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ECE ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY ECE Assistive Technology Liaisons: Cindy Simpson Brian Franklin

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2 ECE ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY ECE Assistive Technology Liaisons: Cindy Simpson Brian Franklin

3 AAC ASSESSMENT REQUEST Informal consultations/screens are available any time, just call or email. You can request a formal AAC assessment via any of the following: 1. Call the office at 485-6060. 2. Send an email to Cindy or Brian. 3. Pony or fax the evaluation planning form & IEP to the office.

4 PRIOR TO ASSESSMENT 1. SLP ensures written parent consent has been obtained for the AT assessment prior to submitting a request. 2. If possible, the SLP should complete the TASP. 3. A questionnaire will be emailed to you to complete prior to the assessment. 4. An agreed upon time and day will be scheduled for the assessment to occur. Several days may be indicated.

5 DURING THE ASSESSMENT 1. The student will be observed. 2. The AT liaison will work 1:1 with the student. 3. The teacher, teacher assistants, and/or SLP will be interviewed. AAC options will be discussed.

6 POST ASSESSMENT 1. The AT liaison will provide a written AT assessment report uploaded to infinite campus. 2. The SLP will trial AAC options with student. 3. The SLP will monitor progress and follow up as this is critical for student success/communicative competence.

7 MATERIALS AVAILABLE FOR LOAN AT THE ECE TECHNOLOGY CENTER Large and small PECS books ProxTalkers Single message devices (ie. BIGmack) Sequencers (ie. Step-By-Step) 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 20, and 32 message static devices Dynamic display devices (ie. iPad; iPod; tablet touchscreen with Boardmaker with SD Pro) 3 Eye gaze systems for trial purposes only (PRC & Tobii) Switches (including bluetooth wireless switches) Switch interfaces

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