citrix win frame type possible solution Dumb terminals Dumb terminals

46 All Schools are different  I will let principals know at the next admin meeting – that if they would like a meeting over the IITV system or in person with the techs/myself/Gerald/Stephen etc. if needed to discuss any specific concerns.  We have too many educational things to do !

47 Netbook Pilots  As usual in PWSD got out of hand  As usual in PWSD got out of hand  No one likes to say no!

48 Who Owns???  If a school purchased ICT equipment from their own budget: Who owns it? Who owns it? Who repairs it? Who repairs it? Who replaces it? Who replaces it?

49 Interactive White Boards  In many of our classes  How are they used?  What are they used for?  Who uses them?  Notebook Software is amazing  Do we need to look at budgeting for more? Can we share what we have? Can we share what we have? Other technologies wireless projectors with multiple wifi inputs Other technologies wireless projectors with multiple wifi inputs

50 Home School Communication  Wikis/blogs/web-pages  We have asked 1 st Class to enable students and parents to see all assignment and marks from gradebook  Products like edline edline

51 Others  1 to 1 laptop  Technology plan

52 The Changing Face of Education

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