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Comma Rules English I.

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1 Comma Rules English I

2 Items in a series I like peas, beans, grapes, and apples. 2. City/State/Address I live in Brandon, Mississippi, near the high school. 3. Greeting/closing of a friendly letter Dear John, Love, Shelby 4. Date I was born on December 18, 1990, in Memphis, Tennessee.

3 Use commas with coordinating conjunctions - “FANBOYS”
5. Compound Sentence: I went to the store, and I bought a Coke. For And Nor But Or Yet So Use commas with coordinating conjunctions - “FANBOYS” Note – Do not use a comma with a conjunction if there are not two sentences: I went to the store and bought a Coke.

4 6. Appositive My sister, a teacher at Ole Miss, has three children. 7. Interrupter/parenthetical expression - (however, of course, to tell the truth, etc.): - Northwest Rankin, to tell the truth, is a great school. - Of course, I’m going to the game. 8. Noun of address - Jason, please hand me that paper. - Please sit down, Lisa, and be quiet.

5 In the barn the cows and pigs fought.
9. Introductory word - (yes, no, well, oh): Yes, I made a good grade on the test. 10. Introductory phrase - Whispering softly, Sam told me that he loved me. - Behind the old barn, I saw a wild fox.** ** Introductory prepositional phrases that have four or more words need a comma. Less than four words – no comma: In the barn the cows and pigs fought.

6 11. Introductory clause (subordinate/dependent clause)
After we win the championship, we will go celebrate. 12. Coordinate adjective (two adjectives) It was a cool, crisp day. Hint - use a comma if you can insert “and” in place of the comma. - It was a cool AND crisp day. 13. To prevent misreading/to improve clarity Whatever you do, do well. Baking, Mary burned her finger.

7 14. Name with a title or degree
- John Jones, Jr., lives in Dallas. - My dentist is Seth Thomas, D.D.S. 15. To introduce a direct quote Haley said, “ I worked hard on that Homecoming float.” Note – no comma with an indirect quote: Kyle said that he would meet us at the mall.

8 Nonessential clause (not necessary in the sentence)
Kelly’s car, which is blue, was stolen last night. Note – No commas are used with essential clauses The car that was stolen was Kelly’s. Hint - Usually use commas with “which” but no commas with “that.” Do not use a comma with “because” I can’t go to the game because I have to work.

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